React Bootstrap - A Complete Guide

React Bootstrap - A Complete Guide

React-Bootstrap is one of the most used front-end frameworks since it joins the functionality of React with the simplicity of Bootstrap. It offers a way to create new web applications with responsiveness and mobile-first features that come with pre-styled React UI components from Bootstrap.

Table of Contents

What is React- Bootstrap?

The React-Bootstrap library connects Bootstrap design elements with React while making them accessible to developers. Through React-Bootstrap developers find ready-to-use UI components that adapt to different devices while creating beautiful web interfaces according to the React component-based methodology.

React Bootstrap components leverage Bootstrap’s CSS classes and JavaScript plugins, making them highly flexible and customizable. React Bootstrap also excels at responsive design, ensuring a seamless and optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes. Its implementation of Bootstrap’s responsive grid system allows developers to create fluid layouts that intelligently adjust and rearrange elements based on available screen space. The framework is further supported by excellent documentation and an active community, providing developers with comprehensive resources and assistance in leveraging React Bootstrap for building modern web applications.

Why do we use React-Bootstrap?

React-Bootstrap is a React library that offers bootstrap-styled UI components for use in web application development. It makes integration less of an issue, efficiency is enhanced and reduces the use of jQuery. It is also reusable and can be easily adapted to be responsive for developing today’s mobile-friendly web applications with speed.

Here are some important points:

  • Modern and Easy: Offers bundled with React as Bootstrap components, meaning no need to use either, especially jQuery.
  • Customizable: It is thus easy to style components to humanity and pamper your app’s design.
  • Responsive: Comprises also responsive elements and grids fitting to every device and screen.

How To Install Bootstrap in ReactJS?

Now you need to install React Bootstrap using the following command.

npm install react-bootstrap

Import the Bootstrap CSS in your src/index.js or src/main.jsx file:

Code example:

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

// Import React and React-Bootstrap components
import React from 'react';
import { Alert } from 'react-bootstrap';

function App() {
    return (
        <div className="container mt-5">
            <Alert variant="success">
                This is a simple success alert—check it out!

export default App;

This example shows how to utilize React-Bootstrap to put up a success alert; a basic UI in a React app.

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React Bootstrap Basics

React-Bootstrap Basics are about combining Bootstrap styles with React to utilize easy-to-customize pre-styled components such as Buttons, Modals, Forms, and Navbars. It substitutes Bootstrap JS with a React component, providing a state-of-the-art and mobile-first view, combined with the power of React for the interactive parts of the UI.

These components are CSS pre-styled with Bootstrap’s design, requiring no more CSS work, and with functions friendly to React.

  1. Buttons: Basic buttons with copies, primary and secondary styles, and a success type.
  2. Alerts: Message notification options with varied colors and style additional settings.
  3. Modals: Overlays for content or forms, with simple and effective control over the visibility of dialogs.
  4. Navbars: Navigation bars for menus with features of mobile responsiveness with small screens.
  5. Forms: UI elements of input fields, checkboxes, selects, etc type.
  6. Grids: A grid system related to the design and presentation of content as lines of rows and columns

Customization and Styling

React-Bootstrap allows you to adapt components to match your app’s design.

  • Bootstrap Classes: Bootstrap Responsive 12 Grid Layout columns for fast design usage.
  • Custom CSS: You can also Cascade your styles or Override the default style using a new style in css.
  • Themes: Use of variables in a SCCR file to alter Bootstrap’s theme.
  • Props: All components can be further customized with React-Bootstrap’s props such as variant and size among others.

Basic code example:

// Import React and React-Bootstrap
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap';

function App() {
return (
<div className="container mt-5">
{/* Button with Bootstrap and custom style */}
<Button variant="success" className="custom-btn">
Custom Button

export default App;

CSS file:

/* Custom CSS */
.custom-btn {
background-color: #f39c12; /* Custom color */
border-radius: 10px; /* Rounded corners */

:- Here we use Bootstrap’s variant=”success” and apply a custom color and border-radius with .custom-btn class in CSS.

React Bootstrap Layouts

React-Bootstrap Layouts use Bootstrap’s grid system to create flexible, responsive web designs.  Flexbox container, flexbox rows and columns, and flexbox utilities to handle content placement to achieve mobile-first responsive designs and media queries.

  • Grid System: Arrange it in rows and columns with flexibility of breakpoints.
  • Containers: Use .container and .container-fluid in fixed or fluid-width styles.
  • Responsive Utilities: Visibility depends on the size of the screen they are using.
  • Flexbox: These are Flexbox, which can be used for layout based on the alignment of content.

React Bootstrap Forms

React Bootstrap Forms is a library of forms that contain pre-styled form inputs, checkboxes, and buttons and are responsive and highly customizable. It works seamlessly with React, making the work of creating and validating forms in applications relatively easy.

