9. What is a Database Schema, and how does it work?
A Database Schema represents the overall logical framework of a database. It defines the structure and organization of the data, including the tables, fields, relationships, and constraints. The Schema is created using a formal language accepted by the database management system.
The Schema provides a blueprint for the database, allowing developers to design and implement the database based on specific business requirements. It also helps to ensure data consistency, accuracy, and integrity. Changes to the schema can be made using Data Definition Language (DDL) statements.
10. What are Clustered indexes in SQL, and how do they differ from Non-Clustered indexes?
A Clustered index is used to define the physical order in which the data is stored on disk based on the values in one or more columns. When a table has a clustered index, the data is stored in the order of the clustered index key values. This can improve the performance of queries that use the clustered index key for sorting or filtering.
In contrast, a non-clustered index is a separate data structure that stores the index key values along with a pointer to the corresponding data in the table. Non-clustered indexes can be used for efficient searching of specific values or ranges of values in columns that are not part of the clustered index.
Intermediate Infosys Interview Questions
11. What are SQL triggers, and how do they work?
An SQL trigger is a database object that is automatically activated in response to certain events, such as an insert, update, or delete operation on a table. Triggers can be used to enforce business rules, log changes, or perform other actions based on the data being modified.
A trigger is associated with a specific table or view and is defined using Data Definition Language (DDL) statements. When the trigger event occurs, the trigger code is executed, which can include SQL statements, stored procedures, or other actions. Triggers can be defined as executing before or after the triggering event and can be used to enforce constraints, validate data, or perform complex calculations.
Go through these HR Interview Questions to crack your interview!
12. What is the difference between a Socket and a Session in networking?
A socket is a combination of an IP address and a port number that identifies a unique endpoint in a network. A session refers to the logical connection established between two endpoints for the purpose of exchanging data.
In other words, a socket is the address of a network resource, while a session is a connection between two sockets that allows data to be exchanged.
13. What is the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that describes the software development process from conception to retirement. It includes various stages such as planning, requirement gathering, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
The SDLC provides a structured approach to software development, ensuring that the software meets the business requirements, is delivered on time and within budget, and is maintainable and scalable.
14. What are the disadvantages of the Waterfall model in software development?
The Waterfall model is a linear and sequential approach to software development that proceeds through stages in a top-down manner. Its disadvantages include:
- It is inflexible and does not allow for changes or iterations once a stage is completed.
- It is not suitable for complex or large-scale projects.
- Measuring progress and project status is difficult until the end of the project.
- Testing is usually done at the end of the project, which can lead to delays and rework.
- It does not account for customer feedback or changing requirements, which can result in a product that does not meet customer needs.
15. What is the Stored Procedure?
A stored procedure is a precompiled and reusable database program that performs a specific task or set of tasks in a database management system. It can accept parameters, execute SQL queries, and return results, enhancing database efficiency, security, and maintainability.
16. What is Polymorphism?
Polymorphism is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming. It allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. This enables flexibility in method implementation, as different subclasses can provide their own specific implementation of methods inherited from the superclass. Polymorphism simplifies code design and promotes code reusability, making it a key feature in object-oriented languages like Java and C++.
Interested in getting into MNC like Wipro, check out our Wipro interview questions guide to know the latest questions asked by managers there.
17. Explain pointers with examples.
Pointers in C++ are variables that store memory addresses of other variables or objects. They enable dynamic memory allocation, efficient data manipulation, and direct memory access, facilitating advanced programming tasks like dynamic data structures and low-level memory operations.
int number = 42;
int* ptr = &number; // Declare a pointer to an integer and assign the address of 'number'
std::cout << "Value of 'number': " << *ptr << std::endl; // Output: Value of 'number': 42
*ptr = 99; // Modify the value of 'number' through the pointer
std::cout << "Updated value of 'number': " << *ptr << std::endl; // Output: Updated value of 'number': 99
Go through these Behavioural Interview Questions to crack your interview!
18. What do you understand about the term overfitting in machine learning? Explain the techniques to resolve this.
Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning, especially supervised learning, where the model is trained to fit the data so closely that it picks up noise and distinguishes between data rather than learning the underlying structure. This ensures that the model performs well on training material but not well on unseen or new material (test material) because it is important to remember rather than extend the training model. Overfitting can lead to poor model performance, reduced prediction accuracy, and lack of generalization; these are important problems in machine learning.
Techniques to resolve this are:
More information: Make the information smaller to help the model expand better.
