Representation always matters!
And it is never healthy to represent data in its very unprocessed arrangement.
Meaningful and interactive graphical representations and maps are imperative for impressive data demonstration and hence, data visualization tools are mandatory. In this article, I will be describing a few data visualization tools and they are listed below:

This most important specification of this visualization tool is its simplicity and comfort. This particular tool along with the facility of providing beautiful charts also enables us to produce infographics online. It has got a large set of factors but for that, we need to buy the license. Using the open source tool we can use only a limited number of characteristics. Its charts are just incredible producing normal visualizations which are greatly intended.
There won’t be any person left in the business field that may not know about Tableau and its striking features. It produces charts that are very adaptable which are easily used in almost all available browsers we have today. It has got both its free as well as its paid version. Tableau has got a gallery where you will find all the charts it has designed for the visualizing purposes.
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This tool is a data visualization tool that deals with a large amount of information. Its architecture is made of Java Scripts and is very responsive and is easily tailored. It is versatile and can be adjusted easily in every type of browsers. It has got its own role and does not do everything. It is fit for huge data and it will not do everything we want it to do.
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Google Charts
This awesome tool provides a huge range of beautiful charts in HTML5 as well as SVG which can be used in any browser and in any ios including Apple as well as others. These are frequently used as it is very elastic and easy to use. It even helps the previous editions of IE. Its gallery contains the attractive charts which can be viewed anytime by opening Google.
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The data driven document is one of the primary data visualization tools. It is a free tool and it can be downloaded easily from the internet without any cost. Any type of visualization is possible with the help of this tool which uses coding. It is characteristic filled, collectively prosperous and incredibly striking. This visualization tool has got certain charts that are inbuilt but it never gives those inbuilt ones but offers interactive visualizations that are best possible with data-driven documents. Main specifications of this visualization tool are that it has got a sharp erudition curvature and it is well-matched merely with contemporary browsers.
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Along with other normal charts, this tool offers another wrap up for the stock charts which is named as the High stock. It is an amazing tool which supplies a lot of charting options.
Just for use in non-business tasks, this tool is open source but in order to be used for the trading purposes one has to pay for buying the license. The charts offered by this tool offers are readable in PNG, PDF, SVG as well as in JPG format. This is a very active tool and is very popular for its amazing charts people love to use.
This is one of the compact and most popular free tools that give charts for smaller projects. This tool is not used for big industry projects but is used in smaller and simpler projects. This tool does not provide a large number of visualizations but its gallery contain only 6 types of different charts and they are polar, doughnut, radar, pie, bar and line. In the reproduction of the charts, this definite tool uses HTML5. Its visualizations are good and are really reactive to a good point.
This is a data visualization tool which has got all the charts and graphs which are very clear and comprehensive. But this tool is really costly in comparison to the other visualization tools. Though it is expensive, it is very worth to pay such amount because its specifications are just ultimate. It has got almost some hundreds of charts and some nearly thousands of beautifully designed maps. It works on every type of browsers including old as well as new ones. All data formats are supported by this visualization tool including JSON as well as XML formats. Using this particular optical tool one can get charts in the form of all image formats including JPEG, SVG, PNG as well as PDF.
This Fusioncharts tool gives such reliable and versatile charts that work on all types of devices because they are adjustable and their dimensions and shapes can be easily tailored depending on the features of the devices. This tool has got a great collection of dashboards used for commercial purposes. Although it is costly, but you can still learn using this tool before buying it through a free download of its trial version. Intellipaat offers tableau training for the learners to master advanced visualization tools.