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Difference Between IPv4 and IPv6

Because of the shift to IPv6, the development of internet protocol is at a key point. According to statistics from Google, as of 2021, over 35% of internet users globally access Google services over IPv6. As of 2022, IPv4 address exhaustion is a significant challenge, with address blocks being depleted rapidly. IPv6 offers a vast address space, with 128-bit addresses, providing approximately 340 undecillion unique addresses. This change is important for understanding how the internet infrastructure works. It also emphasizes that new standards are needed to meet the growing demands of digital communication.

What is an IP Address?

What is an IP Address

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is an IP address, or rather, a short form for the Internet Protocol address, that serves as a unique identifier of a computer device connected to the network. These addresses are central to enabling interconnection between devices over the internet in the context of IPv4 and IPv6.
This means that devices can communicate using data packets across different networks. They are central to the TCP/IP suite, which governs how data is transmitted over the internet. Additionally, IP addresses play a fundamental role in various networking functions such as tunneling, network address translation (NAT), and end-to-end connection integrity.

IPv4 Explained

IPv4, which is the foundational internet protocol, uses 32-bit addresses represented in four octets, meaning there can be approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses. However, there is a limited space issue due to the increasing number of connected devices, resulting in the exhaustion of available IP addresses. Despite its extensive usage, IPv4 has security vulnerabilities and congestion on networks, making it necessary for more complicated methods like NAT. On the other hand, IPv6 with its 128-bit address space and better security aims at overcoming these shortcomings; however, IPv4 still plays a critical role within today’s internet infrastructure while at the same time co-existing with the adoption of IPv6.

IPv4 is the fourth version of IP. It is the internet foundation and sets forth how computer networks work on the packet switching principle. This protocol establishes links between computers, servers, and mobile devices based on IP addresses.

IPv4 Address Format

IPv6 Explained

IPv6, the succeeding internet protocol to IPv4, is a significant step forward in IP technology. Instead of 32-bits as in the case of IPv4, IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, thereby offering an address space that has grown exponentially huge enough to accommodate many devices that can be connected to the internet. 

This longed-for extension of an address space plays a great role as far as dealing with the problem of IPv4’s address exhaustion is concerned. A limitless number of unique addresses will be provided through IPv6, which will enable hassle-free scalability for future Internet growth.

Furthermore, several security improvements have been made in IPv6, including built-in support for IPSec (IP security), which ensures end-to-end connection integrity and encryption. Additionally, issues such as network congestion and the need for complex addressing translation mechanisms like NAT in IPv4 are addressed by this version.

Furthermore, it also reaches out to improve packet routing efficiency and supports multicasting, among other things, improving overall internet communication efficiency and performance.

However, though there are challenges in transitioning from IPv4 to its successor, such as compatibility issues and infrastructure upgrades, the benefits brought about by IPv6 greatly outweigh these limitations found in its predecessor.

Many countries, including France, Germany, and India, have switched to IPv6. The majority of their traffic is to Google as well as other countries like the United States, Brazil, and Japan, with a sizable number of internet users approaching fifty percent.

IPv6 Address Format

Why the Need for IPv6?

Numerous problems have necessitated the replacement of IPv4 with IPv6 for Internet Protocol. The following are some of them:

IP Address Depletion: The ability of IPv4 to employ 32 bits makes it impossible to have enough unique numbers, thus there is a high probability of address exhaustion. On this note, IPV6 has extended its addresses to 128-bit, which provides ample room for all needs and hence ensures scalability in the growth of the internet.

Enhanced safety: IPv6 features IPSEC, which allows strong encryption and authentication on every hop to preserve data integrity. This in turn boosts security as well as privacy issues.

Improved efficiency: IPv6 packet routing is more efficient; it supports multicasting and eradicates complex addressing translation mechanisms like NAT, making network operations simpler.

Worldwide Acceptance: It has been noted that the depletion of IPv4 stockpiles due to increased demand for internet-enabled devices worldwide has necessitated the global adoption of IPv6 by ISPs, manufacturers, and enterprises for seamless connectivity and future-proofing networks.
Scalability: Greater address space together with other features specifically designed for a growing internet make scalability less problematic under IPV6, thereby leading to networking technological advancement.

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Detailed Comparison: IPv4 vs. IPv6

Address Format32-bit addresses (four octets)128-bit addresses (eight groups of four hex digits)
Address SpaceLimited (approximately 4.3 billion addresses)Vast (practically limitless addresses)
Security FeaturesLimited security featuresBuilt-in support for IPSec (IP Security)
Packet Routing EfficiencyLess efficientImproved packet routing efficiency
Network Address Translation (NAT)Commonly used to conserve IPv4 addressesNot required due to ample address space
MulticastingSupported but less efficientSupported and enhanced for efficiency
FragmentationRely on routers for fragmentationHosts perform fragmentation
ChecksumHeader includes checksumThe header does not include a checksum
End-to-end connection integrityNot guaranteedEnsured through IPSEC
Adoption and SupportWidely adopted and supportedIncreasing adoption with growing support
CompatibilityInteroperability challengesEnhanced compatibility with dual stacking

Address Space and Format

IPv4 uses a 32-bit address format that is usually presented as four octets in decimal notation. With this format, there can be around 4.3 billion different addresses, but as the availability of internet-connected devices increases, IPv4’s address space has become almost exhausted.

On the other hand, IPv6 adopts a 128-bit address format represented by eight groups of four hexadecimal digits each. This expands the address space so much that it becomes virtually limitless and capable of accommodating the constantly increasing number of Internet-enabled devices.

