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What is Capital Asset Pricing Model?

What is Capital Asset Pricing Model?

In this blog, we will explore the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and its formula. You will uncover its role in assessing investment risks and potential returns. Our goal is to equip you with the insights required to make confident and informed investment decisions.

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What is Capital Asset Pricing Model?

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is a fundamental model in finance that describes the relationship between systematic risk and the expected return on assets, particularly stocks. Widely utilized in pricing risky securities, CAPM computes the expected return on assets based on their risk and the cost of capital.

CAPM is based on the premise that investors need to be compensated in two ways: time value of money and risk. The model takes into account the asset’s sensitivity to non-diversifiable risk (also known as market risk or systematic risk ), as well as the expected return of a theoretical risk-free asset and the expected return of the market. It figures out what returns we can expect from an investment and helps set prices for individual things like stocks.

To make up for this kind of risk, investors need something extra called risk premiums. For instance, if you put your money into a very risky stock, you want a high-risk premium, which means a higher return. CAPM helps investors figure out what they can expect to get back from their investments, especially the riskier ones.

Formula of Capital Asset Pricing Model

Formula of Capital Asset Pricing Model

CAPM assesses the anticipated return of an investment or portfolio by considering its associated risk relative to the overall market performance. The same can be represented by the following equation:

Ra = Rrf + [Ba x (Rm – Rrf)]

In this equation,

Ra stands for the anticipated return on the investment.

Rrf signifies the rate of return without any risk.

Ba represents the beta of the investment.

Rm is indicative of the expected return rate of the entire market.

(Rm – Rrf) is referred to as the risk premium.

Let’s look deeper into the components of the CAPM formula:

Anticipated Investment Return

This is the return an investor hopes to gain over the lifespan of their investment. It is calculated by considering factors such as the investment’s beta and the market’s historical return rate.

Risk-Free Rate of Return

Certain investments, like government bonds, are viewed as having no inherent risks. Typically, the rate of return without any risk is determined based on the return rate of stable investments like three-month treasury bills or ten-year government bonds issued by the U.S. government. These are chosen because they are exceedingly unlikely to default on their payments, making them a very low-risk option for investors.


In simpler terms, beta measures how much risk is associated with a stock, asset, or investment. It provides a numerical representation of the degree to which a stock’s price fluctuates in the market. High beta values indicate that the stock is highly sensitive to market changes, while low beta values suggest that it is less affected by market shifts.

Market’s Expected Return

This reflects the average return that investors can historically anticipate from the overall market.

Risk Premium

Within CAPM, the risk premium (sometimes referred to as the market risk premium) represents the additional compensation that investors receive for accepting the risk of a particular investment instead of opting for lower-risk alternatives like government bonds. For riskier investments, the risk premium is more substantial, providing investors with the potential for greater rewards in exchange for taking on more risk.

The main purpose of the CAPM formula is to check if a stock’s price is reasonable when we compare the risks it involves and the idea of time affecting money with the returns it is expected to bring. In simple terms, understanding the various aspects of the CAPM helps us figure out if a stock’s current price matches what we can likely get in return.

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Example of CAPM

Let’s explore an example of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) with hypothetical numerical values for better understanding.

Imagine you are an investor considering purchasing shares of a company, ABC Inc., listed on the stock market. You want to determine whether the expected return on this investment justifies the risk. Here’s how CAPM can help you:

  • Risk-Free Rate (Rrf): First, you need to find the current risk-free rate. Let’s assume the risk-free rate is 3%. This rate is usually based on the return from a safe investment like a government bond.
  • Market Rate (Rm): Next, find the expected return of the overall market. For this example, let’s assume it’s 8%. This represents the average return that investors anticipate from the market as a whole.
  • Beta (Ba): Now, you need to determine the beta (Ba) of ABC Inc. Beta measures how volatile a stock is compared to the overall market. If ABC Inc. has a beta of 1, it moves in line with the market. If it has a beta greater than 1, it’s riskier than the market; if it’s less than 1, it’s less risky. Let’s assume ABC Inc.’s beta is 1.2, indicating it’s slightly riskier than the market.
  • Risk Premium: Calculate the risk premium by subtracting the risk-free rate (Rrf) from the market rate (Rm). In our example, it’s 8% (Rm) – 3% (Rrf) = 5%.
  • Expected Return (Ra):

   Use the CAPM formula:

   Ra = Rrf + [Ba x (Rm – Rrf)]

   Ra = 3 + [1.2 x 5]

   Ra = 3 + 6

   Ra = 9%

In this example, the CAPM calculation suggests that the expected return on your investment in ABC Inc. is 9%. This means that given the stock’s beta and the current market conditions, you can expect a return of 9% on your investment. 

If this expected return is higher than your required return or meets your investment goals, the stock might be an attractive investment. If it falls short of your expectations, you might reconsider it or look for other investment opportunities with better risk-adjusted returns.

