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Different Methods of Recruitment in HRM

In the complex world of human resource management, recruitment is a critical cornerstone. In this blog, we’ll delve into the different recruitment methods in HRM, including their types and steps, and we’ll also discuss the top 10 effective methods organizations use to find their ideal employees.

What are Recruitment Methods?

Recruitment methods refer to the strategies a company employs to find suitable candidates and encourage them to apply for job positions. Selecting appropriate recruitment methods depends on several factors, such as required skills, desired candidate profile, necessary experience level, budget constraints, time limitations, and available hiring resources. Typically, companies use various recruitment methods, adjusting their approach over time to meet changing staffing requirements. The goal of this business practice is to hire the best talent for an organization.

This process has a complete cycle, starting with identifying organizational needs and concluding with the hiring of employees. The recruitment process is crucial for identifying the most qualified individuals for various positions within the organization. Given its significance, different types of recruitment methods are applicable based on specific requirements. In this article, we will discuss three such methods.

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Types of Recruitment Methods in HRM

Types of Recruitment Methods in HRM

There are three main types of recruitment methods direct, indirect, and third-party recruitment. Whether it’s through direct recruitment, indirect recruitment, or third-party recruitment, each method has its place in the talent acquisition toolbox, and the choice depends on the organization’s specific needs and goals.

Direct Recruitment

The direct recruitment method involves the organization’s representatives directly approaching potential candidates in educational and training institutes. They work closely with the placement cells in these institutions to establish contact with job-seeking individuals. This method is particularly suitable for individuals pursuing management, engineering, and medical programs. Employers may also contact professors to learn about students with excellent academic records. Direct recruitment often involves sending recruiters to events like conventions and seminars or using a mobile office to connect with potential candidates.

Indirect Recruitment

The indirect recruitment method relies on advertisements in newspapers, journals, radio, and television to publicize job vacancies. Well-crafted advertisements help job seekers assess their suitability, ensuring that only those with the necessary qualifications apply. This approach is beneficial when an organization aims to reach a large and geographically dispersed target audience. Sometimes, organizations use blind advertisements, concealing their identity behind a box number. However, reputable organizations typically avoid this method.

Third-party Recruitment

The third-party recruitment method involves utilizing private employment agencies, management advisors, professional associations, and employee referrals to connect with job seekers. Public employment exchanges, temporary help agencies, and labor contractors are also commonly used for recruitment purposes. Third-party recruiters can be agencies or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary or full-time employment opportunities. These recruiters play a significant role in facilitating the hiring process.

Each of these recruitment methods has its advantages and is suitable for different scenarios and requirements. They contribute to a successful recruitment process, ensuring the selection of qualified and suitable candidates for various roles within the organization.

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Steps of the Recruitment process

Steps of the Recruitment process

The HRM department considers the recruitment process a vital function, employing various strategies to reach potential candidates. The methods used for recruitment vary depending on the recruitment source.

The recruitment in-charge conducts job analysis to determine the necessary skills and abilities for the job. Once these requirements are clear, they begin searching for individuals with the relevant expertise. The HRM department then explains the job profile and the benefits that candidates can expect from the organization. Interested candidates undergo interviews and screening by the HR team, with the most suitable candidates ultimately chosen for the position. In summary, an effective hiring process involves the following steps:

1. Identifying Recruitment Needs through Job Analysis

When HRM experts identify recruitment needs through job analysis, it means they take a close look at what a particular job in our organization requires. They study the skills, qualifications, and duties it involves. By doing this thorough job analysis, the HR department can understand exactly what kind of attributes and abilities are needed for the job to be done well. This step helps to find the right candidates with the essential qualifications for the job.

2. Recruitment or Manpower Planning

Recruitment or manpower planning, is a critical phase in the recruitment process that involves strategic consideration of the organization’s present and future workforce requirements. This entails forecasting the number of employees needed, determining the specific roles to be filled, and outlining the necessary skills and expertise. By engaging in this planning process, the HR department ensures that the recruitment efforts align with the overall goals and objectives of the organization, enabling the efficient allocation of resources and the timely acquisition of the right talent.

