I am trying to use simple_salesforce to query Salesforce data with Python. I am using my username and password, which I am 100% sure is correct. I got the org ID from logging into Salesforce and looking at my company profile. It's only a 15-digit ID. I am specifically using an orgID to avoid using a security token as I don't know what it is. What am I doing wrong?
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
sf = Salesforce(instance_url='https://na1.salesforce.com', session_id='')
sf = Salesforce(password='password', username='email', organizationId='15 digit org id')
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\simple_salesforce\api.py", line 100, in __init__
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\simple_salesforce\login.py", line 124, in SalesforceLogin
code=except_code, message=except_msg))
simple_salesforce.login.SalesforceAuthenticationFailed: INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.