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React useMemo Hook: What is it and How to Use it?

React’s useMemo hook is a powerful tool that allows developers to optimize their React applications by memoizing expensive calculations. It can be particularly beneficial when dealing with computationally intensive tasks or large datasets. The article is designed to explain the purpose of the useMemo hook, clarify any confusion surrounding it, and demonstrate how it can be used to great effect within React applications.

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What is useMemo?

What is useMemo?

useMemo is a function provided by React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is used to optimize performance by memoizing the result of a computation and only recalculating it when necessary. When a component renders, any calculations or expensive operations inside it can be wrapped in the useMemo hook. This takes a function and an array of dependencies as arguments. 

When the function gets executed, its results get stored in memory. If any dependencies change in subsequent renders, the function gets re-executed. Otherwise, the cached result is returned. This helps avoid unnecessary calculations and improves the efficiency of React components.

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How Does useMemo Work in React?

By utilizing useMemo, you can optimize performance by avoiding redundant computations. It ensures that the expensive calculations are only performed when necessary, reducing the overall processing time of your React components.

Here’s how useMemo works:

  • You provide a function as the first argument to useMemo. This function contains the computation you want to memoize.
  • The useMemo hook takes a second argument, an array of dependencies.
  • The recalculation of the memoized value is determined by these dependencies.
  • React stores the memoized value internally and associates it with the component.
  • When the component re-renders, React checks if any of the dependencies in the array have changed.
  • React returns the cached value without re-executing the computation if the dependencies remain the same.
  • If any dependencies have changed, React recomputes the value by executing the function and updating the cached value for subsequent renders.

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How to Use the useMemo() React Hook?

How to Use the useMemo() React Hook?

Here’s a guide on how to use the useMemo() React Hook:

The useMemo() Hook is a built-in React Hook that allows you to memorize the result of a computation. It’s useful when you have a costly function or calculation that you only want to run when certain dependencies change.

To use the useMemo() Hook, follow these steps:

  1. Import the ‘useMemo’ function from the React library:
import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
  1. In your functional component, declare your memoized value using the ‘useMemo()’ Hook:
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => {
  // Your expensive calculation or function here
  // This function will only run when the dependencies change
  return result;

}, [dependency1, dependency2]);

The first argument to useMemo() is a function that returns the memoized value. This function will only be executed when the dependencies (specified in the second argument) change. The memoized value is then returned.

Use the ‘memoizedValue’ in your component as needed:

return (

    {/* Use the memoized value here */}

Memoized Value: {memoizedValue}



By providing an array of dependencies, you control when the memoized value should be recalculated. If any dependencies in the array change, the function insideuseMemo()will run again, and the new memoized value will be returned. The previous memoized value will be used if none of the dependencies change.

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When to Run the useMemo() React Hook?

When to Run the useMemo() React Hook?

It’s important to note that the useMemo() Hook should be used when you have expensive calculations or functions that rely on the specified dependencies. If you have a simple value that doesn’t require expensive computation, you can use the regular state or props variables.

Here are a few scenarios where using useMemo() can be beneficial:

  • Expensive Calculations
    Suppose you have a calculation that takes significant time or processing power, such as complex mathematical operations or heavy data manipulation. In that case, you can use useMemo() to memoize the result. This ensures that the calculation is only performed when necessary, preventing unnecessary re-computations.
  • Rendering Optimization
    React re-evaluates all expressions and functions within the component’s scope when rendering a component. If you have a function called during rendering and its result doesn’t change frequently, you can use useMemo() to memoize the result. This prevents the function from being called unnecessarily on each render, improving performance.
  • Dependency-based Computations
    Sometimes you have a function or computation that depends on certain values or props. If the result of the computation remains the same as long as the dependencies don’t change, you can use ‘useMemo()’ to memoize the result. This ensures the computation is only executed when the dependencies change, avoiding unnecessary recalculations.
  • Preventing Unnecessary Re-renders
    React components re-render when there is a change in their state or props. However, there might be scenarios where a component receives new props but doesn’t need to re-render because the computation result remains the same. In such cases, you can use useMemo() to memoize the computed value and prevent unnecessary re-renders.

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When Not to Use the useMemo React Hook?

When Not to Use the useMemo React Hook?

In some situations, it is unnecessary to use the useMemo React Hook, and it may even introduce unnecessary complexity. 

Here are some cases where you should avoid using useMemo():

  • Simple and Lightweight Computations
    If you have a computation or function that is simple and lightweight, meaning it doesn’t require significant processing power or time, there’s no need to use ‘useMemo(). React’s rendering and reconciliation processes are already optimized for such computations, and the overhead of memoization may outweigh any potential performance gains.
  • Frequently Changing Dependencies
    If the dependencies of your memoized value change frequently, the benefits of using useMemo() may be limited. Remember that the memoized value is recalculated only when the dependencies change. If the dependencies are updated frequently, the memoized value will be recalculated frequently, nullifying performance optimization.
  • Unnecessary Memoization
    Avoid using useMemo() for values that need not be memoized. If a value doesn’t change over time or doesn’t depend on any dynamic variables, it doesn’t require memoization. Instead, you can declare it as a regular variable or use it directly in your component without the overhead of useMemo().
  • Premature optimization
    As the saying goes, “premature optimization is the root of all evil.” Focusing on writing clean and maintainable code is essential before introducing optimization techniques like useMemo(). Optimizing prematurely can make your code more complex, difficult to understand, and challenging to debug.

    Only consider using useMemo() when identifying a genuine performance blockage and measuring its impact.

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 React useMemo is a game-changer for optimizing performance. By storing computed values and only updating them when dependencies change, useMemo eliminates unnecessary calculations. Remember to use it when you have computationally heavy operations or expensive calculations that rely on specific dependencies. 

However, it is essential to note that not all scenarios warrant using useMemo, particularly when dealing with simple or frequently changing values. Understanding when to run and when not to run useMemo will ensure that you leverage its benefits effectively.

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About the Author

Techical Research Analyst - Front End Development

As a Technical Research Analyst, Kislaya specializes in Front End Development. He is a Full Stack Developer, known for crafting scalable architectures and user-centric interfaces. He has a massive international client base and is an expert in cloud computing, Linux, and Java Script, personifying a commitment to quality and information sharing.