3. Writing or Creating a Suitable Job Description

Writing or creating a suitable job description is a fundamental aspect of the recruitment process that involves crafting a comprehensive outline of the responsibilities, duties, and requirements of a particular job position. This includes detailing the essential skills, qualifications, and experience needed for the role, as well as outlining the expected tasks and objectives. By creating a clear and concise job description, the HR department effectively communicates the job’s expectations to potential candidates, enabling them to understand the role’s demands and determine their fit for the position.

4. Advertising Open Job Vacancies

Advertising open job vacancies is a key stage in the recruitment process that entails promoting available job positions to a wide pool of potential candidates. This involves using various platforms, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, etc, and company websites, to showcase job openings. By strategically advertising job openings, the HR department aims to attract qualified and suitable candidates who possess the necessary skills and qualifications for the roles. This step serves as a crucial method for reaching out to a diverse and talented candidate pool and generating interest in the available job opportunities.

5. Screening Job Applications

Screening job applications is an essential step in the recruitment process that involves reviewing and evaluating the applications received from potential candidates in response to job advertisements. This process aims to assess whether the applicants meet the basic requirements outlined in the job description. By conducting a systematic review of job applications, the HR department can shortlist candidates who possess the necessary qualifications and experience for further evaluation. This step serves as an initial filter to identify individuals who closely match the job requirements and show potential for the position.

6. Initial Short-Listing of Candidates

Initial Short-Listing of candidates is a crucial phase in the recruitment process that involves selecting a pool of applicants who closely match the job requirements and qualifications. This step follows the initial screening of job applications and entails identifying individuals whose skills and experience align with the outlined criteria. By shortlisting candidates, the HR department creates a manageable list of potential candidates who will proceed to the next stage of the selection process, such as interviews and assessments. This step serves as a key strategy for focusing on the most promising applicants and streamlining the recruitment process.

7. Conducting Interviews

Conducting interviews is a critical stage in the recruitment process that involves engaging in face-to-face or virtual discussions with shortlisted candidates. This step aims to further evaluate the candidates’ qualifications, skills, and suitability for the job role. During the interview, the hiring team asks relevant questions to gain insights into the candidates’ experiences, capabilities, and overall fit within the organization. By conducting interviews, the HR department can assess the candidates’ communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural alignment with the company, aiding in the selection of the most suitable candidate for the position.

8. Assessing the Applicant

Assessing the applicant is a crucial stage in the recruitment process that involves evaluating the candidate’s overall suitability for the job position based on their performance during the selection process. This step includes a comprehensive review of the candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experiences, along with an assessment of their potential cultural fit within the organization. By conducting a thorough evaluation, the HR department gains a deeper understanding of the candidate’s capabilities and determines whether they align with the job requirements and the organization’s values. This step aids in making an informed decision regarding the candidate’s suitability for the role.

9. Reference and Background Check

A reference and background check is an important step in the recruitment process that involves confirming the information provided by the candidate, including their work history, educational background, and any relevant credentials. This step also includes contacting the candidate’s references, such as previous employers or educational institutions, to gather insights into the candidate’s past performance and behavior. By conducting these checks, the HR department aims to verify the candidate’s qualifications and assess their suitability for the position based on their past experiences and reputation. Some popular background verification companies include AuthBridge, AMS Inform, DOS13 Corporation, HireRight, and Idfy.

10. Issuing Job Offer Letter

Issuing a job offer letter is a significant step in the recruitment process that involves formally extending an offer of employment to the selected candidate. This letter outlines the details of the job position, including the job title, responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and any other pertinent terms and conditions. By providing a job offer letter, the HR department communicates the organization’s commitment to hiring the candidate and provides them with a clear understanding of the role and the terms of employment. This step marks the beginning of the candidate’s formal engagement with the organization.

11. Joining and Onboarding

Joining and onboarding is the final phase in the recruitment process that involves integrating the newly hired candidate into the organization. This step includes facilitating the candidate’s transition into their new role by providing them with the necessary resources, training, and information about the organization’s policies and procedures. By conducting a comprehensive onboarding process, the HR department aims to familiarize the new employee with the company’s culture, values, and expectations, ensuring a smooth and productive integration into the workplace. This step plays a crucial role in setting the stage for the candidate’s successful and fulfilling career within the organization.

