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What is TeamCity and How does it work?

What is TeamCity and How does it work?

In this blog, we will understand what TeamCity is and explore why it is important for anyone involved in software development. We will also learn the simple steps to install TeamCity and understand how it works. As with any tool, there are pros and cons, so we will look into the advantages and disadvantages of using TeamCity. 

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What is TeamCity?

TeamCity, an integration tool by JetBrains, supports various languages, primarily Java, build tools, and version control systems. It offers a user-friendly web interface for setup and monitoring. Operating under a proprietary license, it provides distinct features. Central to TeamCity is the build agent, separate from the server, which executes building processes upon receiving instructions. This setup allows efficient resource distribution, enabling multiple agents to handle tasks simultaneously. Each build agent plays a pivotal role, ensuring swift and accurate project construction, testing, and deployment. This parallel processing significantly enhances the development pipeline’s speed and efficiency.

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History and Origin of TeamCity

TeamCity, created by JetBrains, originated in 2005 as an innovative continuous integration and build management tool. It emerged from a need for a reliable, user-friendly system for automating build processes and facilitating collaboration among developers. JetBrains, known for its IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, introduced TeamCity to streamline software development workflows. Over time, it evolved with regular updates, integrating support for various programming languages, build tools, and version control systems. Its history demonstrates a commitment to enhancing development practices by offering an efficient, adaptable, and robust tool for continuous integration and deployment.

Why Do We Need TeamCity?

TeamCity is a strong tool in the software world, and lots of people in the industry are using it. It mainly helps make the continuous integration and continuous delivery process (CI/CD) smoother, which is really important in today’s software development. It’s like a helpful assistant for making software development easier and better.

  • Automated Building and Testing: TeamCity makes building, testing, and deploying software a breeze. Imagine it as a smart helper taking care of boring, time-consuming tasks. This automation is crucial because it means when developers make changes to the code, it gets automatically checked, tested, and added to the project. This way, we catch errors early on and make sure everything runs smoothly. So, TeamCity not only makes things easier but also keeps our software in tip-top shape.
  • Faster Development: With TeamCity, developers can see the results of their code changes quickly. This rapid feedback loop allows them to catch and fix issues early in the development process. It means developers can make changes and improvements without long delays.
  • Consistency and Reliability: TeamCity provides a standardized and consistent way to build and test code. This consistency ensures that every build and test process follows the same rules and procedures. When your software consistently passes these tests, it becomes more reliable.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: TeamCity offers real-time monitoring of the entire CI/CD pipeline. You can see the status of builds, tests, and deployments at a glance. This visibility helps in identifying bottlenecks and issues that need attention immediately. 
  • Cost and Time Savings: While setting up and configuring TeamCity may take some initial effort, it pays off in the long run. By automating many aspects of the development process, TeamCity saves time and reduces the risk of costly errors. It’s an investment that leads to cost savings and higher efficiency.
  • Scalability: TeamCity is designed to scale with your project. Whether you’re working on a small application or a large, complex software system, TeamCity can adapt. You can add more build agents to handle increased workloads, ensuring that your development process remains smooth even as your project grows.

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How Does TeamCity Work?

TeamCity operates by keeping track of any alterations made to the source code stored in repositories. Once it identifies a change, TeamCity initiates a build process. This process involves assembling, testing, and packaging the software. Notably, TeamCity can carry out these tasks using various build agents, which are essentially machines devoted to overseeing these builds.

Upon completion of the build, TeamCity stores the resulting files, termed build artifacts, in a repository. These artifacts encompass elements like the compiled code, test results, and deployment packages.

Here is a simple example showing how TeamCity fits into a software development routine, in steps:

  1. A developer modifies the source code and saves it in the repository.
  2. TeamCity spots this change and starts the build.
  3. The build runs on a designated build agent.
  4. The build compiles the code, runs tests, and packs up the software.
  5. If everything goes well, TeamCity stores the build artifacts.
  6. A deployment tool takes over, putting the software into action in a real-world environment.

