What is Dockerfile: Definition with Example

What is Dockerfile: Definition with Example

This blog will guide you through the fundamentals of Dockerfile, starting with an explanation of what Docker is and how to create a Dockerfile within Docker. We’ll cover the essential commands used in creating this Dockerfile, breaking down each component with practical examples to ensure a thorough understanding of the concept.

Table of Contents:

Before we dive into Dockerfile, it’s important to understand Docker itself. Docker is a platform that simplifies the process of building, shipping, and running applications using containers. These containers are like lightweight, portable boxes that hold everything needed for software to work. Inside, you’ll find the code, tools, and settings—all neatly packed and ready to go. They are easy to move around and keep things separate, making sure everything runs smoothly.

What is Dockerfile?

A Dockerfile is a text file used to define the configuration of a Docker container. It contains a set of instructions that Docker uses to automatically create a container image. These instructions specify the base image, set up dependencies, copy files, configure environment variables, and define how the container should run. Dockerfiles simplifies the creation and replication of consistent container environments, enabling easy sharing and deployment of applications across different systems.

What is Docker Image?

A Docker image is a self-contained package that includes all the dependencies an application needs to run. It resembles a virtual machine image but is lighter and more efficient. Docker images are created using a Dockerfile, which is a simple text file that contains instructions for building the image. 

Commands in Dockerfile


This command sets the base image for your Docker image. It’s the starting point for the new image you’re creating. For example, using ‘FROM node:14‘ selects the base image as the latest version of Node available from the Docker Hub.

frome node

2. RUN

The RUN command executes commands within the image during the build process. For instance, you might use ‘RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y <package>’ to update package lists and install a package.

Run Code


This command, commonly utilized to transfer application code or configuration files from the local filesystem into the image, facilitates the copying of files.

copy code


This command sets the working directory for any subsequent instructions in the Dockerfile. It’s similar to ‘cd’ in the terminal. For instance, ‘WORKDIR /usr/src/app’ sets ‘/usr/src/app’ as the directory where subsequent commands or instructions within the Dockerfile will be executed.


EXPOSE doesn’t actually publish the port; rather, it serves as documentation for the ports that the container listens on. It informs Docker that the container listens on specific network ports at runtime. For instance, ‘EXPOSE 3000’ lets others know that the container listens on port 3000.

6. CMD

This command specifies what command to run when the container starts. It’s commonly used to preset default arguments for a running container. For instance, it can be used as follows: ‘CMD [“node”, “app.js”]‘, specifying the default command ‘node app.js’ for container startup.

7. ENV

This defines container-specific environment variables. These settings commonly customize the behaviour or configurations of applications and services within the container. For example, ‘ENV NODE_ENV=production’ and ‘ENV PORT=3000’ set environment variables for the Node.js application.


The USER command in a Dockerfile defines the user or user ID (UID) for the container, providing a way to specify the user context for the following instructions within the Dockerfile. For instance, you can use it as follows: ‘USER nodeuser’.

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What is a Docker Container?

Docker serves as a software platform, empowering developers to encapsulate software into standardized entities known as docker containers. These containers are lightweight, portable, and self-contained, making them ideal for deploying applications across different computing environments. 

They operate in isolation from one another and the hosting system, ensuring consistent application performance irrespective of the underlying infrastructure. This isolation also enhances security and prevents conflicts between applications.

Creating and Building a Dockerfile

We write step-by-step instructions for our container’s image configuration, in a text file called Dockerfile. Thus, each instruction specifies actions like setting the base image, installing dependencies, copying files, and exposing ports.

Let’s go through this process step by step to ensure you understand each command involved:

Step 1 – Use a text editor or command line to create a file named ‘Dockerfile’ in your project directory.

Step 2 –  In a Dockerfile, it’s important that the initial instruction defines the base image for your container.  Let’s understand the procedure using an example. Utilize the Node.js 14 image with Alpine Linux 3.16.

from node

Step 3 – In the next step, use the ‘RUN’  instruction to install the necessary dependencies for your application. To install Node.js modules, use the following instructions:

Step 4 – Now we will use the ‘COPY ./ /app’ command to copy application files into the container image.

Step 5 – Use the WORKDIR instruction to configure the working directory for the container, providing the designated space where the application will be executed

Step 6 – Specify the ports your application will listen to using the ‘EXPOSE’ command. This enables external traffic to reach your application. For instance, let’s make port 3000 accessible here 

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Step 7 – Next, use the CMD instruction to specify the command to be executed when the container starts, and to start a Node.js application, we will use

Step 8 – After finishing the Dockerfile, proceed to build the Docker image by executing the ‘docker build’ command. For instance, to create the image labelled as ‘my-app’ and tagged with ‘v1’

Step 9 – Once the image building is done, you can execute the container by utilizing the ‘docker run’ instruction. For instance, launching the ‘my-app:v1’ image and linking port 3000 from the host machine to port 3000

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Incorporating Dockerfiles into CI/CD Pipelines

Integrating Dockerfiles into Automation Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) processes allows teams to automate software testing effectively. With Docker, teams can automate the building, testing, and deployment processes within the software development pipeline.