Form Description
Form.Select Used to create a form list of options.
Form.Control (Text) A standard input field for text input.
Form.Check Used to show current status checked or unchecked.
Form.Range Used to represent a range between minimum and maximum value.
Form.InputGroup Used to create a group of multiple input fields or other elements.
Form.FloatingLabel A label that shows above the input field when the user types/hover.
Form.Layout Uses grid systems and layout components to align and organize form elements.
Form.Validation Used for error handling in our form.

React Bootstrap Components

React Bootstrap Components are pre-built UI elements such as buttons, modals, forms, alerts, and navigation bars built following the Bootstrap design framework. These components are completely reusable and can be used for random, customizable, and easy-to-use elements in React applications.

AccordionA collapsible container for organizing content into expandable sections.
AlertsDisplay notifications with different styles (success, danger, info, etc.).
BadgeUsed to display small, colorful labels or counts next to elements.
BreadcrumbUse to break/cover the content in multiple sections
ButtonGroupUse to create multiple buttons
ButtonClickable element with custom styles
Close ButtonButton used to close modals and alert boxes etc.
DropdownUsed to represent toggling lists with some options and actions.
FiguresUsed to show images with respect to captions.
ImageResponsive Components that adjust size and aspect ratio.
ListGroupUsing to create an ordered and unordered list.
ModalA pop-up dialog for displaying content on the screen.
NavBarnavigational menu
OverlayUsed to overlay content.
PaginationUsed to navigate from one page to another page.
PlaceholderUse to show default values/states.
ProgressBarUsed to show task progress/completion status.
SpinnerLoading animation 
TabsNotification to show non-intrusive alerts.
TablesUsed to display data in tabular form.
ToastsNotification to show non intrusive alerts.

React Bootstrap Utilities

React Bootstrap Utilities refers to the pre-styled CSS classes to style and manage layout other than writing a new CSS. They have such features as spacing, text alignment, visibility management, positioning, and flexbox utilities to assist in draining regular design activities more quickly within applications based on React.

React Bootstrap Utilities simplify common layout and styling tasks, and Transition Utilities and Ratios Utilities are key parts of this system.

1. Transition Utilities: 

Transition utilities in React Bootstrap are used to create smooth animations and transitions specifically on the components such as fades, slides, and state. They allow simple modification of visibility, opacity, and positioning with escalating transition effects.

2. Ratios utilities:

Responsive aspect ratios can be used in such cases In React Bootstrap the ratios utilities are used to maintain aspect ratios of some elements such as images or videos. By setting a specific ratio (e.g., 16:9) Content can span across a variety of resolutions to screen size without being skewed.

React Bootstrap Vs. Bootstrap: Which One to Choose?

When deciding between React Bootstrap and Bootstrap, you should consider your specific project requirements, your level of familiarity with React, and your development methodology. Evaluate factors like customization requirements, project complexity, development velocity, integration with other libraries, and the learning curve to inform your decision.

Here are some additional pointers to consider when choosing between React Bootstrap and Bootstrap:

  1. Familiarity with React: If you already possess familiarity with React and feel at ease employing it for your project, opting for React Bootstrap can prove advantageous. It empowers you to seamlessly incorporate Bootstrap components into your React application while delivering supplementary functionalities such as accessibility and responsive design.
  2. Customization Needs: If you have specific customization needs for your UI components, then Bootstrap may be a better choice. Bootstrap provides a large set of pre-built UI components that can be easily customized to fit your design needs, whereas React Bootstrap may require more advanced customization through React code.
  3. Project Complexity: If you are constructing a simple static website or a small web application, Bootstrap might meet your requirements. However, if you are developing a larger and more intricate web application, React Bootstrap may better suit your needs. It offers advanced features for effectively managing complex UI components and states.
  4. Development Speed: If you require swift project development with limited time for front-end work, Bootstrap could serve as an excellent option. Its ready-made components and user-friendly grid system facilitate the rapid creation of responsive layouts. Conversely, if you possess ample time and aim to construct a more intricate and tailored user interface, opting for React Bootstrap might be more advantageous.
  5. Integration with Other Libraries: If you plan to use other libraries or frameworks alongside Bootstrap or React, then consider how well they integrate with each other. For example, React Bootstrap may work better with React-specific libraries like Redux or MobX, while Bootstrap may work better with other front-end frameworks like Angular or Vue.js.

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React Bootstrap simplifies web development by providing pre-styled components, as well as an ability to adapt to different devices and modification options. Thus, it simplifies the construction of interfaces that are easy on the eyes and easy to navigate when used with React. The ability to use their grid system, utilities, and ease of installation make them perfect for generating clean, mobile-first, web applications.

About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Kislay is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting Mobile applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in Android development, IOS development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, he’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive websites and advanced mobile applications.