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Angular Tutorial for Beginners - Learn AngularJs from Scratch [Updated]

AngularJs is a JavaScript-based front-end development framework, which is used to build single-page applications in HTML, JavaScript, and a superset of JavaScript called Typescript. Compared to other JavaScript frameworks, Angular provides various features like HTTP service, materials, and animations which help the developer to create large applications and save time writing lengthy codes.

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AngularJS for Beginners

This Angular tutorial includes Introduction, Installation, MVC, AngularJS First Application, Directives, Controllers, Expressions, Filters, Tables, DOM, Modules, Forms, Events, Validation, Dependency Injection, AngularJS API, Includes, Custom Directives, AngularJS Application so you learn AngularJS the right way. This Angular tutorial also includes practical use cases of Angular. This AngularJS is your first step to learning AngularJS.

This technology has gained immense popularity because of the following reasons:

  • AngularJS applications are supported by different browsers
  • Uses data-binding for providing synchronization between model and view layers
  • Incorporates the concepts of various languages including JavaScript and server-side languages.

Let’s dive into the Angular Tutorial to see what it’s all about

What is AngularJs?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework used in developing single-page web applications.It is considered to be a preferred framework because it can be easily added to HTML pages with simply a

Example of AngularJS

Given below is a sample of AngularJS.


Learn about key differences between Angular and React in this comparison blog on Angular vs React.

Angular History

Angular was created by two developers named Adam Abrons and Misko Hevery as a side project. They envisioned the project GetAngular with an aim to simplify web development and allow web designers to interact with both backend and frontend. Misko Hevery was a developer at Google, while Adam Abrons who was working with Hevery on a Google project, named angular after HTML as  HTML contains angular brackets.

Hevery was working on a Google project named Google Feedback with two more developers in the team. Over 6 months, they’ve written 17000 lines of code. However, with the increased code size, it became very difficult to modify and test the code which the team has written. So, Henry bet his manager that he can write the entire project with his side project in just two weeks.

He lost the bet and took three weeks to finish writing the code, but he was able to squeeze the 17000 lines code down to 1500. His manager took notice of his achievement and the development of Angular.js began to accelerate.

Why Angular?

Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based web development frameworks and is used by many software engineers to create web applications. According to the Stack-Overflow developers survey from 2017, more than 44% of web designers and developers use Angular for creating user interfaces. But why is Angular so popular? Well, below are some of the reasons why is it so:

  • Angular apps are built using the TypweScript language, which eliminates the errors while writing the codes and ensures high performance and security.
  • Provides two-way binding that provides a seamless synchronization between the modes and the view. It updates these components in real-time, in case the data is modified.
  • The time investment in Angular for the projects is less as compared to other web development frameworks. The Angular CLI tool allows the developers to create initial projects, perform testing, and integrate features in the same.
  • The Angular view engine takes templates you’ve written and compiles them into HTML and JavaScript files so that the browser can read them.
  • Reduce development time as Angular uses HTML to define the User-interface of an application, which is less complex as compared to JavaScript.

Go through Intellipaat’s Angular course in Bangalore and enroll today to acquire skills in Angular!

How is AngularJS better than jQuery?

This is quite a common comparison while jQuery is a DOM manipulation library that uses JavaScript, AngularJS is a JavaScript framework designed to generate SPAs for web development. Both the technologies have gained immense popularity, but before opting for technology for web development the programmer should have a clear knowledge of these two concepts. Let’s get to know which technology should you opt for and when:

Criteria AngularJS jQuery
Built for Built  for Single Page Apps Built mainly for DOM Manipulation
Interactivity Provides a lot of interactivity Provides little interactivity
Structure Has a framework No structure

Still want to make some projects for JQuery for your portfolio then go through our JQuery Project Idea blog.

Versions of AngularJS

Angular was the first to be released in the year 2010. It is hence also known as Angular 1X or the first version of Angular. Later, Angular2.0 was introduced in 2016 with a new additional feature, i.e. mobile-oriented. In April 2015, the developers moved angularly from the alpha to the developer’s preview and launched a beta version in December 2015.

Angular 3 was skipped due to some confusion and Angular 4 was released in the year 2017.

It was smaller in size and came with additional features like HttpClient and also supported conditionally disabled animations. Angular 5 was released at the end of 2017 with a minor update.

The next version, Angular 6 was released on May 4th, 2018. It came with major updates and features like CLI workspace, library support, ng add, ng update, Angular material starter components, Angular element, etc. However, Angular 7 was released in October 2018 which improved both the performance and efficiency of the framework.

Following the trend, Angular 8 was released in May 2019, Angular 9 in February 2010, Angular 10 in June 2020, and Angular 11 in November 2020, which is the latest version of Angular.

To learn more about Angular check out Intellipaat’s Angular certification course.

Features of AngularJS

There are many features responsible for the popularity of AngularJS as a framework for Software Development. We have mentioned below some of the main features:

  • User Interface

Angular builds the user interfaces on HTML, which becomes easy to comprehend as HTML is a declarative language. Also, because of this, the user interfaces in AngularJS are properly structured, robust and smooth. The HTML-based user interface helps in regulating the efficient implementation of the web application too.

