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MongoDB vs SQL

MongoDB vs SQL

MongoDB and SQL databases are significant approaches to data storage and retrieval. Selecting which database to use is a question specifically based on a technical decision. This blog aims to help developers choose the best database for the user’s requirements.

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Introduction to MongoDB

Established in 2007, MongoDB Inc. introduced an innovative approach to database creation. The term “MongoDB,” derived from “humongous,” was coined to address the challenge of storing vast amounts of data required for scalable use cases.

The exponential growth of digital services and websites necessitated a more adaptable database management system with enhanced functionality.

The quest for swift and information-rich database performance served as the driving force behind the development of MongoDB, with a key design principle centered around the utilization of MongoDB documents for data storage.

Notably, e-commerce and content-serving websites opt for MongoDB due to its scalability and flexibility. As a high-performance database, MongoDB enables businesses to expedite data updates in terms of both structure and content.

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Introduction to SQL

A relational database management system is SQL Server (RDBMS). It is also referred to as Microsoft SQL Server or MSSQL on occasion. Microsoft created SQL Server, which was first made available on April 24, 1989.

On November 4, 2019, SQL Server 2019’s stable release was made available. Programming languages like C and C++ are used to create MSSQL.

Based on E. F. Codd’s relational paradigm, SQL Server was created. Data is kept in tables in RDBMS, and linkages between tables are preserved.

Data is arranged in rows and columns in tables. Each row in the table represents an entry or a record, while each column represents a certain field or feature.

The following editions of Microsoft SQL Server are available, each with a different set of features: Express, Enterprise, Standard, Web, and Developer.

Express edition is freeware for modest and entry-level apps, but other editions, which are licensed-based and utilized for larger projects on commercial levels depending on the service needed, are only available with a paid subscription.The XML data type format and dynamic management views are supported by SQL Server.

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SQL vs. NoSQL: Key Differences

SQL vs. NoSQL: Key Differences - MongoDB vs. SQL-Intellipaat

SQL (Structured Query Language) and NoSQL (Not Only SQL) are two types of database management systems, each with distinct characteristics and applications. Here’s a quick overview of the differences between them.

AspectSQL (Relational Databases)NoSQL (Non-Relational Databases)
Data ModelStructured (Tables)Flexible (Key-value, Document, Columnar, Graph, etc.)
ScalabilityVertical scaling (additional hardware resources)Horizontal scaling (distributed across multiple servers)
Query LanguageSQLVaries based on the database type (some support SQL-like queries)
Schema FlexibilityRigid schema, requires alterations for schema changesFlexible schema, supports unstructured and evolving data
TransactionsACID-compliant (strong transactional support)Varies (some offer ACID transactions, others prioritize scalability)
Use CasesComplex querying, structured data, transactionsUnstructured data, high scalability, real-time analytics
ExamplesMySQL, PostgreSQL, and OracleMongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, and Neo4j

MongoDB vs. SQL – How Data is Stored?

MongoDB Vs. SQL - How Data is stored? -  MongoDB vs. SQL-Intellipaat

As MySQL is for structured data, the data stored using MySQL is also in the structured format, The data is stored in table format, where the column denotes the attribute and the row represents a particular record.

Similar to MySQL tables, data is kept in collections in MongoDB. A collection may have several documents with key-value data recorded in JSON format. 

MongoDB vs. SQL – Scalability

The MySQL database or SQL database in general can only be scaled vertically by expanding the server’s memory capacity, disk space, or processing power. The cost for vertical scaling can be high, especially for large databases with high query volumes.

NoSQL databases like MongoDB support horizontal scaling, also known as sharding. For the sake of scalability, a new server is introduced in this instance rather than the server configuration being increased this approach is typically less expensive.

MongoDB vs. SQL – Reliability and Availability

ACID properties -   MongoDB vs. SQL-Intellipaat

SQL databases provide durable and dependable data storage. SQL offers characteristics like ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) for data integrity and facilitates transactional processing.

High availability is offered by SQL databases. They enable capabilities like replication and clustering, which let you spread data among several servers.

MongoDB is known for its high reliability. Because of its built-in replication feature—known as “replica sets”, it offers failover and automatic replication capabilities. In the event of a hardware failure, replica sets reduce the risk of data loss by automatically replicating data to numerous servers, hence offering data redundancy.

The architecture of MongoDB makes high availability possible. It offers automatic sharding, which divides data among several servers or clusters. MongoDB can automatically reroute requests to accessible servers in the event of a server loss, resulting in minimal downtime and excellent data availability.

MongoDB vs. SQL – Schema

In SQL database has a fixed schema that the data must follow. During table creation, for instance, the number of columns and data type must be specified. An error message will appear if any data saved in the table does not fit the table structure.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to predefine any schema in MongoDB. data of all kinds can be stored in a collection without any issues. If a new kind of document appears, you don’t need to worry because it can be stored with ease. 

