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Docker Push - Pushing a Docker Image

Docker Push - Pushing a Docker Image

This blog will guide you through understanding Docker Push, its usage, best practices, available options, and how to push Docker images to popular registries like Docker Hub and Amazon ECR. Discover the importance and functionality of Docker Push and explore real-world examples showcasing its practical applications. Let’s dive into the world of Docker Push and enhance your Docker-based workflows.

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Docker Push Usage and Best Practices

Docker Push is a powerful command to upload Docker images to a designated Docker registry. The Docker registry functions as a centralized repository where Docker images are stored and can be readily accessed and utilized by others. By pushing an image to a registry, you effectively make it accessible for download, enabling users to retrieve and employ the image within their own Docker environments.

The syntax for the Docker push command is as follows:

docker push IMAGE[:TAG]

For example, to push the image named “my-image” with the tag “latest”, you would use the following command:

docker push my-image:latest

If you do not specify a tag, the default tag “latest” will be used.

When pushing an image to a registry, Docker performs a check to determine if the image already exists in the registry. If the image is not found, Docker uploads the entire image to the registry. However, if the image is already present, Docker optimizes the process by uploading only the layers that have been modified since the last push. This approach minimizes redundant uploads and ensures efficient synchronization of image updates.

There are a few best practices that you should follow when using Docker Push:

  • Use a descriptive name for your image. The name of your image should be descriptive enough so that other people can easily understand what the image does.
  • Use a consistent tagging strategy. The tags that you use for your images should be consistent so that other people can easily find the images that they need.
  • Use a version control system for your Dockerfiles. This will help you track changes to your Dockerfiles and easily revert to previous versions of your images.
  • Use a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) system to automate the process of building and pushing your images. This will help you to ensure that your images are always up-to-date and that they are pushed to the registry as soon as they are built.

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Importance and Functionality of Docker Push

Importance and Functionality of Docker Push

The default behavior of Docker Push is to upload five layers of an image at a time. This can be a good thing if you have a fast internet connection, as it will allow you to upload your image more quickly. However, if you are on a slow internet connection, this can cause timeout issues.

To address this issue, Docker provides the –max-concurrent-uploads daemon option. This option allows you to specify the maximum number of layers that can be uploaded concurrently. For example, if you set –max-concurrent-uploads to 2, then Docker will only upload two layers at a time. This can help prevent timeout issues on slow internet connections.

The –max-concurrent-uploads daemon option can be set in the Docker daemon’s configuration file, or it can be passed as a command-line option when you run docker push. For example, the following command will upload an image with a maximum of two concurrent uploads:

docker push --max-concurrent-uploads=2 my-image

The –max-concurrent-uploads daemon option is a useful way to improve the performance of Docker Push on slow internet connections. By limiting the number of layers that are uploaded concurrently, you can help prevent timeout issues and upload your images more quickly.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about concurrent uploads with Docker Push:

  • –max-concurrent-uploads daemon option only affects the upload of image layers. It does not affect the upload of image metadata.
  • –max-concurrent-uploads daemon option is a soft limit. This means that Docker may upload more than the specified number of layers if it is able to do so without causing timeout issues.
  • –max-concurrent-uploads daemon option is not supported by all Docker registries. If you are using a registry that does not support this option, then Docker will ignore it.

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Various Options Available for Docker Push

The Docker Push command provides several customizable options for pushing images to a registry. Here are some commonly used options to tailor the image push process:

–all-tags, -aPushes all tags for an image to the registry.
–disable-content-trustDisables image signing
–quiet, -qSuppresses verbose output.
–tls-verifyVerifies the TLS certificate of the registry.