1. Executing Docker Processes in CI

In the Continuous Integration (CI) phase, Dockerfiles enable the creation of standard environments for application building and testing. An organized CI pipeline comprises of the following processes:

  • Stage Code Commit: Code is pushed by developers into the GitHub/GitLab version control repository.
  • Stage Implementation: A job is later initiated by the CI server (e.g. Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD) which executes docker build command to create a docker image.
  • Stage Test: Newly created images undergo unit and integration testing in containers. Containerized tests can be automated in Selenium, Junit, and PyTest.
  • Stage Publish: The verified image is then uploaded to a container registry like Docker Hub, or AWS ECR, or Google Container Registry.

2. Integrating Docker Containers in Continuous Deployment

In the Continuous Deployment (CD) phase, applications are delivered in an automated fashion through the use of Docker Containers reduction of application delivery is ensured by the follows processes:

  • Image Pulling: The deployment tool (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or AWS ECS) retrieves the most recent Docker image from the registry.
  • Container Deployment: The tools like docker run or Kubernetes manifests (kubectl apply) are used to deploy the image in staging or production environment.
  • Scaling & Monitoring: Deployment orchestrators such as Kubernetes are responsible for scaling and networking of containerized applications, as well as for monitoring them.

Advantages of Using Dockerfiles in CI/CD Processes

  • Standardization: Resolved “works on my machine” problems.
  • Flexibility: Easily run on multiple cloud vendors.
  • Less Rigid: Reduced resource costs for deployment due to use of containers.

Teams can enable faster, more accurate automated software delivery by integrating Dockerfiles into CI/CD pipelines.


Dockerfiles act as a clear set of instructions, a roadmap guiding the effortless creation of container environments. These straightforward files hold a series of steps that shape Docker images into self-contained units. These images encapsulate applications and their needs, effortlessly adjusting to different computing environments. They help the developers by offering consistency and simplicity in deploying across diverse environments. Adopting Dockerfiles isn’t just about simplifying workflows; it marks a fundamental change in how we deploy software. It is a blend of reliability, scalability, and agility, reshaping how we deliver modern applications.

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How do I write a Dockerfile?

A Dockerfile consists of a series of instructions, each starting with a keyword, followed      by arguments and options. The instructions are executed in the order they appear in the file. Some of the most common Dockerfile instructions include:

  • FROM: Specifies the base image for the Docker image
  • RUN: Executes a command in the context of the Docker image
  • COPY: Copies files from the host machine to the Docker image
  • CMD: Specifies the default command to run when the Docker container is started.
  • EXPOSE: Specifies which ports to expose on the Docker container
How do I run a Dockerfile?

To run it, use the ‘docker build’ command mentioned earlier to build an image. After building the image, use ‘docker run’ followed by the image name to start a container from that image.

What is the entrypoint in a Dockerfile?

The ‘ENTRYPOINT’ instruction in a Dockerfile sets the default command that kicks in when the container begins. This instruction defines what the container will do by default. You can change this command temporarily when starting the container using ‘docker run’, but ‘ENTRYPOINT’ gives the container its usual behavior when it starts up.

What is the use of Dockerfile?

Dockerfiles serve as blueprints for building Docker images, providing a standardized and reproducible way to package and deploy applications in containers. They define the environment, dependencies, and configurations needed for running an application inside a Docker container.

What type of Dockerfile exists?

Dockerfiles don’t have specific types, but they can be customized for various purposes. For instance, there are base Dockerfiles for different programming languages or specific services, and you can create custom Dockerfiles depending on your application needs.

How do I delete a Docker image?

In order to delete a Docker image, it is suggested to use the ‘docker rmi’ command followed by the image ID or image name. For example, type ‘docker rmi <image_id>’ or ‘docker rmi <image_name>’. Ensure no containers are currently running based on the image you wish to delete, as Docker won’t allow the deletion of images that are in use.

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About the Author

Senior Cloud Computing Associate

Rupinder is a distinguished Cloud Computing & DevOps associate with architect-level AWS, Azure, and GCP certifications. He has extensive experience in Cloud Architecture, Deployment and optimization, Cloud Security, and more. He advocates for knowledge sharing and in his free time trains and mentors working professionals who are interested in the Cloud & DevOps domain.