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8 Top UI UX Project Ideas for Beginners

8 Top UI UX Project Ideas for Beginners

Go through the YouTube video to understand the concepts of UI and UX in depth.

Before starting with the project ideas, let us first understand what UI/UX design is.

What is UI UX designing?

What is UI UX Designing?

Design is more than aesthetics. It is the ability to make things useful, like an app, a gadget, or something as simple as a chair. UX design is meaningless without human interaction. It is useless if a product is not usable. The design journey does not end until the product is fully operational. This is why user research and usability testing are important. You must be aware of this as a UX designer. You must be willing to iterate and repeat your designs.

We hope you got an overview of what UI UX means and does; now it’s time to get creative and ponder the projects and the skills required to stand out in your domain.

Ready to start your UI UX career? Enroll in our UI UX course today!

Points to Keep in Mind When Creating a Portfolio 

When it comes to creating a portfolio that truly highlights your skills and sets you apart, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. This includes the following:

  • Historical Background: Provide context about the projects you have worked on, including the problem you were trying to solve, the target audience, and any challenges you faced. This helps the viewer understand the project’s significance and your role in it.
  • Plan of Action: Describe your approach and methodology for each project. Explain how you identified the project’s requirements, researched, gathered user insights, and developed your design or solution. This shows your ability to strategize and think critically.
  • Strategies: Highlight the design strategies, techniques, or methodologies you used in your projects. Explain how you applied user-centered design principles, conducted usability testing, or incorporated industry best practices. This demonstrates your expertise and understanding of design principles.
  • Outcomes and Results: Present the outcomes of your projects, such as the impact of your design or the results achieved. Discuss any measurable metrics, positive feedback, or improvements observed after implementing your work. This showcases your designs’ effectiveness and ability to deliver tangible results.
  • Thoughts and Reflections: Share your insights and reflections on each project. Please discuss what you learned from the experience, any challenges you encountered, and how you overcame them. This demonstrates your growth mindset and ability to adapt and learn from your work.

UI UX Projects to Include in Your Resume

UI/UX Projects to include in your resume

Online Journal or Blog

Online journal or blog

In blogs and digital publications, reader satisfaction is highly valued. They would not exist if there were no readers!

As a result, writing an online article is an excellent project for your UX design portfolio. You must create an enjoyable experience for readers to subscriber.

Restaurant Menu

A Restaurant Menu

Consider including a restaurant menu in your portfolio. You can accomplish this by converting the menu of a favorite restaurant into a website and app. Concentrate on the fundamentals of this project. For quick visual perception, combine highly readable copy with simple graphics.

Keep in mind that a menu can also attract customers to your establishment. Show how your design changes will improve the user experience and the company’s bottom line.


A Chatbot

You should include at least one chatbot in your portfolio because they are becoming increasingly popular. This project allows you to demonstrate your conversational design, information architecture, and visual design abilities. You can also show that you can create an engaging user experience to which users will want to return.

Consider creating your chatbot as a website rather than a standalone app.

This will allow you to brag about your web design and user experience abilities. Include screenshots of the chatbot in use and detailed wireframes and flowcharts demonstrating how it works.


App Layout for Smart Television

An App Layout for Smart Television

Another great project to add to your UX portfolio is designing an interface for an intelligent television app, especially if you want to start designing for apps or mobile devices. Keep the following in mind as you work on this project:

  • Overscan and screen sizes
  • Throughout the day, the lighting in the room changes.
  • Layouts of living rooms and average viewer distance
  • Reflections and sunlight
  • Using a D-pad to navigate
  • Include an app prototype in the project if you have prior experience. For successful apps, extensive testing across all intelligent TV platforms is required.

Landing page of the website

The landing page of the website

A landing page is an excellent project to include in your portfolio because you will create many of them during your UX design career.

Businesses use landing pages to collect and share information. It is your role as a UX designer to ensure that each experience is seamless.

Create a lead generation landing page that encourages viewers to share their contact information. A website landing page listing a company’s services can also be used.

Let’s check out the tips and tricks to build a UI UX Designer Resume!

Desktop Background Image

Desktop Background Image

Desktop wallpaper can be a valuable addition to your portfolio, especially if your projects are complex. This must be designed with a specific user in mind. Consider presenting this project as a case study in which you describe your thought process, reasoning, and how your design met the user’s needs.

Explore our collection of expertly designed UI UX Design Examples and get inspired by them

Email templates

Email template

Email templates are inexpensive and practical additions to any portfolio. Creating an email template demonstrates your knowledge of a company’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and your ability to translate these into a practical design.

For this project, create an email template that attempts to convert new subscribers into paying customers.

List of prices

List of prices

Lastly, a pricing page is a great project to add to your UX design portfolio. Tiered pricing packages with varying offerings are standard in SaaS and other service-based businesses. Pricing pages are an excellent UX project to include because they are solution-focused. They offer customers problem-solving services to convert them into customers.

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Your portfolio should be informative while also being concise. Instead of displaying everything you have ever worked on, highlight your best work. Choose a variety of projects that demonstrate your abilities. This will show your ability to tackle various design challenges and understand the user’s needs.

What are you waiting for?

Create a portfolio that highlights your UX design abilities and skills. This is your chance to shine! If you create an impressive portfolio, you will be working as a UX designer in no time.

If you have doubts, feel free to reach out to us at our UI UX community to resolve your queries.

Course Schedule

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UI UX Course 20 Jul 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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UI UX Course 27 Jul 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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UI UX Course 03 Aug 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Riva is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting web applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, she’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive design and advanced technology.