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Learn How to Use If Else Statements in Java to Create Robust and Efficient Code

If Else Statement in Java

The ability to change the behavior of a piece of code that is based on certain information in the environment is known as conditional code flow. The conditional logic in Scala is primarily based on the “if … else” structure.

If Statement in Java

If statement in Java is used to test a condition, if condition is true then the code inside the if statement is executed otherwise that code is not executed.

// Body of if

if statement

public class Intellipaat {
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = 20;
if( i == 20 ){
System.out.print("i is equal to 20");

i is equal to 20

If Else Statement in Java

If Else is also used to test a condition, if condition is true then the code inside the if statement is executed otherwise else part is executed.


// Body of if statement
// Body of else statement

if else statement


public class Intellipaat {
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = 40;
if( i == 20 ){
System.out.print("i is equal to 20");
} else{
System.out.print("i is not equal to 20");

i is not equal to 20

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If Else If Else Statement in Java

After if statement else if is used to check the multiple conditions.

// Body of if statement
else if(Boolean_expression2){
//Body of else if
// Body of else statement


public class Intellipaat {
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = 40;
if( i == 20 ){
System.out.print("i is equal to 20");
else if(i<50)
System.out.print("value of i is less than 50");
System.out.print("i is not equal to 20");

value of i is less than 50

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Nested If Statement in Java

 It contains multiple if else condition. It is used to check the multiple conditions. This statement is like executing an if statement inside an else statement.

//Body of if statement
//Body of nested if
else {
//Body of else statement

nestedif statement


public class Intellipaat {
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = 20;
int j = 10;
if ( i < 30 ){
System.out.println("Value of i is less than 30");
if ( j == 10 ){
System.out.println("Value of j is equal to 10");
System.out.println("Value of i is not less than 30");

Value of i is less than 30
Value of j is equal to 10

If you want to learn Control Statements in Java, refer to our Java blog!

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Switch Statement in Java

It contains a number of cases with different conditions. When a variable value is matched with the case, then that case is executed.

case value1 :
case value2 :
case valuen :
default : //Optional

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About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Presenting Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science at Eli Lilly and Company is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience across data science, analytics, and technical leadership domains, demonstrates a remarkable ability to drive business insights. Sahil holds a Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence from Great Lakes Institute of Management.