This whole cycle can be automated with TeamCity, making it so that the software gets built, tested, and deployed automatically whenever there’s a change in the source code.

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Features of TeamCity

TeamCity comes with some helpful features for teams, which are shown below:

  • Build Pipelines: These let teams link multiple builds together, creating a sequence. This is handy for automating more complex workflows, like the whole process of building, testing, and deploying a software application.
  • Dependencies: TeamCity is smart enough to figure out the order in which builds should run, ensuring everything happens in the right sequence.
  • Notifications: TeamCity keeps everyone in the loop by sending notifications when builds either succeed or hit a bump. This way, teams are always in the know about how their builds are doing.

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Steps to Install TeamCity

Setting up TeamCity for your software projects is a simple procedure that simplifies the development process. Here are the main steps to guide you through the installation:

  • Step 1: System Requirements: Before you begin, make sure your server meets the necessary system requirements. TeamCity runs on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. Ensure you have the required hardware and software components, such as Java Runtime Environment (JRE), a database server (like PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server), and sufficient memory and disk space.
  • Step 2: Download TeamCity: Visit the JetBrains website and download the TeamCity distribution that corresponds to your operating system. You can choose from the free Community Edition or the more feature-rich Professional or Enterprise editions. The download includes everything you need to get started.
  • Step 3: Installation Wizard: Once you have the distribution package, run the installer. The installation process is guided by a wizard that simplifies the setup. You can choose the installation path and specify whether you want to run TeamCity as a service (recommended for production environments).
  • Step 4: Database Configuration: During the installation, you’ll be prompted to configure your database connection. This is a critical step, as TeamCity requires a database to store its data. Enter the necessary database connection details, including the database type, server address, and authentication credentials.
  • Step 5: Licensing: If you’re using a paid edition of TeamCity, you’ll need to provide the license key during installation. For the Community Edition, you can proceed without a license key.
  • Step 6: Administrator Credentials: Set up the administrator’s username and password. These credentials will allow you to access the TeamCity web interface, so choose a strong password for security.
  • Step 7: Data Directory: Select a location for the TeamCity data directory. This is where TeamCity will store configuration files, build logs, and other data. Ensure you have enough disk space in this directory for your projects and builds.
  • Step 8: Web Access Configuration: Specify the port number for accessing the TeamCity web interface. The default port is 8111, but you can choose a different one if needed.
  • Step 9: Complete Installation: Review your configuration settings, and once you’re satisfied, proceed with the installation. The installer will copy the necessary files and set up the TeamCity server.
  • Step 10: Accessing TeamCity: Once the installation is complete, open a web browser and navigate to the TeamCity server’s address using the specified port number. You should see the TeamCity login page. Enter the administrator credentials you set up earlier to access the dashboard.

Advantages of TeamCity

TeamCity, a tool commonly used by developers and operations teams, offers several advantages that go beyond just a few teams. Here’s a list of benefits to help you understand why TeamCity stands out compared to other tools like Jenkins:

  • Easy Setup and Configuration: TeamCity is known for its simplicity. Setting it up and configuring it for your projects is straightforward and user-friendly.
  • Seamless Integration: TeamCity smoothly integrates with your build and testing tools while maintaining a detailed history of your project’s development process.
  • Comprehensive Visibility: It provides a clear view of your DevOps pipeline, helping you stay on track and ensuring transparency throughout your project’s lifecycle.
  • IDE Integration: TeamCity seamlessly connects with integrated development environments (IDEs). This means you can build, analyze, and run automated tests directly from your IDE without needing to make changes to your code.
  • Configuration Control: TeamCity empowers you to manage configurations for large projects effectively. You have the flexibility to write CI/CD configurations using Kotlin, giving you full control.
  • Real-time Reporting: Throughout the entire build, testing, and deployment process, TeamCity offers real-time reporting. This helps you monitor progress and identify issues as they occur, facilitating timely problem-solving.
  • User Management: We recognize that a CI server serves an entire team or even an entire organization. That’s precisely why TeamCity offers flexible user management options. This includes assigning specific roles to users, organizing them into groups, providing various ways for user authentication, and maintaining a log of all user activities for transparency in tracking server actions. This user-friendly approach ensures that everyone in your team or organization can easily collaborate and work effectively within the TeamCity environment.
  • Code Quality Tracking: TeamCity’s primary goal is to assist you in achieving higher code quality for your project. This is why it includes renowned tools like Intelligent IDEA and ReSharper for code analysis and reviews, specifically designed for Java and .NET code.

