What is C Language? A Complete Guide for Beginners

What is C Language? A Complete Guide for Beginners

The C Programming Language is a procedural, imperative, and general-purpose language utilized for coding applications that can run across multiple platforms. C is a compiled language that undergoes a conversion process into machine-level code, which can then be executed by the computer. As a low-level programming language, C offers direct access to the memory and hardware resources of the computer, thereby enabling developers to create code that is both fast and efficient.

Table of Contents:

What is C Programming Language?

C is considered a structured programming language that supports both low-level and high-level programming, making it adaptable for both system and application-level programming. It is also recognized as a middle-level language that combines the attributes of both assembly-level and high-level languages. This article will provide an overview, in simple terms, of the C programming language, its structure, data types, features, keywords, operators, variables, and applications.

Structure in C Language

C programs follow a specific structure that consists of several components. Below is a typical structure in the C language

  1. Preprocessor DirectivesPreprocessor instructions within the C language are important commands that the preprocessor processes prior to the actual compilation of the program. These directives are indicated by the hash symbol (#) and are typically utilized to import header files or establish immutable values or macros that will be exploited across the entire program. These preprocessing instructions are run before the code is compiled, and their purpose is to prepare the code for compilation by the compiler.
  2. Global Declarations – Global declaration in C refers to the act of defining a variable or function at the highest level of the program, thereby endowing it with accessibility from any part of the program. If no initial value is supplied, global variables are automatically initialized to zero or NULL. Correspondingly, global functions have the capability of being utilized across diverse parts of the program. However, excessive use of global variables or functions has the potential to cause problems with program maintenance and should therefore be used with caution.
  3. Main Function – The primary routine in C is where the program begins execution in a way that leaves no doubt. This routine is responsible for collecting user input and providing the user with output.
  4. Function Definitions – A function definition in C includes the instructions that are executed when the function is called, along with essential details regarding the name, parameter(s), and return type of the function. In contrast to other programming languages, C’s function definition bears specific indications regarding the return type, function name, and input parameters.
functions in C

Variables and Keywords in C

1. Variables in C

A variable represents a designated area within a computer’s memory that contains a value of a distinct data type. This entity is given the name “variable”, as the value it holds is not set in stone and may be altered during program execution.

Variables in C are a key part of programming since they allow us to store and manipulate data in our programmatic efforts. To use a variable in C, we must first declare it with a specific data type and then give it a specific name. We can then assign a value to said variable and, alternatively, change said value later in the program’s execution.

2. Keywords in C Language

In C, keywords are reserved words with special meanings that cannot be used as identifiers (variable or function names). The following are some of the most common keywords in C:

  1. int, float, double, char, and void: These are used to define data types.
  2. if, else, switch, case, default: These are used for conditional statements.
  3. for, while, do: These are used for loop control structures.
  4. break, continue: These are used to alter the flow of loops.
  5. return: This is used to return a value from a function.
  6. struct, union: These are used to define complex data structures.
  7. typedef: This is used to create new data type names.
  8. const, volatile: These are used as type qualifiers.

Data Types in C

C facilitates a wide range of data types that can be employed to declare variables. The data types in C can be categorized into four classes: primary data types, acquired data types, enumeration data types, and null data types. Here are the data types supported by C.

1. Basic Data Types

Fundamental data classifications in C include integers (integers), floating point numerical quantities (float), characters (char), and boolean data types (bool). These data types are responsible for encapsulating true or false values. The goal is to store diverse categories of values and perform logical and mathematical computations on them.

2. Derived Data Types

Derived data types within C refer to data types that originate from fundamental data types. These derived data types, namely arrays, structures, and pointers, enable the construction of complex data structures capable of storing numerous items of diverse types.

3. Enumeration Data Types

Enumeration data types, an essential concept in C, allow you to create a new data type with predetermined and specific values. These values are conventionally denoted using symbols or tokens, thereby facilitating better comprehension and readability of the program’s code.

4. Void Data Types

There is a unique data type known as “void” in the field of C, which represents the noticeable lack of any particular value.” This particular type is most typically used as a return type for functions that do not return any value.

Operators in C Language

Operators are symbols that perform specific operations on operands (variables or values). operators in C are categorized into the following types:

1. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators, which are symbols utilized in C, serve the purpose of performing mathematical operations on numerical values. These operators consist of the addition operator (+), the subtraction operator (-), the multiplication operator (*), the division operator (/), and the modulus operator (%).

2. Relational Operators

Relational operators in the programming language C are utilized as symbols to carry out the comparison of two values or expressions. This comparison produces a boolean value, which is either true or false. These relational operators include the equal to operator (==), not equal to operator (!=), less than operator (<), less than or equal to operator (<=), greater than operator (>), and greater than or equal to operator (>=).

