Description |
These are the threads that were blocked and are waiting to add their records by the buffer memory |
Waiting-threads |
The largest buffer than can be used by the client |
Buffer-total-bytes |
buffer-available-bytes |
It indicates the overall usable buffer memory |
This is the time for which the fixer waits for the space assigned |
bufferpool-wait-time |
Bytes count for each partition and for each request made by the partition |
batch-size-avg |
Maximum bytes for each partition and on each request |
batch-size-max |
It is the rate of compression in average count |
compression-rate-avg |
Time spend by record in average |
record-queue-time-avg |
Highest time spend by the record |
record-queue-time-max |
The rate at which the record is retried |
record-retry-rate |
It is the rate at which the record error occurs |
record-error-rate |
It is the largest size any record can be of |
record-size-max |
It the average size is any record |
record-size-avg |
It is the age of the present metadata |
metadata-age |
It is the rate at which the connection can be closed |
connection-close-rate |
It is the rate at which the connection can be created |
connection-creation-rate |
The rate of the network operations |
network-io-rate |
The rate at which the bytes are outgoing |
outgoing-byte-rate |
The rate at which the requests are sent |
request-rate |
It is the average size of all the requests that is sent |
request-size-avg |
It is the largest size any request is sent |
request-size-max |
It is the rate at which the bytes enter |
incoming-byte-rate |
The rate at which the responses are obtained |
response-rate |
It is the rate of selection of input,output performance |
select-rate |
It is the average time for which the input output waits |
io-wait-ratio |
It is the average time for which the input, output call in ns |
io-time-ns-avg |
It is the time for which the input, output |
io-ratio |
thread spends |
It is the number of present active connections |
connection-count |
It is the number of bytes send with respect to the time |
outgoing-byte-rate |
It is the rate of requests sent in each second for a node |
request-rate |
It is the average of the size of the requests |
request-size-avg |
The largest size any request can be of |
request-size-max |
It is the rate in which the responses are obtained |
incoming-byte-rate |
It is the average of the request latency |
request-latency-avg |
It is the maximum of the same |
request-latency-max |
It is the rate at which the answers to the requests are obtained |
response-rate |
It is the rate at which the records are sent to the Topic |
record-send-rate |
It is the rate at which the bytes are sent to the Topic |
byte-rate |
For a topic it is the rate at which the records are compressed |
compression-rate |
It is the rate at which the records are tried again to be sent to the Topic |
record-retry-rate |
It is the rate at which error occurs when records are being sent to the Topic |
record-error-rate |
It is the maximum time in which the request can be throttled by the server |
produce-throttle-time-max |
It is the average amount of time any request can be throttled by the server. |
produce-throttle-time-avg |