Node Js Express: Introduction, Usage, Installation & Best Practices

Node Js Express: Introduction, Usage, Installation & Best Practices

Backend development plays an important role in the success of any web application. In brief, backend development simply means the development of code that runs on the server side of the application. This code cannot be seen by everyone. These skilled individuals who work on this are known as “backend developers.” These people ensure the functioning of the website. In this blog, we will talk about a famous framework known as Node Js Express.

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What is Node Js?

What is Node Js?

This is the very first section of the blog. In this, we will be raising the curtains from the basics of Node Js. Node Js is a backend framework developed in 2009 by Ryan Dahl as a cross-platform Javascript runtime environment.

  • Node Js runs on a V8 Javascript engine and is used to run Javascript code outside the browser.
  • Node Js is readily available in the open source for developers, which means Node Js is free for everyone whether using it commercially or personally.
  • Node Js is a javascript-based framework, which works on the principles of javascript and is available on all different types of operating systems namely Windows, macOS X, and Linux.
  • At present v19.0 is in play for development purposes, with Node Js developers can develop dynamic web content that runs behind the web apps and carry out different types of tasks.
  • Node Js is the most promising example of asynchronous programming language which means the execution of node js is independent of the other processes running over the system.
  • Node Js is used as backend servers, front-end scripting, automation, and API development.
  • Node Js is written in CPP, C, Javascript, and CoffeeScript.

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How to install Node Js?

This subsection will let you know the process of installing Node Js and NPM in your Windows system, it is pretty much the same for the rest of the operating systems.

  • NPM (Node Package Manager) is the world’s largest software registry, it includes a CLI which is used as an installer.
  • The basic command to download a package:

npm install <package_name>

  • All packages that come under NPM are stored in the package.json file. To get NPM you have to install Node Js in your system.

Check out the below-mentioned steps to install Node Js in your system.

Step 1: Version selection as per system requirement

Visit the official website of Node Js to download the ‘.msi’ installer as per your system specifications.

Step 1

Step 2: Run the installer, and seek permission from the system administrator

Download the installer and run it, click Run.

Step 2

Step 3: Installation begins

For continuing with the installation, click Next.

Step 3

Step 4:

Accept the terms and conditions by clicking on the ‘I accept the terms in the License Agreement’ check box in the left bottom corner and click Next to continue.

Step 4

Step 5:

Set up the destination for installation of Node Js files, we recommend not changing the installation path. Click Next.

Step 5

Step 6:

Select the default components you want to install and click next.

Step 6

Step 7:

Click on Install to start the installation process.

Step 7

Step 8: Installation ends

By now the installation would be completed, click Finish.

Step 8

Step 9: Installation verification

Npm comes with Node Js installer, open the command prompt, and write the following, to check for the correct installation.

node -- version
npm --version

Previously, we learned about Node Js and did the installation part, now in the next section of the blog we will touch on Node Js Express.

What is Node Js Express?

What is Node Js Express

Welcome to the main section of the blog. Here, you will find everything you will need to know about the Node Js Express framework, including how to install it, use it, and why we use it. For detailed information on Node Js Express, read the below-listed content.

  • Node Js Express is a Node Js-based framework that was developed to build single-page, multi-page, and hybrid-page web applications.
  • Express JS takes the functionality of node js to the next level, making it one of the most extendible frameworks.
  • Due to the features of Express, it acts as a middleware between HTTP requests.
  • Moreover, Node Js Express frameworks allow the rendering of HTML web pages dynamically as per the arguments passed in the code template.

How to install Express in Node Js?

We are going to witness the whole installation process of Node Js Express Framework, by following these steps you will be able to run Express in Node Js.

  • While using the Node terminal, write the following command to install the Express framework globally into the system.

npm install -g Express

  • This command will install Express into your system permanently, the files are downloaded into the node_modules directory and create a new directory into node_modules.

npm install Express --save

Or, installing temporarily write

npm install Express --no-save

  • Install the important dependency files into the system

Body Parser - npm install body-parser --save

Cookie Parser - npm install cookie-parser --save

Multer - npm install multer --save

  • Write some code for texting purposes, and write the command node file_name.js

var Express = require('Express');
var app = Express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
   res.send('Hello, World!');
var server = app.listen(8081, function () {
   var host = server.address().address
   var port = server.address().port
   console.log("Listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)

  • These steps describe the process of how we use Express in Node Js.

Why do we use Express in Node Js?

Here, will turn our gaze towards some theoretical content that will help you to understand why we use Express in Node Js. Previously we learned that Express extends node js functionality this shows how customizable Express is, let’s see a few more below.

  • Express lets the developers develop APIs with ease, which means the time of development and code length is reduced by half.
  • Express is developed on Javascript and uses its principles of it, which makes it more versatile and flexible at the time of development.
  • It has been seen that mobile applications developed using Express are far more efficient and optimized as compared to their rivals.
  • Express has the trust of many tech giants namely IBM, Netflix, and Uber which shows the reliability of Express.
  • Express shows higher integration with renowned database technologies like MySQL, MongoDB, etc.
  • Express provides templating engines that are used to build dynamic HTML web pages.

In the next and final section of the blog, we will cover some of the best practices of Node Js Express.

Node Js Express Best Practices

Node Js Express Best Practices

Let’s discuss a few of the best practices while working with Node Js Express. As we know now how flexible and customizable Express is, with this customization there come out few very important practices that you should follow at the time of developing your application.

  • You should always start your node and Express projects by using node init because this allows the node_modules to download any packages or dependencies.
  • While saving the application always use –save or –save-dev, this makes sure that you will be able to run your application on different platforms if you decide to move on.
  • Lowercase for file names and camelcase for variables should be followed in the naming nomenclature.
  • You don’t have to push node_modules to your repositories, just use npm install as it covers all the dependencies and packages.
  • Group and isolate should have their own files.

Here we conclude the last section of the blog, in this section we learned about the best practices that you should follow. Coming up is the conclusion of the blog.


All of Node Js Express’ features and recommended practices have been covered in this blog. The platform using asynchronous functions, Node Js Express is highly scalable in which developers can show faith.

Node Js Express is used by top tech companies like Amazon, Netflix, Paypal, Reddit, and others to build chatbots and run backend operations. Learning Node Js Express is worthwhile if you want to start as a backend developer and begin programming for software development. Knowing Node Js is advantageous if you want to pursue a career in this field.

About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Kislay is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting Mobile applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in Android development, IOS development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, he’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive websites and advanced mobile applications.

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