Feature selection: Select relevant features and assign irrelevant features.cross validation: Use k-fold cross validation to test model performance.Regularization: Add penalties to patterns to avoid collisions (e.g. L1 and L2 are regular).
Simplify the model: Reduce the complexity of the model, such as reducing the number of neural networks.
Stop early: Stop training when proven performance drops.
Integrated approach: Provide multiple models to develop capabilities.
Knowledge development: Creating new educational models through change.
Pruning: Prune branches that do not contain any information in the decision tree.
Choose the right model: If you do not want complexity, choose a simpler model.
19. Explain the concept of feature engineering. Why is it important in data science?
Feature engineering involves selecting, modifying, or creating new features from raw data to improve the performance of machine learning models. This is important because quality features can affect the accuracy and capacity of the model.
20. What is a firewall? How does it increase cybersecurity?
A firewall is a network security device or software that monitors and controls network access in accordance with an organization’s security policies. It acts as a barrier between trusted networks and untrusted external connections, such as the internet, to prevent unauthorized access and thwart cyber threats.
21. What is a fact table in data warehouse?
For data warehouses, a fact table is an essential element of a star schema, also known as a snowflake schema. It’s a huge centrally-located table that holds quantifiable data (facts) regarding a particular operational or business procedure. Fact tables are created to facilitate analytical queries and reports in a data warehouse. Below are the most important features and elements of a fact table
Measurements, or Facts: These tables are primarily composed of numerical data or measures. They are the key most important business metrics, or key performance indicators (KPIs) which companies want to study. Some examples of this are sales revenues, profits, margins of profit, numbers sold, and any other business information that is measurable.
22. What is ETL in Datawarehouse?
ETL is a method employed in data warehouses to transfer data from the source systems to a data warehouse and then transform the data into an usable format. The ETL procedure is composed of three major phases:
Extract: In this phase, it is the extraction of data from various systems. It could involve the reading of information from flat files, databases APIs, databases, or other sources. Data extraction may be scheduled to take place on a regular basis or even in real-time when data is updated.
Transform: Data Transformation is the procedure of cleansing up, structuring and enriching extracted data. This includes things like data validation deduplication, format transformation and implementing business-related regulations. The transformation process ensures that the data is reliable and useful to be analyzed.
Load: The last stage is loading converted data in the warehouse. The loading of data can take place in batches (loading huge amounts of data on a regular basis) and in real-time (immediate changes). The data loaded is organized into dimension tables as well as fact tables. This makes it ready to be used in analytical queries.
23. Explain the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) process.
DHCP is a network protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, and other network settings to network devices. When the device is connected to a DHCP-enabled network, it sends a DHCP request and the DHCP server responds with the appropriate network configuration message, providing effective and controlled IP addresses.
24. Explain the concept of broadcasting in NumPy.
Array is a feature in NumPy that allows you to work on arrays of different shapes. NumPy automatically adjusts the length of arrays, allowing efficient operation even if the arrays are not identical. For example, you can add a scalar to a NumPy array and at runtime the scalar will be declared as the shape of the array.
25. How to merge two DataFrames in Pandas?
You can use functions like merge() or concat() to merge two DataFrames in Pandas. The join() function is used for database-style joins based on specified columns, while concat() is used to join DataFrames based on specific columns.
26. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in Python?
A shallow copy of an object creates a new object, but does not repeat the properties of the original object. In contrast, deep form creates a new object and recycles all objects in the original object, including nested objects. You can use print stencils to create shallow and deep prints.
27. What is a subnet and why is it important in networking?
Subnetting is the process of dividing a large IP network into smaller, more manageable subnets or subnets. It facilitates efficient IP address allocation, reduces network congestion, and improves security by isolating partitions. Subnetting is important for optimizing IP address usage in your organization.
28. Explain how to create a NumPy array with a specified shape and data type.
You can create a NumPy array using the numpy.array function. Here’s an example of creating an array with a specific shape and data type:
import numpy as np
# Create a 2x3 array of integers
my_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.int32)
29. What to do with missing values (NaN) in Pandas DataFrame?
You can handle missing values in Pandas DataFrame using methods such as dropna() to remove rows or columns with missing values and fillna() to remove missing values. Use specific values or strategies to fill in missing values. or use the interpulate() function to interpolate missing values based on existing data.
30. What is a subnet mask and how is it used in network communication?
A subnet mask is a 32-bit number used with an IP address to separate an IP address into part of the network and part of the host. It helps determine which part of the IP address belongs to the network and which part belongs to the host. Subnet masking is important for routing and subnetting in IP networks.