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Top 10 Effective Methods of Recruitment

Top 10 Effective Methods of Recruitment

Organizations use a number of recruitment strategies to attract the most suitable employees, considering the unique requirements of each job and the specific needs of the company. Different departments within the same business may employ various recruitment methods, tailored to the specific roles they are looking to fill, such as those in design, technical, marketing, sales, finance, administration, and artisan positions, spanning from entry-level to executive roles. Employers must select appropriate hiring techniques that align with the distinct characteristics of each division to effectively attract qualified candidates.

1. Employee Referrals: Employee referrals involve encouraging existing employees to suggest qualified individuals for job positions that are open within the company. This strategy relies on the recommendations of trustworthy employees who are familiar with the company’s values and the kind of candidates that would be a good fit. Employees often refer people from their professional or personal networks whom they believe would excel in the company’s work environment. This method is effective as it often results in the hiring of individuals who align well with the company’s culture and values, leading to a cohesive and productive team.

2. Job Boards: Job Boards involve publishing job advertisements on different websites and online platforms dedicated to advertising job vacancies. These platforms are accessible to a large pool of job seekers actively looking for job opportunities. Employers use job boards to showcase job openings, providing detailed information about the roles, responsibilities, and requirements. Job seekers can easily search for relevant positions based on their skills and qualifications. This method helps companies attract a diverse range of candidates and allows job seekers to explore various job options conveniently.

3. Social Media Recruitment: This involves using popular social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to promote job opportunities within the company. Employers create engaging posts to advertise job vacancies and attract the attention of potential candidates. They also use these platforms to interact with job seekers, answer their queries, and provide insights into the company’s work culture and values. Through social media, companies can reach a large audience, including passive job seekers who may not actively be looking for employment but could be interested in suitable opportunities.

4. Recruitment Agencies: Working with external recruitment agencies or headhunters that specialize in finding and attracting suitable candidates for specific job positions. These agencies have expertise in identifying qualified individuals and often have a network of potential candidates that they can reach out to on behalf of the hiring company.

5. Internal Job Postings: Sharing job opportunities within the organization to give current employees the chance to apply for roles that match their career goals and skill sets. This method encourages employee growth and provides opportunities for career advancement within the company.

6. Campus Recruitment: Visiting colleges and universities to organize recruitment events and programs targeting students who are about to graduate and are seeking entry-level positions is one of the top methods. This approach allows companies to connect with young talent and identify potential candidates early in their careers.

7. Networking Events: Participating in industry-related gatherings, workshops, and seminars to build relationships with potential candidates and create a network of professionals in the field is also considered a popular choice. These events provide opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals and establish connections for future recruitment needs.

8. Talent Pools: Maintaining a database of potential candidates who have previously shown interest in the company or possess relevant skills for future job openings is important. Building a talent pool allows companies to have a readily accessible resource of qualified individuals for future recruitment efforts.

9. Employee Development Programs: Offering training and development programs to enhance the skills and abilities of existing employees, preparing them for more advanced roles within the company. These initiatives promote employee growth and retention, fostering a skilled and dedicated workforce.

10. Company Website: Using the company’s official website as a platform to advertise job openings, provide comprehensive information about the organization, and attract potential candidates who resonate with the company’s values and mission is the most suitable way. The website serves as a crucial tool for showcasing the company’s culture and opportunities for prospective employees.


Recruitment is a vital aspect of HRM, and the success of an organization often depends on its ability to find and attract the right talent. By understanding the various recruitment methods and steps involved in the process, as well as employing effective strategies, organizations can secure the best-fit candidates for their job vacancies. As the employment landscape continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest recruitment trends and technologies is essential for HR professionals to remain competitive in their pursuit of top talent.

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About the Author

Senior Copy Editor

Aparna is a Senior Copy Editor, who combines a passion for precision with creative flair. With a background in law and market research, she has extensive experience in crafting compelling content, she excels in refining narratives to captivate audiences across diverse platforms.