What is the Fibonacci Series in Python?

What is the Fibonacci Series in Python?

The Fibonacci series is of supreme importance in mathematics and computer science, serving as a fundamental sequence with several applications. In this blog, we will first get an overview of the Fibonacci series, then different methods to print the Fibonacci series along with the applications.

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What is the Fibonacci Series?

The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, usually starting with 0 and 1. 

In mathematical terms, the Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:

F(n)= F(n-1) + F(n-2)

With initial conditions, F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1.

So, the sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on.

The Fibonacci sequence exhibits interesting mathematical properties and appears in various natural phenomena, such as the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the spiral patterns of pinecones and sunflowers, and the growth patterns of certain populations of animals. Additionally, the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers converges to the golden ratio, which is an irrational number approximately equal to 1.6180339887. This ratio has aesthetic and mathematical significance and is found in art, architecture, and nature.

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Methods to Print the Fibonacci Series in Python

Choosing the method that best suits your requirements and considering factors such as efficiency and ease of implementation are important factors. Recursive solutions may be elegant but can be inefficient for large values of n. Iterative and dynamic programming approaches are often preferred for better performance. Below are some methods to display the Fibonacci series in Python.

Using For Loop

Here’s a code in Python to print the Fibonacci series in Python using For loop:

# Function to generate Fibonacci series up to n terms
def fibonacci(n):
    fib_series = [0, 1]
    for i in range(2, n):
        next_term = fib_series[-1] + fib_series[-2]
    return fib_series
# Number of terms in the Fibonacci series
num_terms = 10
# Print the Fibonacci series
print(f"Fibonacci series with {num_terms} terms:")


Fibonacci series with 10 terms:

[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

This Python code generates and prints the Fibonacci series using a simple “for” loop. The function “fibonacci” initializes the series with the first two terms (0 and 1) and then iterates through a range starting from 2 up to the specified number of terms “num_terms”. In each iteration, it calculates the next term by adding the last two terms and appending it to the list. The resulting Fibonacci series is then printed.

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Using While Loop

Refer to the code below for printing the Fibonacci series in Python using While loop:

# Function to print Fibonacci series up to n terms
def print_fibonacci(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    count = 0
    while count < n:
        print(a, end=" ")
        a, b = b, a + b
        count += 1
# Specify the number of terms you want in the Fibonacci series
num_terms = 10
# Call the function to print the Fibonacci series


0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 

This code defines a function “print_fibonacci” that takes the number of terms n as an argument and prints the Fibonacci series up to the specified number of terms using a while loop. The initial values of a and b are set to 0 and 1, and the loop continues until the desired number of terms is reached. The values of a and b are updated in each iteration to generate the next Fibonacci number.

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Using Recursion

Below is the code that uses recursion to display the Fibonacci series in Python:

def fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 0:
        return []
    elif n == 1:
        return [0]
    elif n == 2:
        return [0, 1]
        fib_series = fibonacci(n - 1)
        fib_series.append(fib_series[-1] + fib_series[-2])
        return fib_series
# Example: Print the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
n = 10
result = fibonacci(n)
print(f"The first {n} numbers in the Fibonacci series are: {result}")


The first 10 numbers in the Fibonacci series are [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34].

In this program, the “fibonacci” function is a recursive function that returns a list containing the first n Fibonacci numbers. The base cases are when n is 0 (returns an empty list), 1 (returns [0]), or 2 (returns [0, 1]). For values of n greater than 2, the function recursively calls itself to obtain the previous Fibonacci numbers and then appends the next number to the list. Finally, the program prints the result for the specified value of n.

Using Backtracking

To print the Fibonacci series in Python using backtracking, refer to the code below:

def fibonacci_backtracking(n, memo={}):
    if n in memo:
        return memo[n]
    if n <= 1:
        result = n
        result = fibonacci_backtracking(n-1, memo) + fibonacci_backtracking(n-2, memo)
    memo[n] = result
    return result
# Example: Print the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
for i in range(10):












In this example, the “fibonacci_backtracking” function uses a memoization dictionary (“memo”) to store previously computed Fibonacci numbers. This helps avoid redundant calculations and improves the efficiency of the backtracking approach.

