What is Maven?

What is Maven?

Before delving into the world of Maven, it’s imperative first to grasp the fundamentals of Java programming language and its vast ecosystem. Familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts and build automation is essential to understand Maven’s functionality. Additionally, a working knowledge of XML, software development practices, project management principles, command-line tools, and version control systems, such as Git are highly recommended. Armed with these prerequisites, one can seamlessly incorporate Maven into their workflow and efficiently manage their Java projects.

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Introduction to Maven

Maven, a renowned open-source build automation tool, holds immense popularity within the software development community. Its utilization offers notable time and effort savings while facilitating the incorporation of the latest dependencies into your project. Originally conceived by Jason van Zyl in 2002, Maven now finds continuous maintenance and support under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.

  • Maven simplifies the build process in Java-based projects by automating tasks such as dependency management, code compilation, and test execution, providing a standardized framework for enhanced efficiency and consistency.
  • Maven ensures a consistent and reproducible build process, facilitating code maintenance and management over the course of time. By providing a standardized approach, it simplifies the upkeep of your codebase and promotes long-term stability.
  • Maven has the capability to create projects in several other languages, such as C#, Ruby, and Scala.
  • The development process of Maven has similarities to that of ANT, yet it is more technologically advanced.
  • Maven has capability to build projects into desired outputs like jar, war, and metadata.
  • Creating a project with Maven is easy. You can use Maven Archetypes to create a new project or develop a project manually.
  • When creating a project manually, you must specify the project’s group ID, artifact ID, version number, and packaging type. Maven will then create the project structure and POM.xml file for you.

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Understanding Maven Architecture

Understanding Maven Architecture

Maven has a well-defined architecture that consists of several key components:

  • Project Object Model (POM) – POM is an XML file that encompasses vital project details, including dependencies, build configurations and packaging choices.
  • Plugins – Plugins are extensions that expand Maven’s capabilities, enabling tasks like code compilation, test execution, and documentation generation.
  • Dependencies – Dependencies are external libraries and frameworks that your project depends on. Maven manages these dependencies for you, making it easy to include them in your project.
  • Repositories – Repositories are locations where Maven can find and download dependencies. The types of Maven repositories are local and remote. Local repositories are located on your local machine, while remote repositories are on the Internet.
  • Phases and Goals – Maven has a predefined set of build phases, such as compile, test, and package. One or more goals, or necessary actions, are included in each stage.

Maven Build Lifecycle

Maven features a clearly defined build lifecycle composed of pre-defined phases. Each phase encompasses multiple objectives and specific tasks, such as code compilation, test execution, and project packaging. The phases are executed in a predetermined sequence, allowing for customization to suit the project’s specific requirements.

  • Default Build Lifecycle: The default build lifecycle in Maven is widely employed and comprises multiple phases, including validation, compilation, testing, packaging, installation, and deployment.
  • Clean Lifecycle – The clean lifecycle cleans the project and removes any artifacts created during the build process. It consists of a single phase: clean.
  • Site Lifecycle – The site lifecycle in Maven facilitates the generation, deployment, and release of comprehensive project documentation through its three distinct phases: site, site deployment, and site release.

Maven Commands and Usage

Maven Commands and Usage

Maven can be used from the command line using the mvn command. The mvn command executes Maven goals, such as compiling code, running tests, and packaging the application.

These top five Maven commands are essential for developers to manage their Java projects effectively. Consider a project names ‘my-app’ for possible command syntax.

  • mvn clean: Clean command cleans the target directory by deleting all generated files and folders.
mvn clean -f my-app/pom.xml.
  • mvn package: Package command in Maven compiles the project and creates a packaged binary distribution of the application. 
mvn package -f my-app/pom.xml.
  • mvn install: This command can be used for installing the project into the local Maven repository.
mvn install -f my-app/pom.xml.
  • mvn dependency:tree: The command provides a tree-like structure displaying all the dependencies used by the project. It helps to visualize the dependency hierarchy and understand the relationships between different components.
mvn dependency:tree -f my-app/pom.xml.
  • mvn test: The command executes all the unit tests defined in the project, ensuring the code’s correctness and functionality.
mvn test -f my-app/pom.xml.

Maven supports profiles, which allow different configurations for various environments. Profiles can be set up for development, testing, and production environments, enabling specific settings and dependencies to be applied accordingly.

Maven archetypes serve as project templates, enabling the creation of new projects with predefined structures and configurations. Archetypes offer a convenient starting point for Maven-based projects and can be customized to fit specific project requirements.

Managing Dependencies with Maven

Managing dependencies with Maven involves specifying the required external libraries and frameworks that your project depends on. Maven handles dependency management by automatically resolving and downloading the necessary artifacts from remote repositories.