31. Explains the use of the Python stack's __init__ method.
__init__ method is a special method in the Python category, also called constructor. It will be called when an object of this class is created. You can use the __init__ command to initialize a custom object and make all the necessary settings to create an instance of the class.
32. What are the different stages of data warehouse?
Data warehousing is a series of stages when it comes to recording, storing, and managing data for research reasons. The most important steps are:
Data Extraction: At this phase, data is taken from a variety of sources including applications, databases flat files or external sources of data. Data extraction ensures that the relevant information is collected to be analyzed.
Data Transformation: Data derived from diverse sources can have inconsistencies and errors or differing types. Transformation involves cleaning the data, arranging and standardizing extracted data in order to guarantee precision and consistency. It also includes data enrichment, where more data can be included.
Data Loading Once the data has been transformed, it’s then transferred to the storage facility for data. It can be accomplished using diverse methods such as batch processing, or real-time streaming data. The data loaded is then kept in data marts or central data repositories.
Data Modeling: This is creating the schema of the database. It involves creating dimensions tables and fact tables and also defining the relations between them. The most popular modeling methods are snowflake schemas and star schemas.
Data Querying and Analyzing: When the data has been processed and modelled, users can use queries and analysis to analyze the data with Business Intelligence (BI) tools such as reporting software, tools for analysis, and SQL queries. This allows decision makers to get insights from information.
Maintenance and Optimization of Data: The data warehouses need to be maintained on a regular basis that includes updating as well as data purging and tuning performance. Optimizing efforts are designed to ensure that queries are running effectively.
Information Presentation: The last step involves the presentation of information and data for business customers. Tools for visualizing, dashboards and systems for reporting are utilized to effectively communicate results.
33. What is an IP address? Explain the difference between IPv4 and IPv6.
IP address is a method used to assign unique identifiers to devices on a network. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address format, resulting in approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses. IPv6, on the other hand, uses a 128-bit address format, which allows for more unique addresses. IPv6 was introduced to solve the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion and provide security and performance.
34. What is the ROC curve? What is its importance in machine learning?
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a graphical representation of the performance of a dual distribution model. It shows the balance between true positives (sensitivity) and false positives (1-specificity) for various thresholds. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is often used to measure the ability of the model; The higher the AUC, the better the performance.
35. Explain the concept of ensemble learning.
Ensemble learning combines the predictions of multiple machine learning models to improve overall performance. It helps reduce bias and variability and often leads to better and stronger standards. Clustering techniques include bagging (e.g. Random Forest), boosting (e.g. AdaBoost), and stacking.
36. What is the curse of dimensionality, and how does it affect machine learning algorithms?
The curse is related to the difficulties and problems that arise as the size (number of features) of the data increases. It can lead to more connections, different files, and workloads. Dimensionality reduction techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) or feature selection are often used to solve this problem.
37. What is clustering in data mining, and how is it different from classification?
Clustering is a data mining technique that groups similar data together according to their characteristics without the need for groups or labels. Unlike classification, clustering does not require prior knowledge of the groups and its purpose is to discover groups in the data.
38. What is a sorting algorithm and explain the difference between bubble sort and merge sort.
Sorting algorithms arrange items in a specific order, such as ascending or descending.
Bubble sort: Compare adjacent items and replace them if they are in the wrong order. It repeats this process until there is no change. The time complexity of bubbles is O(n^2).
Merge sort: Split an array into smaller subarrays, sort them, and then merge the sorted subarrays to create the entire array. The time complexity of concatenation is O(n log n) and works better for large datasets.
39. What is a graph and explain different graph traversal algorithms.
Graph is a data structure consisting of nodes (vertices) and the edges connecting them. Image traversal algorithms include:
Depth First Search (DFS): Search as far down a branch as possible before turning back. It can be used repeatedly or stacked.
Breadth-First Search (BFS): Searches all neighbors of a node before going to its neighbors. This can be done using lines.
40. What is recursion and why is it useful in algorithms?
Recursion is a programming technique in which a function calls itself to solve a problem by dividing it into smaller, similar problems. It is very important in algorithms because it can simplify complex problems and lead to efficient and concise solutions.
41. Explain the time complexity of an algorithm and provide examples of common time complexities.
Time complexity measures the amount of time an algorithm takes to run as a function of its input size. Common time complexities include:
O(1): Constant time (e.g., accessing an element in an array by index).
O(log n): Logarithmic time (e.g., binary search in a sorted array).
O(n): Linear time (e.g., iterating through an array).
O(n^2): Quadratic time (e.g., nested loops).