Using Cache

The code to print the Fibonacci series in Python using cache technique is provided below:

# Function to calculate Fibonacci numbers using memoization (caching)
def fibonacci(n, memo={}):
    if n in memo:
        # If the result is already in the cache, return it
        return memo[n]
    if n <= 1:
        # Base case: Fibonacci of 0 and 1 is 0 and 1, respectively
        result = n
        # Recursive case: Calculate Fibonacci using memoization
        result = fibonacci(n-1, memo) + fibonacci(n-2, memo)
    # Store the result in the cache and return it
    memo[n] = result
    return result
# Example: Print the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
for i in range(10):












In this example, the “fibonacci” function takes an additional argument “memo”, which is a dictionary used to store previously computed Fibonacci numbers. The function first checks if the result for the given “n” is already in the memo dictionary. If it is, the cached result is returned directly. If not, the function calculates the Fibonacci number using recursion, stores the result in the memo dictionary, and then returns the result. This helps avoid redundant calculations and significantly improves the efficiency of computing Fibonacci numbers.

Using Dynamic Programming

For your reference, below is the code that prints the Fibonacci series in Python using Dynamic Programming (DP):

def fibonacci_dynamic_programming(n):
    fib = [0] * (n + 1)
    # Base cases
    fib[0] = 0
    fib[1] = 1
    # Calculate Fibonacci numbers using dynamic programming
    for i in range(2, n + 1):
        fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2]
    return fib
# Example: Print the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
n = 10
fibonacci_series = fibonacci_dynamic_programming(n)
print("Fibonacci Series (first", n, "numbers):", fibonacci_series)


Fibonacci series (first 10 numbers): [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

In this code, the “fibonacci_dynamic_programming” function uses a list “fib” to store previously computed Fibonacci numbers. It starts with the base cases (F(0) = 0 and F(1) = 1) and iteratively calculates the Fibonacci numbers up to the desired index “n.” Finally, it returns a list containing the Fibonacci series.

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Applications of the Fibonacci Series

Applications of the Fibonacci Series

The following applications highlight the diverse ways in which the Fibonacci sequence is applied across different domains, showcasing its utility and versatility in solving various problems and optimizing processes.

  • Image Compression
    Fibonacci coding is used in image compression algorithms. It’s a variable-length coding technique that assigns shorter codes to more frequent symbols, which can lead to more efficient compression.
  • Financial Analysis
    Fibonacci retracement levels are widely used in technical analysis in finance. Traders use these levels to identify potential levels of support and resistance in price trends.
  • Data Structures
    Fibonacci heaps are a type of data structure used in computer science for priority queue operations. They have advantages in certain algorithms, such as Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm.
  • Pseudorandom Number Generation
    Fibonacci numbers can be used in pseudorandom number generation algorithms. By carefully selecting parameters, the sequence can exhibit properties desirable for random-like number generation.
  • Network Routing Algorithms
    Fibonacci numbers are used in some network routing algorithms for load balancing and optimizing data transmission paths.
  • Geometry and Tiling
    Fibonacci numbers are linked to certain geometrical patterns. For instance, they are related to the construction of the golden rectangle, which has applications in art and architecture.
  • Cryptography
    Fibonacci sequences can be utilized in certain cryptographic algorithms, providing a basis for creating secure encryption and decryption keys.


In conclusion, an extensive range of mathematical patterns and real-world applications can be found by studying the Fibonacci series in Python. Python offers a flexible framework for implementing and comprehending the Fibonacci sequence, from its elegant recursive representation to more effective iterative and dynamic programming solutions. The series finds applications in a variety of sectors, including banking, computer science, and nature. The various methods of generating the Fibonacci series in Python showcase the flexibility and adaptability of the language, making it a powerful tool for both theoretical exploration and practical problem-solving in diverse domains.


What is the golden ratio, and how is it related to the Fibonacci sequence?

The golden ratio is an irrational number approximately equal to 1.6180339887. The ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers converges to the golden ratio, demonstrating a mathematical connection.

What are some real-world applications of the Fibonacci sequence?

Real-world applications of the Fibonacci sequence include computer algorithms, financial analysis, art and design, plant growth patterns, and pseudorandom number generation.

Can the Fibonacci series be generated using recursion?

Yes, the Fibonacci series can be generated using a recursive approach, but it may be less efficient for large values of n due to repeated calculations of the same subproblems, leading to exponential time complexity. 

How does dynamic programming optimize the computation of the Fibonacci series?

Dynamic programming optimizes the Fibonacci series computation by storing previously calculated values, avoiding redundant recursive calls, and improving efficiency.

Are there variations in generating the Fibonacci series, and why choose one method over another?

Yes, variations include recursive, iterative, and dynamic programming methods. The choice depends on factors like efficiency, simplicity, and the specific requirements of the problem.

Can the Fibonacci sequence be used in cryptography or data security?

Yes, Fibonacci numbers can be applied to certain cryptographic algorithms, contributing to the generation of secure encryption and decryption keys.

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About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Software Engineer at Eli Lilly and Company, is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience in languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Sahil has a strong foundation in system architecture, database management, and API integration.