Cloud Computing - Step to Growth of Industrial IoT

Cloud Computing - Step to Growth of Industrial IoT

Do you know the amount that is predicted to be spent on furthering IoT solutions over the period 2016-2021? A staggering $6 billion. It is also predicted that by 2020 that there will be about 34 billion devices connected to the internet. Among these traditional computing devices will compose of 10 billion devices and IoT devices will make up the rest of 24 billion devices. At least 35% of manufacturers use smart sensors. The smartphone revolution and growing internet connectivity are among the reasons why IoT technology is and will be growing at a rapid rate. Cloud Computing provides programmers and providers all it takes to provide truly seamless and efficient experience just the way the users want.

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How cloud computing will boom due to IoT?

Processing power

Smart fridges aren’t the only devices where IoT technology is used though it’s the one that comes first to the mind. Many devices will be a smart like washers, dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners, refrigerators, wall ovens, water heaters and more which require massive computing power. IoT Applications also help 4G connectivity grows and is more used, the cloud will give processing capabilities through its services.

Monitoring and analytics

The basic idea behind designing an IoT device is that it should give the user a seamless experience. When service providers and device makers have access to monitoring and advanced analytics from the cloud this requirement is sure to be addressed. The developer can continually innovate and the consumer can expect seamless reliable experience.

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No need for heavy infrastructure

In this IT world, entrepreneurs and tech visionaries have been successful working through on a firm idea in mind even though they didn’t have infrastructure or the support of a large co-operation. Storage and computing costs are dwindling day by day thanks to the cloud providers. The pay-per-usage policy of cloud is key here which bills the user only on the resources used by him and not more. Innovators’ paths are therefore cleared of the infrastructure woes where a ready made infrastructure will be provided by the cloud to which the innovators just ought to plug in.

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Acts as a mediator

IoT devices aren’t just communicating to us. IoT devices and services are also communicating with each other. Varying standards have often hampered product innovation and adoption that often work independently of each other. The cloud can mitigate these worries by acting as a communication facilitator and mediator for IoT devices. Robust APIs for product developers and app makers, seamless linking to our smartphones, plug-and-play cloud communications will all be made possible by the cloud.

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Privacy and security issues

Discussion groups and forums are overflowing with arguments regarding privacy and security in mobile devices. Old devices and services are especially vulnerable which leaves personal data at risk. The IoT devices can somewhat evade this because of the cloud. When connected to the cloud, for devices using common back-end infrastructure and APIs, crucial security updates can be conveyed easily. Just visualize all your smart devices notifying each other to be cautious of a new virus. That’s how advanced security will be provided.


Gartner says that by 2020 there will be about 250 million connected vehicles on the road. Automated driving capabilities and in-vehicle services will obviously be a reality. Connectivity, reliability, and computing power are the main requirements of IoT devices from the cloud. These concerns if adequately dealt with will bring the reality where everything in the world will be connected. Enhancing the accessibility and reducing the entry barriers for consumers and providers alike the cloud will be the base for the IoT revolution.

About the Author

Senior Cloud Computing Associate

Rupinder is a distinguished Cloud Computing & DevOps associate with architect-level AWS, Azure, and GCP certifications. He has extensive experience in Cloud Architecture, Deployment and optimization, Cloud Security, and more. He advocates for knowledge sharing and in his free time trains and mentors working professionals who are interested in the Cloud & DevOps domain.