42. Explain the concept of a linked list and compare linked and doubly lists.
A linked list is an array of data whose contents are stored in nodes and each point points to the next list.
In a single link, each node has a reference to the next node, while in a double link, each node has a reference to the previous and next node. Doubly linked lists allow easier traversal in both directions.
43. Explain the concept of dynamic programming and give examples of problems in which it is used (except Fibonacci).
Dynamic programming is a method of solving problems by dividing them into smaller problems and storing their solutions so that the problem is not recalculated. An example problem is the ‘backpack problem’ where you have to increase the amount of items in your backpack to achieve a weight.
Advanced Infosys Interview Questions for Experienced
44. Explain some important differences between C and C++?
Aspect |
C |
C++ |
Paradigm |
Procedural programming language. |
Multi-paradigm language (supports both procedural and object-oriented programming). |
OOP Support |
Lacks built-in support for Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). |
Provides robust support for OOP with classes and objects. |
Function Overloading |
Doesn’t support function overloading. |
Allows function overloading, where multiple functions can have the same name but different parameters. |
Encapsulation |
Lacks encapsulation and access specifiers like private and public. |
Supports encapsulation and access control with private, protected, and public access specifiers. |
Inheritance |
Doesn’t support inheritance. |
Supports both single and multiple inheritance (via classes). |
Polymorphism |
Lacks polymorphism with virtual functions and dynamic binding. |
Provides polymorphism through virtual functions and runtime dynamic binding. |
Header Files |
Uses .h header files. |
Uses .h and .hpp header files for declarations. |
45. What are the differences between TCP and UDP protocols?
Table for the difference between TCP and UDP is given below:
Aspect |
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) |
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) |
Connection |
Connection-oriented:maintains a connection before data transfer. |
Connectionless: sends data without establishing a connection. |
Reliability |
Reliable: Ensures data delivery with error checking and retransmission. |
Unreliable: May lose data packets without error recovery. |
Ordering |
Preserves data packet order during transmission. |
No guarantee of data packet order preservation. |
Header Size |
Larger header with more control information. |
Smaller header with minimal control information. |
Flow Control |
Supports flow control to prevent congestion and ensure optimal data transfer. |
No inherent flow control; relies on the application layer. |
Acknowledgments |
Requires acknowledgments for every received packet. |
No acknowledgments, making it faster but less reliable. |
46. What is the Agile model in software development?
The Agile model is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that focuses on delivering working software in small increments. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction.
Agile teams work in short cycles called sprints, typically lasting two to four weeks, and deliver a working product at the end of each sprint. Requirements are gathered and prioritized by the customer, and the team works closely with the customer to ensure that the product meets their needs.
The Agile model values individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Popular Agile methodologies include Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP).
47. What do software testing verification and validation entail?
Software testing verification and validation are critical processes in software development:
Verification: It focuses on ensuring that the software adheres to its specified requirements and design. Verification answers the question, ‘”Are we building the product right?’” It involves activities like code reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, and static analysis to identify defects early in the development process.
Validation: Validation, on the other hand, ensures that the software meets the customer’s actual needs and expectations. It answers the question, ‘Are we building the right product?’ Validation includes dynamic testing methods like functional testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing to confirm that the software fulfills its intended purpose and delivers value to the end-users.
48. What is the difference between DLL and EXE file extensions?
The EXE (Executable) file extension is used for files that contain executable code, which can be run as a program. An EXE file is self-contained and can establish its own memory and processing space.
A DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file, on the other hand, is a collection of functions and procedures that can be used by other programs. A DLL file is not executable on its own and must be called by another program that uses its functions. Multiple programs can use the same DLL file, and the caller application’s memory and processing space will be shared.
Interested in getting into MNC like Wipro, check out our Wipro interview questions guide to know the latest questions asked by managers there.
49. What is the difference between White box and Black box testing?
White box testing, also known as clear box testing or structural testing, involves testing the internal workings of a software application, including its code, logic, and algorithms. Testers have access to the application’s source code and understand its internal structure.
Black box testing, also known as functional testing or closed box testing, involves testing the external behavior of a software application without knowledge of its internal workings. Testers do not have access to the application’s source code and do not need to understand its internal structure.
White box testing is typically carried out by developers or testers who are familiar with the application’s code, while black box testing is often carried out by external or end-user testers who are not familiar with the application’s code. White box testing is more time-consuming and requires more effort than black box testing, but it can uncover bugs and defects that may be missed by black box testing.
