What is Angular?

What is Angular?
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Typescript is a type of open-source-general programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is also called a superset of JavaScript because of its similarity with it and can transcompile to JavaScript source code. Before learning about Angular you should be experienced with typescript and command line interface (CLI). Also, if you want to start learning Angular, go through the concepts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

If you are done with the above-mentioned tech let’s quickly check out the points to be discussed in this blog.

Points to be covered:

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What is meant by Angular?

What is meant by Angular?

In a nutshell, it is a type of web framework that is used to create efficient single-page web applications from scratch. Angular and its components are built on the typescript. As Angular works on various types of components we also call Angular a component-based framework.

  • The major purpose for developing Angular was to find an alternative to Angular.Js.
  • It is an upgraded version of the same. Its architecture depends on NgModules which provides a structure for the associated commands and different components of Angular.
  • Angular is capable of developing both single developer-based applications as well as organizational-based applications sophisticatedly.
  • Angular also provides platforms for other types of technologies to be built upon. Applications developed on Angular are seen to be highly scalable.

Why should we consider Angular?

Why should we consider Angular?

It’s been quite a while since Angular was published since its first release there are a lot of updates have taken place. Because of these changes, it is still the to-go language for developers. 

Consider the below-mentioned points for which Angular is still in demand:

  • Angular is well documented from the beginning and it is still maintained to date by Google and associated community members.
  • It is a typescript-based framework, has a rich library source, and is very similar to javascript.
  • Angular has extended support from HTML which helps in better development of different components.
  • JavaScript code generation is possible, the generated code is highly optimized and robust.
  • The creation of templates is possible in Angular, this promotes code reusability and speeds up the development process.
  • Angular-based codes are high in performance and have less execution time.

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Different Angular Versions

Angular was first introduced in 2009 by Miško Hevery as an open-source framework. The framework was introduced for changing the way enterprise softwares were developed. Since then many contributors including individuals and various tech giants have contributed to the language.

  • Angular 1 also known as AngularJS was the first stable version to be published and was very efficient in developing single-page web applications.
  • Angular 2 is considered the remake of the version of AngularJS, it laid the foundation of modern-day Angular, with major bug fixes and mobile compatibility made available.
  • Angular 3 was never released by the organization, directly Angular 4 was released with minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • Angular 5 was the version of Angular that brought about several significant modifications, including the introduction of the DOM and API concepts.
  • Following each other, versions of Angular 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 were released with small enhancements and bug fixes. The most recent version of Angular that we utilize right now is 11.

Now we know of different versions of Angular and its origin, let’s check out the strong architecture of Angular for which Angular is still in demand.

Architecture of Angular

Architecture of Angular

From online financing to healthcare almost every domain is covered. Web applications built on Angular are everywhere and making our lives easier over the web. Ever wondered how Angular does it? The answer to this question is strong architecture.

Let’s check out the basic terminologies associated with the architecture of Angular:

  • Modules: Modules in Angular refer to the elements where we can apply the bootstrap-like mechanism for the launch of the application. For example root module and named AppModule.
  • Components – Angular components are the classes where all the data and actual logic of the code are defined for the application.
  • Templates – Here templates bind up the markups of Angular to the HTML to identify the HTML elements before their display.
  • Metadata – Metadata refers to the information which tells the process of a class.
  • Services – It is a type of class that is created for the data which is not associated with any view but has to be shared through the different components of the code. 
  • Dependency Injections:
    • It is a feature of Angular that helps to maintain the component class efficiently.
    • It facilitates the tasks like input validation, fetching of the data, logs directory, etc.

Features of Angular

Features of Angular

Here are the reasons why Angular is still popular among developers:

  • The Angular code is transpiled as it works on typescript, which makes Angular more flexible.
  • Code writing is crisp, concise, and saves a lot of time for development.
  • Testing the application is easy to do as compared to its alternatives.
  • Angular has a very strong architecture it has a fully implemented MVC framework. This enables the applications to have smooth bi-directional data flow.
  • It is easy to develop customized components in Angular as it has an option for bootstrap grid templates.
  • It is a type of cross-platform framework that can communicate with different types of browsers.

Difference between Angular and React

Difference between Angular and React

Let’s examine the differences between the two technologies that are being used to construct web applications. Go through the below-mentioned pointers thoroughly to get a glimpse of the difference that Angular and React possess.

React can be distinguished by the following:

  • It is a type of library built on JavaScript that was created before Angular and is only involved in the building of user interfaces.
  • React only provides data binding in one direction.
  • It provides developers with extra alternatives during the development process.
  • It has a greater number of stable versions than Angular, hence its documentation loads more quickly.
  • React may be used to create hybrid applications as well as native web applications.

Differentiating pointers for Angular:

  • It is a type of full-fledged framework that is used for the development of single-page applications.
  • It supports bi-directional data binding which is two-way communication.
  • Developers have limited options during the process of development.
  • It is stable but it is constantly developing which becomes a pain for users to switch to different syntax after every new release.
  • Angular supports complete dependency injection which allows components to have different life cycles.

Difference between Angular and Angular.Js

Difference between Angular and Angular.JS

Here, we’ll go over the differences between Angular and Angular.JS because many readers mistakenly believe that they are both the same. Although they share some common foundations, they are quite different from one another.

Check the following points for the differences:

Pointers for Angular include:

  • It is a typescript-based framework.
  • It is adaptable and may be used to construct other technologies.
  • It works on ng-directives.
  • Because it offers better design, execution time is shorter than with Angular. JS.
  • Its directive-using components form the foundation of its web architecture.
  • It was first made available in Angular 2 and helps the construction of mobile applications.

Differentiating pointers for Angular.JS:

  • It is written in javascript.
  • It solely works for javascript and associated frameworks.
  • Properties enclosure on, () event binding and [] property binding.
  • Development time is less but the execution time is more as compared to Angular.
  • It does not support mobile application development.
  • Angular works in the MVC web architecture.

Advantages of Angular

Advantages of Angular

The pointers upon which Angular is still advantageous over other frameworks:

  • Codes developed in Angular are clean and crisp.
  • The framework is maintained and documented by Google which is constantly developing and new functionalities are added.
  • It has high-performance records as compared to its rivals.
  • Switching from one view to another one is easy in Angular as it has good routing support.
  • It is easy to update Angular as it also works on the command line interface.
  • It has faster DOM (HTML) manipulation.

Disadvantages of Angular

Disadvantages of Angular

Whether how seasoned is the language there is always something that it lacks, below read the pointers of what Angular as a developing framework lacks:

  • Learning Angular is difficult for a beginner because of its extremely steep learning curve.
  • Sometimes there is a time lag when Angular embeds intuitive elements into the page.
  • Integration of applications and vendors from third parties is challenging.
  • Switching from the most recent stable update to a new one is quite challenging because it is still in the development stage.
  • Angular is a very complex framework with a multi-layered architecture that makes debugging difficult.
  • In comparison to competing frameworks, it offers very few SEO options.


Congratulations on making it to the finals of the blog. Here, in the blog, we have discussed the basics of Angular its features, and its architecture. Nowadays, it is a debatable topic as there are more promising options available in the market, but many developers including many enterprises still prefer Angular over any other technology for the development of their commercial web applications. It has almost everything needed by a developer to develop a highly optimized web application that works on minimal resources. By this statement we end it here, I hope that you have learned something new and valuable.

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About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Kislay is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting Mobile applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in Android development, IOS development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, he’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive websites and advanced mobile applications.