How to Push Docker Image to Docker Hub

To push a Docker image to Docker Hub, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a Docker Hub Account: To proceed, visit https://hub.docker.com and register for a Docker Hub account if you don’t already have one. Creating an account will grant you a username and password that you can use for authentication purposes.
2. Tag the Docker Image: Before performing a Docker Push, it’s essential to ensure that your Docker image is properly tagged. You can assign a tag to an existing image using the following command:

   docker tag <image-id> <docker-hub-username>/<image-name>:<tag>

Replace `<image-id>` with the ID or name of your local Docker image. `<docker-hub-username>` should be your Docker Hub username, `<image-name>` is the name you want to give to your image, and `<tag>` represents a specific version or label for the image.
3. Log in to Docker Hub: Use the following command to log in to your Docker Hub account from the command line:

   docker login

You will be prompted to enter your Docker Hub username and password.
4. Push the Docker Image: Once logged in, push the tagged Docker image to Docker Hub using the command:

   docker push <docker-hub-username>/<image-name>:<tag>

Replace `<docker-hub-username>`, `<image-name>`, and `<tag>` with the respective values you used in the previous steps.
5. Verify the Pushed Image: After the push completes successfully, you can verify that the image is available on Docker Hub by visiting your Docker Hub profile or by searching for the image using the Docker Hub website.

By following these steps, you can easily push your Docker image to Docker Hub, making it accessible for others to pull and use in their own environments.

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Push Docker Images to ECR

Push Docker Images to ECR

To push Docker images to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an ECR repository.
  2. Tag your image with the repository URI.
  3. Authenticate your Docker client with ECR.
  4. Push the image to ECR.

Here are the detailed steps:

1. Create an ECR Repository
To create an ECR repository, you can use the AWS CLI or the AWS Management Console.

Here is an example of how to create an ECR repository using the AWS CLI:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name my-repository

2. Tag your Image with the Repository URI.
The repository URI is the URL of your ECR repository. You can find the repository URI in the AWS Management Console or by running the following command:

aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names my-repository

The repository URI will be returned in the RepositoryUri field

Once you have the repository URI, you can tag your image with it. For example, to tag the my-image image with the my-repository repository, you would use the following command:

docker tag my-image <repository-uri>:latest

3. Authenticate your Docker Client to ECR.
To authenticate your Docker client to ECR, you can use the AWS ECR get-login-password command. This command will return an authentication token that you can use to authenticate your Docker client with ECR.

Once you have the authentication token, you can run the following command to authenticate your Docker client to ECR:

docker login --username AWS --password <authentication-token> <region>.dkr.ecr.amazonaws.com

Replace <region> with the region where your ECR repository is located.

4. Push the Image to ECR
Once you have authenticated your Docker client with ECR, you can push the image to ECR. To do this, run the following command:

docker push <repository-uri>:latest

For example, to push the my-image image to the my-repository repository, you would use the following command:

docker push <repository-uri>:latest

The image will be pushed to ECR and will be available for you to use.

Real-World Examples of Docker Push 

Here are some examples of Docker Push:

Pushing a New Image to a Registry Using Docker Push:

Let’s say you have created a new Docker image called my-image. You want to push this image to Docker Hub so that other people can use it. You would use the following command to do this:

docker push my-image

This command will push the latest tag of the my-image image to Docker Hub. If you want to push a different tag, you can specify it after the image name. For example, to push the v1.0 tag, you would use the following command:

docker push my-image:v1.0

Pushing Multiple Tags of an Image Using Docker Push (-a, –all-tags)

The -a or –all-tags option allows you to push all tags of an image to a registry. This is useful if you want to make all versions of your image available to other people. For example, to push all tags of the my-image image to Docker Hub, you would use the following command:

docker push -a my-image

This command will push the latest, v1.0, v1.1, and any other tags that are associated with the my-image image to Docker Hub.


The Docker Push command offers various options for customizing the image push process to a registry. These options allow you to specify tags, enable image signing, and control verbose output. By leveraging these options, you can tailor the way your Docker images are pushed, making them easily shareable and accessible to others. Docker Push is a powerful command that facilitates seamless image sharing and distribution.

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