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Wipro Interview Questions

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Working at Wipro offers a chance to unlock your true potential, advance continuously, and collaborate with industry experts on groundbreaking technologies. The dynamic environment at Wipro is a perfect blend of growth opportunities, ongoing innovation, fair practices, and an exceptional work culture. What sets Wipro apart is its commitment to empowering employees with the freedom to learn, develop, and carve their unique career paths. At Wipro, the possibilities are limitless, and every employee is encouraged to shape their own success story.

WIPRO Recruitment Process

Wipro follows a comprehensive recruitment process that may vary based on location and local regulations in more than 50 countries where they operate. Here’s an overview of their standard procedure:

  1. Online Application: Candidates can apply for specific positions through Wipro’s advanced job search. If there isn’t an exact match, they can still upload their CV, and the recruiting team will reach out when a suitable position becomes available.
  2. Evaluation: Shortlisted candidates will have technical/functional interviews with the Business and Talent Acquisition Teams. Additionally, they may need to complete online tests to assess specific skills.
  3. Documentation: Once selected, candidates need to submit the required documentation to proceed with the competitive offer. The HR contact will provide a list of necessary documents.
  4. Offer: Candidates who successfully pass the evaluation stage will receive a final offer after discussions with recruiters. Upon acceptance, they can begin their notice period with their current employer.
  5. Joining: After verifying qualifications and conducting a background check based on submitted documents, Wipro officially welcomes the candidate as an employee.

Wipro’s interview process consists of three rounds:

  1. Online Testing: The initial phase includes an aptitude test, where candidates are assessed on quantitative skills like arithmetic, speed, distance, time, interest, number series, probability, ratios, percentages, permutation, and combination.
  2. Technical Interviews: Shortlisted candidates proceed to technical interviews, where their technical and functional expertise is evaluated.
  3. HR Interviews: The final round involves HR interviews to assess the candidate’s compatibility with Wipro’s work culture and values.

Top Wipro Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

The interview process at Wipro is tailored to the specific position and level of the job. Whether you’re applying for an entry-level role or gearing up for a senior position, our compilation of Wipro interview questions and answers will aid in your preparation, enabling you to face the interview with greater clarity and confidence. By familiarizing yourself with these questions, you can present your skills and qualifications effectively, increasing your chances of success in the interview process.

Wipro Interview Questions for Freshers

1. Explain the difference between a Process and a Thread.

The difference between a Process and a Thread is elaborated below:

  • Process: A process is a program in execution. It has its own address space, which is a region of memory that is used to store the program’s code, data, and stack. Moreover, they are independent of each other, which means that they cannot share memory or resources without explicit synchronization.
  • Thread: A thread is a lightweight process that shares the same address space as its parent process. This means that threads can share memory and resources without explicit synchronization. Threads are also dependent on each other, which means that they can communicate and share data more easily than processes.

2. What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? Explain its principles.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm in computer science that facilitates the organization and design of software by modeling real-world entities as objects. Its key principles include encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. OOP fosters modularity, reusability, and code maintenance, promoting efficient and scalable software development in a structured manner.

The main principles of OOP are mentioned below:

  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the bundling of data and code together into a single unit. This makes it easier to maintain and understand the code, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to data.
  • Abstraction: Abstraction is the process of hiding the implementation details of an object from its users. This allows users to focus on the object’s functionality, without having to worry about how it works.
  • Inheritance: Inheritance is the ability of an object to inherit the properties and methods of another object. This makes it possible to create new objects that are similar to existing objects, without having to rewrite the code.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism is the ability of an object to respond to a message in different ways, depending on its type. This allows for greater flexibility and code reuse.

3. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?

The difference between an abstract class and an interface is discussed below:

  • Abstract class: An abstract class is a class that can’t be instantiated. It contains both abstract and non-abstract methods. Abstract methods are methods that don’t have a body, and they must be implemented by the child class. Non-abstract methods are methods that have a body, and they can be overridden by the child class.
  • Interface: An interface is a contract that defines a set of methods that must be implemented by the class. Interfaces can’t contain any data members, and they can’t have constructors.

4. What is the purpose of garbage collection in programming languages?

The purpose of garbage collection in programming languages is to automate the management of memory allocation and deallocation. It plays a crucial role in reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use, thereby optimizing system resources and preventing memory leaks. Garbage collection tracks allocated memory blocks and identifies objects that are no longer referenced or reachable, facilitating their efficient removal from memory. By automating memory deallocation, it relieves programmers from the burden of manual memory management and reduces the occurrence of memory-related errors. Implementing efficient garbage collection algorithms ensures optimal memory utilization, enhancing program performance and stability.

