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in SQL by (45k points)
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Could someone tell me what is Attribute in SQL?

What is Attribute in SQL?
by (1.5k points)
In SQL, an attribute is something that specifies a part of information about the data. It is simply a column of a table like suppose you are one table named as Employee so its attribute could be Employee Name, Employee ID, Contact Info, Salary and so on.

2 Answers

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by (11.4k points)
Best answer
In SQL, an attribute refers to a column or field within a database table. It represents a specific characteristic or property of the data stored in that table.

Attributes define the types of information that can be stored in a table. They determine the kind of data that can be entered into a particular column and help enforce data integrity and consistency.

Each attribute has a name and a data type associated with it. The name is used to identify the attribute, while the data type specifies the kind of data that can be stored in that attribute, such as text, numbers, dates, or binary data.

Attributes can also have additional properties, such as constraints, which define rules or conditions that must be met by the data in the attribute. For example, a constraint may specify that a certain attribute cannot be null or must have a unique value.

In SQL queries, attributes are used to specify the columns that should be retrieved, filtered, sorted, or grouped. They play a crucial role in querying and manipulating data in a database.
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by (99k points)

The attribute in SQL is defined as a column in an entity table. The values of the Attribute describe the members of the entity. If you wish to get trained in SQL, check out Intellipaat’s SQL certification course. Also, if you are interested in watching the following video on SQL Interview Questions and Answers.

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