  • Built on POJO Model

The POJO model simply means – Plain Old JavaScript Objects. AngularJS is based on the POJO model which implies that no additional elements or components need to be added to integrate Angular with other data sources.

  • Easy Routing

Routing means transitioning from one view or page to another. Usually one of the difficulties faced with single-page applications is that every time the user clicks on a subcategory, it reroutes him to a separate view. This is one of the difficulties that web developers face. But AngularJS makes the routing easier by letting web developers create various views for various URLs.

  • Two-Way Binding

Angular allows web developers to create templates that allow ease in binding different components with various models. This is an important feature offered by AngularJS because whenever the values of an HTML or view component vary or are changed, the model that is bound with it also gets automatically adjusted or updated.

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Getting Started with AngularJS

Angular is used to build single-page applications and features with declarative templates. The developers can build the applications and reuse the code to build other applications. AngularJS has a learning curve similar to a hockey stick, which means starting with the framework is easy. However, building complex applications require more effort and an understanding of AngularJS’  framework.

Now, Let’s check the prerequisites to install and start using the Angular framework:

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Prerequisites for Angular

Before starting with Angular, it’s better if you have sound knowledge of the following concepts and languages:

  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • JavaScript functions, error handling, and events
  • Basic knowledge of the Document Object Model(DOM)
  • Model-View-Controller(MVC) concepts
  • Knowledge of Node JS and Node Package Manager(npm)
  • Angular CLI
  • Libraries such as Rx and JS
  • Error handling

System Requirements

  • Windows 10 or similar Operating System
  • At least 10GB of free storage space
  • Minimum 4GB of RAM
  • An editor like VSCode to write ad edit your codes
  • Node JS version 8 or 10, pre-installed in your system. You can check the Node.js version using the node -v command

Step-1: Installing Angular CLI

You can install Angular CLI using the console/terminal window by entering the following command:

Npm install -g @angular/cli

The angular CLI is used to create library codes, projects, and applications and perform various tasks like testing, bundling, and deploying the applications. You can verify the version of your Angular CLI with the ng –version command.

Step-2: Create a workspace

An angular workspace contains the files, codes, libraries, and projects. To create a new workspace, type in the following statement in the CLI command:

ng new my-app

This command ng new installs all the necessary packages, files, and dependencies and creates a workspace by the name ‘my-app.’ In this workspace, the following project files are created:

  • Root folder names my-app
  • Skeleton project in the src directory
  • End-to-end test project
  • Other configuration files

The workspace contains the initial project with a welcome application. Now, you’re ready to create your first Angular component and serve the application.

Want to learn more about Angular Bootstrap? Check out our Angular Bootstrap Tutorial!

AngularJS Program Example

Refer to the following AngularJS sample program. The ‘’ is the template and the code is HTML using AngularJS.

    First AngularJS Application


First AngularJS Application

Enter Numbers to Multiply: x = {{Num1 * Num2}}
Go for this in-depth job-oriented Angular Course in Bangalore!


AngularJS is currently used by thousands of web developers around the world. It has grown better since 2010 and has today become one of the most preferred JavaScript frameworks for building single-page web applications. In this Angular JS Tutorial, we covered all the related topics such as the meaning of Angular, the various features it offers, the history of Angular, and also how to get started with AngularJS. Referring to this Angular Tutorial will also help you understand better the use and application of this web development software.

Why not work on some good projects ideas for angular? Take some ideas from our Agular Project Ideas blog.

Faq's on AngularJS Tutorial
1. Is Angular a frontend or backend framework?

Angular is a framework for front-end development specifically designed for building single-page applications (SPAs) on the web. SPAs are web applications that load all of their content within one HTML page, which makes them more responsive than traditional web applications that load content from multiple sources. applications that load content from multiple sources.

2. Who created Angular?

Angular was created by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons at Google. Hevery and Abrons were inspired by the Model-View-Whatever (MVW) pattern, which is a software design pattern that separates the user interface (UI) from the data model. Angular uses the MVW pattern to create single-page applications (SPAs).

3. Which Angular version should I learn?

The decision about which Angular version to learn depends on your specific needs. If you need to build the most modern and efficient Angular applications, I recommend learning Angular 14. However, if you are already familiar with Angular 13 and are unsure if you need the new features in Angular 14, then you can continue using Angular 13.

4 . How does an Angular application work?

Angular applications are single-page applications (SPAs) created with the Angular framework. Components, which are reusable code blocks, define an Angular application’s user interface (UI).

5. Can Angular be used for mobile apps?

Yes, Angular can be used for mobile apps. There are a number of frameworks and tools that can be used to build Angular mobile apps, such as:

  • Cordova
  • NativeScript
  • Ionic
6. Are Angular and AngularJS the same?

Angular and AngularJS are not the same. Angular is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, which was released in 2010. AngularJS is a popular framework for building single-page applications (SPAs).

7. Are Angular developers in demand?

Yes, Angular developers are in demand. Angular is a popular framework for building single-page applications (SPAs), and the demand for Angular developers is expected to grow in the coming years.

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About the Author

Senior UI Developer

Atif Khan, a seasoned Senior UI Developer with 7+ years of experience, excels in crafting captivating digital experiences. He is proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and he transforms complex requirements into user-friendly interfaces while staying updated with industry trends to deliver innovative solutions.