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5. What is the purpose of a hashing algorithm?

A hashing algorithm serves a crucial purpose in computer science and cryptography. It is a mathematical function that transforms input data into a fixed-length string called a hash value or hash code. The primary objectives of a hashing algorithm include ensuring data integrity, facilitating efficient data retrieval, and enhancing security measures. By generating unique hash codes for input data, hashing algorithms enable tasks such as data indexing, password storage, digital signatures, and data validation. These algorithms are meticulously designed to achieve speed, uniqueness in hash codes, and a minimal likelihood of collisions, where different inputs produce identical hash codes.

6. What is the difference between a primary key and a foreign key in a database?

The distinction between a primary key and a foreign key in a database lies in their respective roles and functionalities. A primary key serves as a distinctive identifier for a record within a table, guaranteeing its uniqueness. On the other hand, a foreign key establishes a connection between two tables by referencing the primary key of another table. This mechanism enforces referential integrity and preserves the relational structure between tables. In essence, a primary key serves as a unique identifier within a table, while a foreign key facilitates the establishment of relationships between tables by referencing primary keys.

7. Explain the concept of multithreading and its advantages?

Multithreading is a programming concept that involves the concurrent execution of multiple threads within a single process. Each thread operates independently, allowing tasks to be performed simultaneously. The benefits of multithreading include enhanced program responsiveness, efficient utilization of CPU resources, and improved performance through parallelism. Multithreading enables the execution of multiple tasks concurrently, leading to faster task completion and effective utilization of system resources. However, it is crucial to employ proper synchronization mechanisms and adhere to thread-safe practices to handle shared resources and prevent issues such as race conditions and deadlocks.

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8. Explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?

SQL and NoSQL databases exhibit fundamental distinctions in their data models and design principles. SQL databases, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, adhere to a structured, tabular format with predefined schemas, boasting ACID transactions and stringent data consistency. Conversely, NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Cassandra embrace flexible, schema-less structures, often employing key-value pairs, documents, or wide-column models. NoSQL databases prioritize scalability, high performance, and streamlined horizontal scaling, albeit potentially compromising certain ACID properties. Ultimately, selecting between SQL and NoSQL hinges upon project-specific requirements, emphasizing the careful consideration of data structure and scalability trade-offs.

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9. Describe the concept of recursion in programming?

Recursion is a fundamental programming concept wherein a function invokes itself during its execution. It enables the resolution of intricate problems by decomposing them into smaller, more manageable subproblems. With each recursive call, the function operates on a reduced subset of the original problem until a base case is encountered. At this point, the function returns a result without further recursive invocations. Defining appropriate base cases is crucial to avoid infinite loops. Recursion finds wide application in tasks such as tree traversal, searching algorithms, and mathematical computations. Proficient comprehension and implementation of recursion can lead to refined and succinct code solutions.

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10. Describe the difference between a static method and an instance method?

In object-oriented programming, a distinction exists between static methods and instance methods. A static method pertains to the class itself rather than any specific instance. It can be invoked using the class name and lacks access to instance-specific data. Conversely, an instance method is tied to a particular object instance of a class and operates on the data specific to that instance. It is invoked on an object using dot notation. Grasping this differentiation is essential as it influences the manner of method invocation, their scope, and the kind of data they can manipulate.

Wipro Interview Questions for Experienced

11. Describe the concept of a binary tree and its traversal algorithms?

A binary tree refers to a types of hierarchical data structure that comprises nodes, where each node can possess a maximum of two child nodes – a left child and a right child. The uppermost node is referred to as the root. To systematically visit and process all nodes within a binary tree, traversal algorithms are employed. Three commonly used traversal techniques are in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversal. In the in-order method, exploration begins with the left subtree, followed by the root, and then the right subtree. The pre-order method visits the root prior to its subtrees, while the post-order method explores the subtrees first and then the root. These traversal algorithms play a crucial role in facilitating various operations on binary trees, such as searching, insertion, deletion, and sorting.
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12. Explain the difference between a stack and a queue data structure?

A stack and a queue are two distinct data structures that possess contrasting characteristics. The stack adheres to the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, where the most recently added item is the first to be removed. It resembles a vertical stack of objects, with access limited to the topmost element. In contrast, the queue follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, akin to a line of individuals awaiting service, allowing elements to be added at one end and removed from the other. The divergent behaviors of stacks and queues make them suitable for specific applications such as function call tracking and process scheduling, respectively.