50. What is meant by Case manipulation functions? Explain their different types in SQL.
Case manipulation functions are part of the character functions in SQL. They are used to convert the case of a given character string to upper, lower, or mixed case. This conversion can be used for formatting the output and searching for data without case sensitivity. The three case manipulation functions in SQL are:
- LOWER: Converts a given character string to lowercase.
- UPPER: Converts a given character string to uppercase.
- INITCAP: Converts the first character of each word in a given character string to uppercase and the remaining characters to lowercase.
For example, the following SQL query will convert the string ‘STEPHEN’ to ‘stephen’ using the LOWER function:
51. Explain character manipulation functions. Explain their different types in SQL.
Character manipulation functions in SQL are used to change, extract, and manipulate character strings. Some of the common character-manipulation functions in SQL are:
- CONCAT: Joins two or more values together. It appends the second string to the end of the first string.
- SUBSTR: Returns a portion of the input string from a specified start point to an endpoint.
- LENGTH: Returns the length of the input string, including the blank spaces.
- INSTR: Finds the numeric position of a specified character or word in a given string.
- LPAD: Adds padding to the left side of a character value for a right-justified value.
- RPAD: Adds padding to the right side of a character value for left-justified values.
- TRIM: Removes defined characters from the beginning, end, or both, and trims extra spaces.
- REPLACE: Replaces all occurrences of a word or substring with another specified string value.
Infosys HR Interview Questions
52.Tell me about yourself.
I am a dedicated and motivated professional with a strong background in [mention your field or industry]. Over the years, I have honed my skills in [mention relevant skills] and have a proven track record of [mention an achievement or quality]. I am enthusiastic about [mention a relevant interest or goal] and am confident in my ability to contribute positively to your organization’s success.
53. Why do you want to work at Infosys?
I am keen to work at Infosys because of its renowned reputation for innovation, commitment to excellence, and emphasis on professional growth. I am particularly attracted to the opportunity to collaborate with talented individuals on challenging projects and to contribute my skills and passion to an organization that aligns with my career goals. Infosys’s diverse and inclusive work culture also resonates with my values, making it an ideal place for me to thrive professionally.
54. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths: I possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills, enabling me to tackle complex tasks effectively. Additionally, my communication skills facilitate collaboration and efficient team interactions.
Weaknesses: I occasionally tend to be overly self-critical, which may impact my self-confidence. However, I actively work on self-improvement to address this weakness and continually seek feedback for growth.
55. How do you handle challenges or pressure at work?
I handle challenges and pressure at work through a systematic approach. I prioritize tasks, break them into manageable steps, and set realistic deadlines. Effective time management and communication help in coordinating with the team. Additionally, I maintain a positive mindset, focus on solutions, and seek support or feedback when needed. These strategies allow me to remain composed and productive, even in high-pressure situations, ensuring quality results.
56. Tell me about a time when you worked in a team.
I once worked in a cross-functional team on a project to streamline a company’s customer support process. My role involved data analysis and collaborating with customer service and IT teams. Through effective communication and sharing insights, we successfully implemented process improvements, reducing response times by 20%. This experience highlighted my ability to contribute collaboratively and achieve tangible results through teamwork.
57. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I envision myself in a leadership role within the company, leveraging my experience and skills to drive innovation and contribute to the organization’s growth. I aim to continue developing professionally, taking on more responsibilities, and mentoring junior colleagues. Ultimately, I aspire to make significant contributions that align with the company’s long-term goals and mission.
Recent Updates that will help in Infosys Interviews:
- Infosys is actively hiring for various roles, including freshers, experienced professionals, and leadership positions.
- The company seeks candidates proficient in emerging technologies like AI, cloud computing, and data science.
- Infosys is expanding its presence in the United States and Europe and is actively recruiting local talent in these regions.
- The company places a strong emphasis on investing in training and development programs to empower its workforce with new skills.
- Specific job openings at Infosys include Software Engineers, Data Scientists, Cloud Architects, Business Analysts, Project Managers, Quality Assurance Engineers, Technical Architects, Security Engineers, DevOps Engineers, Full Stack Developers, and UI/UX Designers.
- Interested candidates can explore career opportunities and apply on Infosys’ official website.
Key takeaways from recent Infosys recruitment updates highlight their active hiring stance, focus on local talent during expansion, and commitment to employee growth through training and skill development programs. Infosys offers a dynamic environment for IT professionals seeking career advancement and fulfillment.
This compilation of Infosys Interview Questions with Answers, empowers you to excel in your Infosys Technical interviews and Infosys HR questions, ensuring you’re well-prepared to tackle any related queries with confidence.