By contrast, the huge address space provided by IPv6 helps facilitate scalability and fosters internet development beyond its present boundaries by countering IPv4 limitations.

Security Features of IPv4 and IPv6


Firewalls: Often employed to filter incoming and outgoing network traffic, resulting in a rudimentary degree of security.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Used for establishing secure connections through public networks, to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec): Although not an inherent part of IPv4, IPSEC can be added as another security layer for securing communication channels.


Built-in IPSec Support: IPv6 is designed with IPSEC support inside it, which provides encryption and authentication mechanisms for end-to-end connection integrity.

Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND): Implements secure methods for finding and managing neighboring devices on a network that prevent common attacks, e.g., Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) spoofing.

Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA): Gives a way of producing IPv6 addresses using cryptographic principles, thereby enhancing address security.

Secure Multicast: Improvements in the IPv6 multicast protocols ensure safer communication between multiple devices, thus reducing unauthorized access or data interception risks.

While IP version 4 depends on auxiliary safety precautions like firewalls and VPNs, the native inclusion of IPSEC and other security functions into IPV6 guarantees a more comprehensive approach toward network security.

Speed and Efficiency of IPv4 and IPv6


Header Overhead: IPv4 headers are relatively larger, leading to increased overhead in data transmission.

Fragmentation: IPv4 uses routers for fragmentation of packets, which can become problematic and slow down the pace of transmission.

Packet Routing: Routing decisions in IPv4 networks may be less optimized, leading to potential bottlenecks and delays.

Multicast Efficiency: IPv4 multicast efficiency is limited, requiring additional protocols and mechanisms for efficient multicast communication.


Simplified Header: These headers have been made simpler, thus reducing redundancy as well as ensuring that more information is transmitted per unit time.

Host-Based Fragmentation: Fragmentation is done by hosts in the case of an IPv6 network; hence, there are no routers involved, making it faster and more efficient.

Enhanced Routing: Newer routing protocols, such as IPv6, have therefore been developed in order to make better routing decisions and faster delivery rates.

Improved Multicast: It means that, unlike the previous version, it has enhanced multicast functioning, thus increasing the receiver numbers but without increasing the size of sending packets at any one time.

Overall, IPv6 is much faster and more efficient than IPv4. These include host-based fragmentation in its streamlined header format, optimized routing, and enhanced multicast support, which makes the data transfer process faster and more efficient, especially in current networking environments.

Adoption and Support of IPv4 and IPv6


Universal Usage: IPv4 has become usual with the passage of years as a well-known network infrastructure worldwide, through which we have been living for a longer period.

Traditional System: IPv4 is still supported by many devices and networks, resulting in its continued dominance in the Internet’s ecosystem.

Backward Compatibility and Support: For instance, networking equipment, operating systems, and application software are deeply entrenched and largely compatible with IPv4, ensuring seamless amalgamation and interoperability. 


Increasing Adoption: As firms realize the need to migrate to the new protocol, there is a growing rate of IP version 6 deployment to take care of depleted internet addresses based on IP version 4 as well as back up future net growth.

Industry Backing: There are quite a number of ISPs, networking appliance manufacturing companies, and technology organizations actively supporting IPv6 implementation and vending products that work well under this protocol.

Dual Stack Implementation: This means that most networks are built with support for both IPv6 and IPV4 so that they can transition easily while still being able to communicate with existing IPV4 infrastructure.

Although IPv4 remains widespread among those reliant on legacy systems, advertisers worldwide have been using IPv6 for several years. The need for more addresses to support future network expansions, driven by the desire to grow all things into an ever-increasing size (computationally speaking), may be another reason for its recent adoption. There is some help in the form of industrial support as well as for dual-stack implementations to ease a transition from IPv4 while maintaining backward compatibility with old IPv6 networks.


To summarize, changing from IPv4 to IPv6 signifies a momentous development in internet protocols. IPv6 ensures address exhaustion and security problems of IPv4 with its extensive address space, improved security, and efficiency. With the continued existence of IPv4, the momentum towards adopting IPv6 continues unabated, supported by industry efforts to ensure scalability and security. We must move forward to future-proofing our networks in readiness for the expansion of the digital world.


Why is IPv6 adoption necessary if IPv4 still works?

The adoption of IPv6 is vital to overcoming such drawbacks as limited address availability under IPV4 & vulnerability to cyber threats. As digitization brings more devices online at an increasing rate, these are scalable and have enhanced control measures against malware.

Will transitioning to IPv6 require significant changes to existing network infrastructure?

Transitioning requires upgrades on network equipment and software but most modern systems already support both IP versions (Dual-Stack). In addition, gradual migration methods such as dual-stack implementation allow for minimal disturbance on old services while facilitating the introduction of IPv6.

What are the benefits of IPv6 for businesses and organizations?

IPv6 offers several benefits for businesses, including improved network performance, enhanced security, and future-proofing against address exhaustion. Embracing IPv6 enables organizations to meet the demands of an increasingly interconnected world, ensuring seamless connectivity and supporting innovation and growth.

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About the Author

Technical Lead - AWS Solutions Architect

Shivanshu is a Technical Lead and AWS Solutions Architect passionate about utilizing Cloud technology to empower businesses. Proficient in AWS, Terraform, and GCP, he crafts innovative solutions to propel companies forward. As an enthusiastic writer, he shares his expertise to inspire others in this field.