13. What is the purpose of an exception handling mechanism?

The purpose of an exception handling mechanism is to facilitate the effective management and response to exceptional conditions or errors encountered during program execution. It provides a structured approach to identify, handle, and recover from unexpected events, ensuring the continuity of program flow and preventing abrupt terminations. Through the utilization of try-catch blocks, exceptions can be intercepted, enabling the execution of appropriate actions such as error notification, logging, or the execution of alternate code paths. Exception handling promotes software robustness, reliability, and fault tolerance, thereby enhancing overall system stability and the user experience.

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14. What is the role of an operating system in computer systems?

The operating system assumes a pivotal role in computer systems as it serves as a vital intermediary between users and hardware resources. It encompasses a multitude of functions, including process scheduling, memory management, file system organization, device administration, and user interface facilitation. By optimizing the utilization of system resources, the operating system enables concurrent execution of multiple programs. It abstracts hardware complexities, enabling software applications to interact seamlessly with underlying components. Furthermore, it ensures a secure and stable execution environment, enhances system performance, and facilitates effective resource allocation.

15. Explain the concept of a circular linked list.

A circular linked list is a data structure characterized by a sequence of nodes, where the last node in the list connects back to the first node, forming a closed loop. Unlike a traditional linked list, the tail node in a circular linked list does not have a null pointer, but rather references the head node. This circular arrangement enables efficient traversal starting from any node in a circular manner. Circular linked lists are valuable in scenarios requiring continuous iteration or cyclic access to elements. Implementation can be achieved using either a singly linked list or a doubly linked list with appropriate adjustments to establish circular connections between nodes.

16. What is the purpose of an abstract method in an abstract class?

The purpose of an abstract method within an abstract class is to act as a template for derived classes to define their own implementation. It declares a method in the abstract class without specifying the details of its implementation. The intention behind an abstract method is to establish a contractual obligation for derived classes to fulfill. Derived classes are obliged to override the abstract method and provide their own implementation based on their individual requirements. This mechanism allows the abstract class to define a standardized interface or behavior that all derived classes must conform to, while granting each derived class the flexibility to offer its own distinct implementation.

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17. Describe the concept of a Binary search algorithm.

The Binary search algorithm is a well-established and efficient method used to locate a specific target value within a sorted array or list. It operates by iteratively partitioning the search space in half, comparing the target value with the middle element, and subsequently discarding the half in which the target cannot reside. This process continues until the target value is found or the search space is exhausted. Due to its ability to eliminate half of the remaining elements in each iteration, binary search offers superior time complexity compared to linear search methods, resulting in optimal search efficiency.

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18. Explain the concept of Dynamic programming?

Dynamic programming is a computational methodology that addresses intricate problems by decomposing them into overlapping subproblems and solving each subproblem only once. It employs a memoization or tabulation strategy to store and retrieve intermediate outcomes, thus eliminating redundant computations. By tackling smaller subproblems and leveraging their solutions, dynamic programming effectively optimizes both time and space complexities. This technique finds broad application in scenarios featuring overlapping substructures, such as optimizing the Fibonacci series, shortest path algorithms, and sequence alignment. Proficient comprehension of dynamic programming equips novices with the ability to devise efficient algorithms and effectively handle complex problems with optimal solutions.

19. Describe the concept of a Graph data structure and its Traversal algorithms.

A Graph data structure is composed of interconnected nodes (vertices) and edges, representing relationships or connections between elements. Traversal algorithms facilitate the exploration of graphs by visiting and processing their nodes. Notably, Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) are widely employed traversal techniques. DFS delves deeply into each branch before backtracking, while BFS explores the graph level by level. These algorithms play a crucial role in solving graph-related challenges, including path finding, cycle detection, and connectivity analysis. A comprehensive understanding of graph data structures and their traversal algorithms is pivotal for efficiently tackling diverse real-world problems.

20. What are the different types of Sorting algorithms? Compare their time complexities.

Sorting algorithms play a pivotal role in computer science, enabling the arrangement of elements in a specified order. Several notable types of sorting algorithms include Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort. Each algorithm employs a distinct strategy to accomplish its sorting objectives. Time complexity, a crucial performance metric, quantifies an algorithm’s efficiency concerning input size. Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, and Selection Sort demonstrate a time complexity of O(n^2), while Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort exhibit a more favorable time complexity of O(n log n). A comprehensive understanding of these algorithms facilitates informed selection based on data size and efficiency requirements.

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About the Author

Techical Research Analyst - Front End Development

As a Technical Research Analyst, Kislaya specializes in Front End Development. He is a Full Stack Developer, known for crafting scalable architectures and user-centric interfaces. He has a massive international client base and is an expert in cloud computing, Linux, and Java Script, personifying a commitment to quality and information sharing.