Disadvantages of TeamCity

When considering TeamCity for your software development endeavors, it’s essential to weigh its strengths and potential challenges. Some of the disadvantages of TeamCity are mentioned below:

  • Cost: TeamCity offers a free Community Edition, but the more advanced features come with licensing fees, which can be a drawback for smaller teams or organizations with limited budgets.
  • Resource Intensive: Running TeamCity can be resource-intensive, requiring a powerful server and ample memory, which may not be feasible for all setups.
  • Learning Curve: While user-friendly, TeamCity can still have a learning curve for new users who are not familiar with its interface and configuration options.
  • Limited Plugins: Compared to some other CI/CD tools, TeamCity has a more limited selection of plugins and extensions available.
  • Integration Complexity: Complex integrations with certain tools or platforms may require additional setup and configuration effort.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance and updates can be time-consuming, especially for large-scale projects.

Alternative tools for TeamCity

There are several alternative tools available for tasks similar to those performed by TeamCity:

  • Jenkins: An open-source automation server used for continuous integration and delivery. It offers extensive plugin support and flexibility in customizing workflows.
  • GitLab CI/CD: Integrated into GitLab, it provides a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline with version control, issue tracking, and collaboration features in a single platform.
  • CircleCI: A cloud-based CI/CD platform that automates the software development process, offering scalability and easy configuration.
  • Travis CI: Another cloud-based CI service focusing on GitHub projects, providing simple configuration and quick setup for testing and deployment.
  • Bamboo: Atlassian’s continuous integration and deployment tool that integrates well with JIRA and other Atlassian products.

These alternatives offer varying features and integration capabilities, catering to different project requirements and team preferences in managing build, test, and deployment processes.

TeamCity vs Jenkins

TeamCity prioritizes user-friendliness, stability, and ease of setup with a centralized UI, while Jenkins offers greater flexibility, extensibility, and customization through its open-source nature and extensive plugin ecosystem. The choice between them often depends on project requirements, preferences for licensing, and the level of customization needed in the CI/CD pipeline. 

Let’s discuss the differences in detail:

LicensingOperates under a proprietary license, offering unique featuresyOpen-source platform, allowing extensive customization without cost
User InterfacePresents a centralized, beginner-friendly interfaceOffers customization but requires more familiarity and setup
Plugin EcosystemSmaller yet stable pool of plugins, ensuring reliable performanceExtensive array of plugins, providing extensive customization options
ExtensibilityOffers stable but limited customization optionsHighly flexible, enabling substantial customization and adaptations
IntegrationSeamlessly integrates with other JetBrains tools, ensuring compatibilityWorks effectively with diverse development environments and tools


In conclusion, TeamCity is a leading tool in software development. It helps teams make continuous integration and delivery smoother. With its easy-to-use web interface, teams can set up and keep an eye on things easily. This makes it simple for development teams to work together and create top-notch software quickly. As software development changes, TeamCity is likely to keep up, offering new solutions for different and more complex development setups.

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About the Author

Application Architect

Rupinder is a certified IT expert in AWS and Azure, working as a DevOps Architect and specializing in cloud and infrastructure. He designs and builds entire IT setups for important apps in banking, insurance, and finance.