3. Logical Operators

Logical operators in C are utilized to merge or alter conditions within logical expressions. The three most widely employed logical operators in C  are the double ampersand symbol (&&), representing the logical “AND” operator, the double vertical line symbol (||), which signifies the logical “OR” operator, and the exclamation mark (!), which denotes the logical “NOT” operator.

4. Bitwise Operators

Bitwise OperatorsBitwise operators in the programming language C are utilized to execute operations at the bit level on integer data types. These operators allow you to manipulate individual bits of a variable by setting, clearing, or toggling them. Common bitwise operators in the language C encompass AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^), left shift (<<), and right shift (>>).

5. Assignment Operators

In C, the assignment operator denoted by the symbol “=” is employed to ascribe a particular value to a variable. To elaborate, in case there exists a variable named “x” and we intend to set its value to 5, we can articulate the assignment statement as “x = 5”.

6. Unary Operators

A unary operator denotes an operator that performs an operation on a single operand, exclusively. Its primary function is to carry out various actions such as the increment or decrement of a variable, the negation of an expression, or the determination of the magnitude of a data type.

7. Ternary Operator

The ternary operator in C provides an easy way to create an if-else statement. This operator employs three operands: a condition to be evaluated, an expression to be returned if the condition is true, and an expression to be returned if the condition is false. The syntax for the ternary operator is as follows:
condition?  expression_if_true : expression_if_false

For instance:

x > y ? printf("x is greater") : printf("y is greater");

This particular statement examines whether x is greater than y. If this condition holds true, then it outputs “x is greater”. On the other hand, if the condition evaluates to false, it prints “y is greater”.

Types of Control Flow Statement

It is used to control the flow of execution of the program. It is used in decision-making, looping through data, and going to specific parts of the program directly.

1. Control statement in C

1.1. if Statement

It is only executed if the condition is true. 

1.2. if-else Statement

It is executed if one block of the condition is true and another block of code is false.

1.3. if-else-if Ladder 

It has multiple conditions and it checks those multiple correct statements.

1.4. switch-case Statement

It is used when you have multiple fixed choices.

2. Looping Statements

It simply means executing a block of code multiple times, on a loop again and again.

2.1. For Loop

It is used when the number of Iterations or the repetitions are fixed.

2.2 While Loop

It is used when the number of iterations is not fixed, and the until and unless the condition is true.

2.3 Do-While Loop

It runs the same way, checks the condition and if it is true.

3. Jump Statements

3.1 Break statement

This statement is used to exit the loop immediately, as soon as the break statements are encountered.

3.2 Continue Statement

It is used when you have to skip the current iteration and move to the next statement.

3.3 Goto Statement

Now, when you have to jump to a specific statement inside a program.

Features of C 

Features of C

The C programming language possesses numerous features that make it a prime option for creating system-level software applications. Below are some of the notable features of C language:

  1. Memory Management – C provides direct access to memory through pointers, enabling efficient manipulation and allocation of memory.
  2. Modularity – Modularity is a key feature of C that enables developers to write code in small, reusable modules. This makes it simpler to maintain and debug the code.
  3. Efficiency – C is a programming language that is highly esteemed for its remarkable efficiency. It is capable of running at a low level and granting developers an unparalleled level of control over system resources. This exceptional degree of control is made possible through its profound comprehension of the underlying hardware, enabling it to optimize and streamline operations with exquisite precision. As a result, C language is widely acknowledged as a high-performance language that serves as an indispensable tool for programmers striving to maximize their efficiency and control over intricate systems.
  4. Portability – The programming language C provides developers with the ability to write code that operates at a low level, which grants them greater influence over the hardware that the code is running on.
  5. Modularity – C is endowed with the capability to accommodate modular programming techniques, which ultimately allows for intricate programs to be dissected into smaller, more manageable functions or modules. This programming paradigm is particularly advantageous as it facilitates improved code readability, fosters code reuse and encourages code maintainability.
  6. Rich Library Support – C, the programming language, has a large library of pre-existing functions that can be used to help create robust software.

Applications of C Language

  • System Software & Operating System: C is used in the development of the components of the Operating System like Kernel, File System, and Memory Management.
  • Game Development: Many popular game engines, such as Unity and Unreal Engine, use C or C++ for performance-intensive tasks.
  • Database Management Systems (DBMS): C plays a very important role, in the development of high-performance database systems such as MySQL, Oracle Database etc.
  • Networking & Cybersecurity: TCP/IP, HTTP, and FTP are implemented using C.
  • Cloud Computing & DevOps: Cloud-based platform uses C at the backend.


The C programming language has stood the test of time because of its toughness and adaptability. Its efficacy and adaptability make it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications, from operating systems to embedded devices. Learning the properties, configuration, data categories, operators, and variables of C will help you grasp this vital programming language.
If you’re eager to dive deeper into C programming, consider enrolling in our course.

About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Software Engineer at Eli Lilly and Company, is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience in languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Sahil has a strong foundation in system architecture, database management, and API integration.