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in Web Technology by (20.3k points)

I know that the entities &lt; and &gt; are used for < and >, but I am curious what these names stand for.

Does &lt; stand for something like "Left tag" or is it just a code?

3 Answers

0 votes
by (40.6k points)
  • &lt; this stands for the less-than sign ( < )
  • &gt; this stands for the greater-than sign ( > )
  • &le; this stands for the less-than or equals symbol ( ≤ )
  • &ge; this stands for the greater-than or equals sign ( ≥ )
0 votes
by (37.3k points)

HTML Character Entities: 

  •  Entity “&lt;” stands for “less than” and represents the symbol ‘<’. 

  • Entity “&gt;” stands for “greater than” and represents the symbol ‘>’.  

Since the characters ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’ are reserved in HTML, Entities “&lt;”, “&gt;”, “&le;”, “&ge;” are used to replace these reserved characters. 

0 votes
by (1.9k points)

The symbols &lt; and &gt; are HTML character entities that represent the less than (<) and greater-than (>) signs, respectively.

  • &lt; stands for less than (<)

  • &gt; stands for greater than (>)

These entites are used in HTML so that we can ensure that these symbols are shown in website exactly.

For example I want to show “<p>”  in my website. I can write the html code like

<p> &It;p&gt; this is a paragraph </p>
The rendered output will be a h1 containing:
            <p> this is a paragraph

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