Bootstrap Interview Questions

Bootstrap is a popular open-source framework with pre-designed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components, helping developers create responsive, mobile-friendly designs quickly and easily, making web development faster and more efficient.

Table of Contents

Bootstrap Interview Questions for Freshers

Q1. What is Bootstrap?

Ans: Bootstrap is a free, open-source framework that provides pre-designed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components such as tables, forms, buttons, carousels, navigation bars, images, and many others to help developers create responsive, mobile-friendly websites quickly and efficiently.

Q.2 How do you include Bootstrap in a project?

Ans: Bootstrap can be integrated into a project by including its CDN for CSS and JavaScript files, directly downloading and hosting the files, or through package managers such as npm or Yarn.

Q.3 What are Bootstrap utility classes?

Bootstrap utility classes are CSS predefined CSS classes that are used to style our elements like spacing, text alignment, colors, visibility, and more without the need to write custom CSS.

Q.4 What are the main features of the Bootstrap framework?

There are some following features:

  1. Responsive Design: To ensure that the sites change according to the available screen size.  
  2. Predefined Components: This includes buttons, nav bars, modals, and anything in between.  
  3. Grid System: Aids in layouts with the help of rows and columns.  
  4. Customizable: Sass or themes are to be used for modification in the styles.  
  5. Browser Compatibility: It is partly effective on all major browsers. 

Q.5: What are Bootstrap buttons, and what is the class for a basic Button Group?

Bootstrap buttons are built-in styles that are defined actions such as submitting forms or for navigating. For a primary call to action button, we use .btn btn-primary, for a basic button the class is .btn and for a button group is .btn-group, to group them together into a single container.

Q.6: What is a Bootstrap Container?

A Bootstrap container is a layout element that wraps content and aligns it properly. It provides consistent padding and responsive behavior, available as .containe for fixed width or .container-fluid for full width.

Q7: What is the difference between Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5

Parameter Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap 5
Grid System Supports a 5-tier grid (xs, sm, md, lg, xl). Introduces a 6-tier grid system (xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl).
jQuery Dependency Requires jQuery for functionality and plugins. Removed jQuery, and replaced it with vanilla JavaScript for plugins.
Form Controls Form elements may look inconsistent across different operating systems. Standardized appearance of form controls across all browsers and systems.
Utility API Utilities are predefined and cannot be customized. Provides a Utilities API for creating and modifying custom utilities.
Icons No built-in icon. Includes a dedicated SVG icon library called Bootstrap Icons.
Internet Explorer Supports Internet Explorer 10 and 11. Drops support for Internet Explorer entirely.


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Q8: How does Bootstrap handle responsive design?

Bootstrap handles responsive design by using the grid layout for responsiveness, along with pre-set breaks and utility classes. These are elements that alter the aspects of layout, gaps, and content presentation to other devices and displays.

Q9: What are responsive breakpoints in Bootstrap?

In Bootstrap, breakpoints are points at which layouts adjust themselves according to the device and predefined size and width. They are xs, sm, md, lg, xl, and xxl so that the content of the layouts is well rendered on the different screen sizes. The classes of Bootstrap that are used to determine layouts for small, medium, and large screens are .col-sm, .col-md, and .col-lg respectively.

Q.10: What are input groups in Bootstrap?

In Bootstrap input groups are used to combine inputs along with other components like buttons, text, or icons altogether into one interactive form control.

Q11: What are badges in Bootstrap?

Badges in Bootstrap are small, stylish labels used to display additional information like counts or status. They are added to elements like buttons or text using the .badge class for better visual emphasis.

Q12: What is the modal in Bootstrap?

A modal in Bootstrap is a dialog box or popup window displayed over the main content. It is used for alerts, forms, or additional information, created with .modal and customizable for responsiveness.

Q13: How does Bootstrap handle form validation?

Bootstrap uses HTML5 validation attributes and in-built styles to validate forms. It also provides classes used to visually show that certain fields are valid or invalid such as .is-valid and .is-invalid to help users in easy identification and correction.

Q14: How do you customize Bootstrap using Sass or LESS?

Customize Bootstrap using sass or less by changing the variables such as colors, spacing, or even breakpoints from the source files. Variables are identified in files such as variables.scss or variables. less in case of easy editing. 

Q15:How does Flexbox work in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap Flexbox is used for making and containing layouts, for positioning different elements. It offers simple classes for flexboxes, such as .d-flex, .justify-content, and .align-items, which enable professional arrangement, distance between items, and their alignment in response to the screen size.

Q16:How do you integrate Bootstrap with frameworks like React or Angular?

Bootstrap can easily be integrated into React as well as in Angular by using npm install or CDN linking. For dynamic components, use the libraries that offer Bootstrap as native components, for example, React-Bootstrap for React or ng-bootstrap for Angular.

Q17: What is the role of Bootstrap themes, and how do you implement them?

Bootstrap themes work by modifying default styles where there are pre-designed templates and colors to create uniqueness and consistency. It also saves development time and can be further fine-tuned to meet individual branding or application requirements.