To manage dependencies effectively in Maven, follow these steps:

  • Define Dependencies: Open your project’s pom.xml file, which serves as the project’s configuration file. Inside the <dependencies> section, declare the dependencies your project requires. Each dependency is specified using a <dependency> tag, which includes the artifact’s coordinates, such as groupId, artifactId, and version.
  • Specify Repository: Maven uses repositories to locate and download dependencies. By default, Maven uses the central Maven repository. If your project requires dependencies from other repositories, you can specify them in the <repositories> section of the pom.xml file. Alternatively, you can use a custom settings file (settings.xml) to configure repositories.
  • Dependency Scope: Maven allows you to specify the scope of each dependency. The scope determines when and how the dependency is used during the build process and runtime. Common scopes include compile, provided, runtime, test, and system. Choose the appropriate scope based on your project’s requirements.
  • Transitive Dependencies: Maven automatically resolves transitive dependencies, which are dependencies required by other dependencies. You don’t need to explicitly declare transitive dependencies. Maven’s dependency resolution mechanism ensures that all required dependencies are downloaded and included in the project.
  • Dependency Management: In some cases, you may have a parent project or a multi-module project where dependencies are shared across multiple modules. Maven’s <dependencyManagement> section allows you to define a centralized list of dependencies and their versions. This ensures consistency and simplifies dependency management across modules.
  • Update Dependencies: To update your project’s dependencies to their latest versions, you can use the following command.
    mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
    It shows the available updates for your declared dependencies, allowing you to decide whether to upgrade them.
  • Build the Project: After declaring and configuring the dependencies, you can build your project using the mvn clean install command. Maven will download the required dependencies and make them available during the build process.

By following these steps, Maven takes care of managing and resolving dependencies, ensuring that your project has the necessary libraries and frameworks to compile, test, and run successfully.

Maven Plugins

  • Maven plugins are extensions to Maven that provide additional functionality, such as compiling code, running tests, and creating documentation. Many plugins are available for Maven, and you can develop your custom plugins.
  • Some popular Maven plugins are:
    Maven Compiler Plugin: This plugin compiles the Java source code in your project, offering options to define Java and bytecode versions. It ensures proper configuration and provides compilation-related functionalities.
  • Maven Surefire Plugin: With this plugin, unit tests can be executed effortlessly, integrating seamlessly with testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG. It generates comprehensive test reports for analysis and evaluation.
  • Maven Dependency Plugin: Simplifying dependency management, this plugin offers functionalities to analyze and visualize the project’s dependency tree, resolve conflicts, and copy dependencies to desired locations.
  • Maven Clean Plugin: By removing generated files and directories, such as the target directory, this plugin ensures a clean project environment. It aids in maintaining a pristine build state.
  • Maven Javadoc Plugin: Utilizing the Javadoc tool, this plugin generates detailed API documentation in HTML format from your project’s Java source code. It provides customization options for the generated documentation.
  • Maven Resources Plugin: Managing project resources, this plugin handles files like property files, XML configurations, and non-Java resources. It facilitates resource filtering and copying during the build process.

Advantages of Maven

Benefits of Using Maven

Being an automation tool, Maven has pioneered building and managing Java-based projects. Below mentioned are a few of the benefits of using Maven:

  • Standardization – Maven provides a standardized way of building and packaging Java-based projects, making it easier for developers to share the code and collaborate.
  • Dependency Management – Maven makes it easy to manage dependencies and libraries for your project. It allows you to specify dependencies in a centralized location, and it will automatically download and manage those dependencies for you.
  • Build Automation – Maven automates your project’s build process, saves time, and reduces errors. It also provides a consistent and repeatable build process, which makes it easier to maintain your code over time.
  • Extensibility – Maven is highly extensible, with a large ecosystem of plugins that can be used to customize and extend its functionality. Adding new features and functionality to the project also comes in handy with this feature.

Installing and Configuring Maven

Before you can start using Maven, you need to install it and configure it on your machine. Below mentioned steps will help you through the journey of installation.

Note: We will be covering the installation process for the Windows operating system.

  • Visit the Apache Maven website to check system prerequisites. Once it is done, navigate to the downloading section, and select Maven for Windows.
  • Once you have downloaded the latest version, extract the compressed file at your desired location.
  • After extracting the file, you can install it by following the installation instructions for your operating system.
  • Configuring Maven – Maven can be configured using the settings.xml file in the .m2 directory in your user home directory. This file contains repository locations, proxy settings, and Maven profiles.

Best Practices with Maven

Best Practices with Maven

To get the most out of Maven, there are several best practices you should follow:

  • Naming Conventions: Consistency in naming is essential, adhering to conventions like lowercase letters and hyphens for multi-word names promotes readability and maintainability.
  • Maven Repository Management: Employing a repository manager streamlines the management of Maven repositories. It centralizes repository control, enhancing efficiency and optimizing download times.
  • Continuous Integration with Maven: Embrace continuous integration tools such as Jenkins or Travis CI to automate your build process. This ensures code remains current, promoting seamless integration and reducing manual effort.


Maven stands as a robust solution for building and managing Java projects. This comprehensive blog, titled “What is Maven? All You Need to Know,” delves into the advantages of Maven, its architecture, installation, configuration, build lifecycle, commands, dependency management, project creation, plugins, and best practices. By embracing these insights, you can harness the full potential of Maven and streamline your software development journey.

About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Software Engineer at Eli Lilly and Company, is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience in languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Sahil has a strong foundation in system architecture, database management, and API integration.