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Scala File Input and Output

Overview of reading and writing file operations

File operations mostly include reading data from the file or writing data into files.

Writing Data from File

import java.io._
object Intellipaat {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val writer = new PrintWriter(new File("intellipaat.txt" ))
writer.write("Hello Intellipaat")

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When we compile and execute this program then it writes Hello Intellipaat in intellipaat.txt file.

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Reading Data from File

import scala.io.Source
object Intellipaat {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Data in File is:" )
Source.fromFile("intellipaat.txt" ).foreach{

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Compile and execute the above program:
scalac Intellipaat.scala
scala Intellipaat
Data in file is: Hello Intellipaat

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About the Author

Technical Reseach Analyst - Data Engineering

Abhijit is a Technical Research Analyst specializing in Deep Learning. He holds a degree in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science. Being proficient in Python, Scala, C++, Dart, and R, he is passionate about new-age technologies. Abhijit crafts insightful analyses and impactful content, bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and practical applications.