For implementation

  1. Download a theme or create one.
  2. Replace the default Bootstrap CSS with the theme’s CSS.
  3. Customize using Sass/LESS or inline styles as needed.
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Kickstart Your Career by Building Real-World Projects with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.

Q18: Why is Jumbotron used in Bootstrap?

The Jumbotron in Bootstrap is used to highlight key content, like headlines or calls to action. It creates a large, visually distinct section with padding and styling.

Q19: What are Bootstrap collapsing elements?

Bootstrap collapsing elements are used to show or hide content, like dropdowns or accordions. Using the .collapse class and data-bs-toggle attribute, we can easily create sections that expand or collapse when clicked.

Q20: What do you mean by Bootstrap well?

In Bootstrap, wells are used to provide a rounded bordered box along with a gray background color and some padding to the selected element. This box is  used to highlight content

Note: In Bootstrap 5, the. well, the class has been removed.

Q21: What is the purpose of gutters in the Bootstrap grid system, and how can they be adjusted?

Gutters in the Bootstrap grid system are empty spaces found between the columns, They can be adjusted using the .g-* classes (.g-0, .g-3) to set custom gutter sizes.

Q22: What Are Bootstrap Media Queries?

Bootstrap media queries are CSS rules that apply styles based on the screen size. They help to create responsive design by using specific styles based on breakpoints like small, medium, and large with respect to different screens and devices.

Q23: What are the uses of Bootstrap pagination?

Bootstrap pagination is used to divide content into multiple pages. like blog posts or search results. It provides responsive, styled controls for navigating through pages, It allows for a fluid and uniform look by using classes .pagination and .page-item.

HTML CSS Bootstrap interview questions

Q.24: What is the Bootstrap grid system?

The Bootstrap grid layout is a structure using rows and columns to create responsive, mobile-first designs.


<div class="container">

    <div class="row">

        <div class="col-md-6">Column 1</div>

        <div class="col-md-6">Column 2</div>



Q.25: What are Bootstrap cards?

Bootstrap cards are content containers with options for headers, footers, images, and text. They are used to display information in a clean, organized, and responsive layout.

Code example:

<div class="card">

    <div class="card-header">Header</div>

    <div class="card-body">Body</div>

    <div class="card-footer">Footer</div>


Q.26: How do you create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap?

A drop-down menu in Bootstrap is a toggleable menu that displays a list of links or actions when clicked

Code example:

<div class="dropdown">

  <button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown">

    Dropdown Menu


  <ul class="dropdown-menu">

    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action 1</a></li>

    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action 2</a></li>

    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action 3</a></li>




  1. .dropdown: Wraps the dropdown component.
  2. .btn: Styles the toggle button.
  3. data-bs-toggle=”dropdown”: Click to expand or collapse the dropdown.
  4. .dropdown-menu: Contains the list items.

Q27: How do you create a carousel in Bootstrap?

In Bootstrap, the carousel is a form of a slideshow for displaying images as well as content. by using the .carousel class, apply .carousel-item to the slides and navigation elements for the previous and next.

Code example:

<div id="carouselExample" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel">

  <div class="carousel-inner">

    <div class="carousel-item active">

      <img src="image1" class="d-block w-100" alt="Slide 1">


    <div class="carousel-item">

      <img src="image2" class="d-block w-100" alt="Slide 2">




Q.28: What are Bootstrap alerts, and how are they used?

Bootstrap alerts are customizable components used to display feedback messages or notifications. They provide for different styles (success, warning, danger) and can be designed to be dismissed through user interaction within simple classes.

Code example:

<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">

  This is a success alert—check it out!



  • .alert: Defines the alert component.
  • .alert-success: Specifies the alert style (e.g., success, danger, etc.).

Q.29: How does Bootstrap’s grid system differ from CSS Grid?

Feature Bootstrap Grid System CSS Grid
Implementation Predefined classes from the Bootstrap framework. Native CSS property, no framework needed.
Structure Fixed 12-column system with breakpoints. Custom rows and columns, no fixed structure.
Control Limited customization via classes. Full control over layout and alignment.
Flexibility One-dimensional (handles rows or columns). Two-dimensional (rows and columns together).
Use Case Quick, consistent layouts for common designs. Complex, tailored layouts for unique designs


Q30: What is the difference between.row and.g-* classes in Bootstrap?


Feature .row .g-*
Purpose Creates a horizontal group of columns. Set the gutter spacing between columns.
Usage Wrapper for column classes like .col-*. Applied to .row or containers directly.
Spacing No default spacing between columns. Adds horizontal and vertical spacing.
Customization Uses default Bootstrap grid spacing. Supports customizable spacing (e.g., .g-3).
Dependency Required for columns to align correctly. Optional, enhances layout flexibility.


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This complete set of questions asked in the interview covers everything from basic to advanced techniques ensuring that the reader is well prepared to discuss features implementation and HTML CSS integeration.
it does not matter at all whether you are a fresher candidate or an experienced developer mastering and holding a tight grip over these concepts will help you to tackle the interviews very confidently and help you to land a dream job. If you want to explore more about this you can enroll in Intellipaat’s web development course.

About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Kislay is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting Mobile applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in Android development, IOS development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, he’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive websites and advanced mobile applications.

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