Benefits of Using CAPM

Benefits of Using CAPM

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) offers several benefits, making it a popular tool in finance and investment analysis. Let’s explore the advantages of the CAPM in detail:

  • Systematic Risk Assessment: CAPM provides a systematic approach to assessing and understanding the risk associated with an investment. It distinguishes between systematic risk (market risk) and unsystematic risk (unique to a particular investment). By isolating systematic risk, investors can make more informed decisions about how an investment fits into their portfolio. This reduces the chances of unexpected losses.
  • Time Value of Money: The Time Value of Money (TVM) shows how money’s worth changes over time. In CAPM, TVM helps set the risk-free rate (R_f) by considering things like inflation and the cost of waiting. This helps investors figure out how much they might get back, considering how money’s value changes and making smarter decisions about risks and returns.
  • Simple and Easy to Use: CAPM is relatively simple to understand and use, especially compared to more complex models. It provides a straightforward formula that can be readily applied by investors, financial analysts, and even students. This simplicity makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of users.
  • Provides a Benchmark: CAPM offers a benchmark for evaluating investment performance. It sets a standard against which investors can measure the expected return on an asset or portfolio. If an investment yields returns above what CAPM predicts, it suggests the investment is doing well. Conversely, if it underperforms, it may signal the need for a portfolio adjustment.
  • Risk-Adjusted Return: CAPM provides a method to evaluate an investment’s return about its risk. It helps investors assess whether the expected return justifies the level of risk taken. By quantifying this risk-adjusted return, investors can make more informed choices about which assets to include in their portfolios.

Limitations of CAPM 

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) has limitations that investors must recognize. CAPM’s assumptions of market efficiency, simplistic risk factors, and other simplifications can result in predictions that may not align with real-world conditions. Therefore, while CAPM provides a helpful framework, it is essential to consider these limitations and incorporate a more comprehensive approach for robust investment decision-making.

Let’s look into the limitations of the CAPM:

  • Assumption of Market Efficiency: CAPM relies on the assumption that markets are perfectly efficient, meaning that all available information is already reflected in asset prices. In reality, markets can be influenced by behavioral biases, insider trading, and information lag, which can lead to the mispricing of assets.
  • Simplistic Assumptions: CAPM is built on several simplifying assumptions, such as constant correlations between assets and normally distributed returns. These assumptions don’t always hold in the real world, making CAPM’s predictions less accurate.
  • Risk Factors Oversimplification: CAPM considers only one risk factor, beta, which measures an asset’s sensitivity to market movements. It doesn’t account for other important risk factors, such as interest rate changes, political events, or industry-specific risks. Ignoring these factors can lead to an incomplete risk assessment.
  • Dependence on Historical Data: CAPM relies on historical market data to calculate expected returns. Past performance may not always be indicative of future outcomes, especially in rapidly changing markets or during unique economic conditions.
  • Difficulty in Estimating Beta: Estimating an asset’s beta accurately can be challenging. Small changes in the time frame or data source used for the calculation can result in significantly different beta values, leading to unreliable predictions.


In conclusion, the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) offers a valuable framework for understanding investment risks and returns. It simplifies complex financial concepts and provides a systematic approach to assessing and benchmarking investments. However, it is crucial to be aware of CAPM’s limitations, such as its reliance on simplifying assumptions and historical data. Investors should use CAPM as a useful tool but consider a broader approach to ensure well-informed investment decisions.

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What is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)?

The capital asset pricing model is a theoretical concept in finance that helps determine the expected return on an investment, factoring in its risk relative to the overall market. It is based on the idea that investors should be compensated for both the time value of money and the risk they take.

How is CAPM used in investment analysis?

CAPM is used to estimate the return an investor should expect on an investment, given its risk level. By calculating the expected return using CAPM, investors and financial analysts can assess whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued compared to its perceived risk.

What does 'beta' represent in the CAPM formula?

In the CAPM formula, beta represents the measure of an asset’s volatility or risk compared to the broader market. A beta greater than 1 indicates that the asset is more volatile than the market, while a beta less than 1 suggests it is less volatile.

Can CAPM be applied to all types of investments?

While CAPM is a widely used tool, it is primarily effective for investments like stocks. Its applicability can be limited to other types of assets, especially those not traded in public markets or those with unique risk profiles that are not captured by market volatility.

What are the limitations of using CAPM?

The main limitations of CAPM include its reliance on historical data for beta calculation, its assumption of a single-period investment horizon, and the presumption that all investors have the same expectations. Additionally, finding a truly risk-free rate for the formula can be challenging.

About the Author

Vice President

With an MBA in Finance and over 17 years in financial services, Kishore Kumar boasts expertise in program management, business analysis, and change management. Notable roles include tenure at JPMorgan, Nomura, and BNP Paribas. He is recognized for commitment, professionalism, and leadership.