Difference Between MongoDB and SQL

Difference Between MongoDB and SQL -  MongoDB vs. SQL-Intellipaat

Let’s discuss the following differences between MongoDB and SQL in depth for better understanding:

Use CasesBetter suited for non-relational data like documents, JSON, and logs. A flexible document-based structure allows for storing different data types without strict schemasBetter for relational data using tables, rows, columns, and relationships. Enforces relational integrity ideal for transactional apps
ScalabilityDesigned to scale horizontally by distributing data across multiple servers. Handles large volumes of reads and writes very well as more servers are addedNot as easy to scale horizontally beyond a single server. Requires more configuration to scale across servers
FlexibilityDynamic schema allows fields within documents to vary. Easy to change data structure over time without modifying DB schemaRequires fixed schema defined upfront. Changes require migrations making it less flexible for evolving data models
ComplexityKeeps things very simple with just documents, collections, and databases. Less complex data model and query languageHigher complexity considering data types, keys, indexes, joins, normalization for integrity, and optimized performance
ConsistencyEventual consistency model, ensuring availability and partition tolerance in distributed systemsA strong consistency model ensures immediate data consistency across the database

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MongoDB Advantages and Disadvantages

Here are the following Advantages and Disadvantages of MongoDB:

MongoDB Advantages and Disadvantages -  MongoDB vs. SQL-Intellipaat

Advantages of MongoDB

  • Professional customer service is offered by MongoDB Inc. to its clients. You can directly contact the MongoDB client support system if there is a problem.
  • MongoDB is simpler to set up than RDBMS. For inquiries, it also offers a JavaScript client.
  • A fairly sophisticated functionality for ad hoc queries exists in MongoDB. Because of this, we don’t have to be concerned about upcoming queries.
  • The fact that MongoDB is a database with horizontal scalability is quite advantageous. You can disperse a huge amount of data among numerous machines while handling it.

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Disadvantages of MongoDB

  • Document nesting at a depth of more than 100 layers is not allowed.
  • Their document is restricted in size to 16 MB
  • Each value pair’s key names are stored in MongoDB. Furthermore, data replication is a consequence of joins’ inability to perform. As a result, memory is being utilized more frequently than necessary.
  • MongoDB does not support joins, just like a relational database. To use the joins functionality, however, the programmer must manually include it.

Yet it might hinder performance and delay down execution.

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SQL Advantages and Disadvantages

SQL Advantages and Disadvantages -  MongoDB vs. SQL-Intellipaat

SQL is well-liked and in great demand. For working with databases, it is a reliable and efficient language. Lookout to the advantages and disadvantages of SQLsql.

SQL Advantages and DisadvantagesSQL Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of SQL

  • A large volume of data is swiftly and effectively retrieved. Data alteration, deletion, and other operations can be completed almost immediately.
  • Large numbers of lines of code are not necessary for data retrieval. The use of all fundamental terms like SELECT, INSERT INTO, UPDATE, and others, as well as the simplicity of the syntactical rules, make SQL a user-friendly language.
  • It offers a consistent platform to all of its consumers around the world because of its documentation and years of long-term establishment.
  • Irrespective of the platform, this technology can be employed across various software applications on personal computers, servers, and laptops, including operating systems, among others. Furthermore, it offers seamless integration with other programs as per specific requirements and needs.
  • The system is capable of providing swift responses to intricate inquiries, ensuring quick access to information, and its user-friendly nature facilitates ease of learning and comprehension.

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Disadvantages of SQL

Despite SQL’s many advantages, there are some disadvantages as well. The following are some drawbacks of SQL:

  • When dealing with the database, few people find SQL’s difficult user interface enjoyable.
  • Some versions of SQL are costly, and hence, programmers cannot use them.
  • A concealed set of business rules prevents the database from having complete control.
  • SQL is difficult to scale.
  • Required specific personnel to manage this technology

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Why is MongoDB better than SQL?

In comparison to the SQL server, MongoDB is faster and more scalable. While the SQL server supports JOIN and Global transactions, MongoDB does not. The MS SQL server does not accommodate large amounts of data, however MongoDB does.

Agile practices are supported by MongoDB, although they are not supported by MS SQL Server.

A SQL database processes SQL queries, whereas MongoDB offers JSON querying. MongoDB is a more dynamic and complicated choice that is appropriate for hierarchical data because of its fundamental properties, as opposed to ana SQL Database, which is still more predetermined and appropriate for other types of data storage. Hence this is the reason MongoDB outshines the SQL database.

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We hope this blog will help you grasp the significance of SQL and MongoDB as significant databases. SQL Server has been successful for many years, but with the advent of Big Data, MongoDB appears to have a promising future. However, this does not imply that SQL Server will be entirely eliminated. The user’s demands dictate which database to utilize between MongoDB and SQL Server.

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About the Author

Technical Reseach Analyst - Data Engineering

Abhijit is a Technical Research Analyst specializing in Deep Learning. He holds a degree in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science. Being proficient in Python, Scala, C++, Dart, and R, he is passionate about new-age technologies. Abhijit crafts insightful analyses and impactful content, bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and practical applications.