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What is State in ReactJS? Use and Benefits

In this blog, we will examine the principles of the state in ReactJS and understand how it functions. By the end of this blog, you’ll be able to explain the state’s function in ReactJS and its importance when creating dynamic web applications.

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What is State in ReactJS?

In ReactJS, State refers to an object that holds data and represents the current state of a component. It is a crucial aspect of building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. The state of a component determines how it behaves and appears at any given moment. It can change over time in response to user interactions or other events.

State in ReactJS empowers components to autonomously handle and modify their individual data, thereby offering a dedicated storage mechanism for component-specific information. 

By leveraging State, components gain the ability to dynamically respond to user input, adapt their behavior accordingly, and seamlessly refresh the user interface whenever necessary. Essentially, the State provides a means for React components to efficiently manage their internal data and ensure a fluid, interactive user experience.

Additionally, the State is particularly useful for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. By updating the State based on user actions or asynchronous events, you can create components that respond to user input and reflect the changes in real time.

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Why Do We Need State in ReactJS?

State is crucial in ReactJS, as it enables the creation of immersive and ever-evolving user interfaces. WithoutStates, components would have remained static and unresponsive, making them incapable of adapting to user actions. However, with the power of the State, we unlock the ability to dynamically update component content driven by user input, API interactions, and an array of influencing factors.

Moreover, the State governs the behavior of components, thus facilitating functionalities such as toggling buttons, revealing or concealing menus, and even altering visual aspects like the color of an element. Through State, ReactJS empowers developers to craft interactive and dynamic user experiences that seamlessly respond to user interactions and external stimuli.

Furthermore, the State plays a crucial role in managing UI-related information. Components can leverage the State to control the visibility of modals, toggle buttons, or handle the active state of tabs. By updating the State, components can dynamically adjust their behavior and appearance, resulting in a more intuitive and engaging user interface.

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How to Use State in React Components?

To incorporate State into React components, you can adhere to the following steps:

How to use state in react components
  • Define the State: In order to establish the initial state within your React component, you can assign an object to the state property within the component’s class. This can be accomplished through the use of either the constructor or a class property methodology. Please consult the provided code example for further clarification:
    constructor(props) {
      this.state = {
        counter: 0,
        name: 'John'
  • Access the State: To access the State variables, use this.state.propertyName in the methods of your component. For instance, when displaying the counter value with the render method, the following code is employed:
    render() {
      return (


    Counter: {this.state.counter}


  • Update the State: Utilize React’s setState() function to change the State. It will accept either a function that returns the updated state or an object that reflects the changed state. Note that the State updates are asynchronous and batch processed for performance. A case of increasing the counter by 1 is seen here in the following instance:
    this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 });
  • Utilize the Updated State: React will automatically re-render the component with the new state values after changing the State. The updated state is accessible and usable within the methods of your component. For instance, you can render components differently depending on the state value, as shown below:
    render() {
      return (

          {this.state.counter > 0 &&

    Counter is greater than zero.



  • Handle Events: The State can be used in event handlers to update the state in response to user activities. When a button is clicked, for instance, the name is modified as follows:
    handleClick() {
      this.setState({ name: 'Jane' });
    render() {
      return (


    Name: {this.state.name}



    Remember to avoid changing the state object. Use setState() at all times to guarantee appropriate state management and launch component updates. These methods will help you leverage the State in your React components to properly manage and update dynamic data in your application.

To get in-depth knowledge of Reactjs check out our ReactJS Tutorial!

Differences Between State and Props in React

React utilizes both State and Props to handle data within components, although they possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from each other. Below are the main differences between State and Props in React:

DefinitionRepresents the internal data of a component.Represents the external data passed to a component.
DeclarationInitialized and managed within a componentFetched from a parent component by a child component
MutabilityMutable and can be modifiedImmutable and cannot be modified
ScopeLocal to the componentReceived from a parent component
OwnershipOwned and managed by the componentOwned and managed by the parent component
AccessibilityAccessible within the componentAccessed via component attributes

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Benefits of State in React

The use of State in React provides several benefits, including the following:

Benefits of state in react
  • Dynamic User Interfaces: State allows components to update and re-render dynamically based on changes to the state. This enables the creation of interactive user interfaces that respond in real-time to user actions or other events.
  • Component-Level Data Management: Each component can have its own State, enabling the encapsulation of data within the component itself. This helps in organizing and managing data specific to a particular component without affecting other components.
  • Efficient Updates: React optimizes the rendering process by selectively updating only the components that have experienced a change in state. This ensures better performance by minimizing unnecessary re-renders.
  • Predictable Data Flow: React implements a unidirectional data flow, in which data is transferred from parent components to child components through the use of props. By employing State, the data flow preserves predictability and becomes more comprehensible, simplifying the task of debugging and maintaining code.
  • Local Component Management: The State enables components to retain their individual data and behavior, thereby reducing the intricacy associated with managing and coordinating data across multiple components.

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Having an understanding of the concepts of State and Props in ReactJS is crucial for building robust and scalable applications. By effectively utilizing State and Props, developers can unlock the full potential of ReactJS and create compelling user experiences. In addition, they can embrace future enhancements and advancements in state management.

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About the Author

Techical Research Analyst - Front End Development

As a Technical Research Analyst, Kislaya specializes in Front End Development. He is a Full Stack Developer, known for crafting scalable architectures and user-centric interfaces. He has a massive international client base and is an expert in cloud computing, Linux, and Java Script, personifying a commitment to quality and information sharing.