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in Python by (16.4k points)
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I need to check the number of individuals from an iterable meet a given condition. I'd prefer to do it in a manner that is clear and basic and ideally sensibly ideal. 

I have two best ideas, they are:

sum(meets_condition(x) for x in my_list)


len([x for x in my_list if meets_condition(x)])

Does anybody have any better ideas? is there a library function someplace that I am absent?


4 Answers

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by (25.7k points)
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Best answer
Your two ideas are actually quite good and commonly used for counting the number of elements that meet a given condition in an iterable. However, if you're looking for alternative approaches, you can consider using the filter() function or the collections.Counter class from the Python standard library.

Using filter():

count = len(list(filter(meets_condition, my_list)))

Here, the filter() function applies the meets_condition function to each element in my_list, returning an iterator of the elements that satisfy the condition. By converting the iterator to a list and then taking its length, you obtain the count of elements that meet the condition.

Using collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter

count = sum(Counter(map(meets_condition, my_list)).values())

In this approach, map() applies the meets_condition function to each element in my_list, returning an iterator of Boolean values indicating whether the condition is met or not. The Counter class then counts the occurrences of True and False. Finally, by summing the values of the Counter, you obtain the count of elements that meet the condition.

Both of these alternatives achieve the same result as your original ideas, but they provide slightly different syntax and may offer a bit more flexibility in certain situations.
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by (26.4k points)

The iterator based methodology is okay. There are some slight changes that can accentuate the way that you are checking: 

sum(1 if meets_condition(x) else 0 for x in my_list)

# or 

sum(1 for x in my_list if meets_condition(x))

What's more, as usual, if the expectation isn't clear from the code, just encapsulate it in spellbindingly named function:

def count_matching(condition, seq):

    """Returns the amount of items in seq that return true from condition"""

    return sum(1 for item in seq if condition(item))

count_matching(meets_condition, my_list)

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by (15.4k points)
Utilizing filter():

count = len(list(filter(meets_condition, my_list)))

In this approach, the filter() function is employed to iterate over my_list and apply the meets_condition function to each element. It returns an iterator that includes only the elements satisfying the condition. By converting the iterator to a list and obtaining its length, you can determine the count of elements that meet the condition.

Utilizing collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter

count = sum(Counter(map(meets_condition, my_list)).values())

In this alternative, the map() function is used to apply the meets_condition function to each element in my_list, generating an iterator of Boolean values indicating whether the condition is met or not. The Counter class is then employed to count the occurrences of True and False. Finally, by summing the values of the Counter, you can determine the count of elements that meet the condition.

Both of these alternatives achieve the same outcome as your original ideas, but they offer slightly different syntax and may provide additional flexibility in certain scenarios.
0 votes
by (19k points)
Using filter():

count = sum(filter(meets_condition, my_list))

Using collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter

count = sum(Counter(map(meets_condition, my_list)).values())

Both options effectively count the number of elements that meet the condition while providing different approaches and levels of flexibility.

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