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The SQL UPDATE query is used to modify existing records in a database table. It allows changing the values stored in one or more fields of selected records without replacing the entire record. The basic structure includes specifying the table name, field(s) to update, new value(s) to replace old ones, and a condition in the WHERE clause to identify which record(s) to update.

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SQL UPDATE query provides a convenient way to keep data up-to-date by correcting mistakes, adding or removing information, and modifying values directly in the database table.

How to Use UPDATE Query in SQL?

The UPDATE command in SQL is used to modify or change the existing records in a table. If we want to update a particular value, we use the WHERE clause along with the UPDATE clause. If you do not use the WHERE clause, all the rows will be affected. Moreover, we can use the UPDATE statement to update single or several columns depending on our needs.


UPDATE table_name

SET col1=val1, col2=val2…

[Where condition];

where UPDATE, SET, and WHERE are the keywords, table_name is the name of the table you want the update, col1, col2, … are the columns considered to be updated, val1, val2, … assign new values, and the condition section is where the condition is given, followed by a semicolon.

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Let’s update some records of the employee table using the Update command in SQL

UPDATE employee

SET e_age=42

WHERE e_name=’sam’;


Update Table in SQL

  • After writing the query, click on the execute button to check for errors


  • Once the query is executed, a message appears like ‘Commands completed successfully’
  • Let’s check the update
SELECT * from employee;


  • Now you can check out the updated data in the table.

SQL Update Multiple Columns

Here is an example for updating multiple columns in SQL.


SET Last_Name='KAPADIA',First_Name='MANISH'

WHERE Employee_ID=7369;
  • After writing the query, click on the execute button to check for errors
  • Once the query is executed, a message appears like ‘1 row affected ‘.


  • Let’s check the update

Become a Database Architect


SELECT * from employee;
  • Now you can check out the updated data in the table.


SQL Update Multiple Rows

UPDATE Employee
SET Middle_Name
= CASE Employee_ID
WHEN 7369 THEN 'A'
WHEN 7499 THEN 'B'
ELSE Middle_Name
WHERE Employee_ID IN(7369,7499);
  • After writing the query, click on the execute button to check for errors
  • Once the query is executed, a message appears like ‘1 row affected ‘.


  • Let’s check the update
  • SELECT * from employee;


This brings us to the end of this tutorial section, and you’re ready for updating your database with the Update query in SQL.

Advanced Techniques

Subqueries for Conditional Updates:

UPDATE with a significantly more involved example of subqueries:

UPDATE employee

SET e_age = (SELECT AVG(e_age) FROM employee WHERE department_id = 10)

WHERE department_id = 20;

This will update the age of those people who are employees in department 20 to be average age for all employees in department 10.

Using JOINs:

You can likewise update entries in many tables based on JOINs:

UPDATE employee e

JOIN department d ON e.department_id = d.id

SET e.salary = e.salary * 1.1

WHERE d.name = 'Sales';

This raises salaries by 10% for all employees in the Sales department.

Transaction Management

In multi-user environments, managing transactions is crucial for maintaining data integrity:

Using Transactions:

Wrap your updates inside a transaction block:


UPDATE employee SET e_age = e_age + 1 WHERE hire_date < '2020-01-01';

COMMIT; - - or ROLLBACK if something goes wrong

Utilizing transactions means that either all changes are applied or none using any and all means, in this way keeping away from fractional updates.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Common Mistakes:

  • Where Clause: It is being ignored-the consequence would be that updates occurred in all the rows unwittingly.
  • Data Type Mismatches: New values must match the column data types.
  • Not Testing Queries: Always test your queries on a small dataset before applying them broadly.

Best Practices:

  • Backup Data: Always before making some mass update in a production database.
  • Use transactions: Wrap your updates with transactions for safety.
  • Log Changes: Keep track of the change for auditing and recovery purposes.

Performance Considerations

The performance of UPDATE queries can be influenced by several factors:

Factors Affecting Performance:

  • Table Size: If large-sized tables exist, updates may have to wait longer.
  • Indexing: Indexing can improve performance significantly because it reduces search time.
  • Locking Mechanisms: Note how transactions may lock rows and, hence affect concurrency.

Optimization Strategies:

  • Use indexed columns in your WHERE clause to speed up searches.
  • Avoid updating large volumes of data at once; consider batching updates if possible.


The SQL UPDATE query is a fundamental apparatus for overseeing and keeping up with exact information inside your data set. By figuring out its language structure, best practices, execution contemplations, and high level methods, you can successfully stay up with the latest while keeping away from normal traps. Whether you’re working with single or different updates, dominating this order will fundamentally improve your data set administration abilities and contribute emphatically to your application’s usefulness and unwavering quality.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens if I forget the WHERE clause?

All rows in the table will be updated with the new values specified, which can lead to data loss or corruption.

2. Can I update records based on a condition from another table?

Yes! You can use subqueries or JOINs within your UPDATE statement for this purpose.

3. Is it possible to undo an update?

 If you are using transactions properly, you can ROLLBACK before committing your changes.

4. How do I handle NULL values during an update?

Be cautious with NULL values; ensure your logic accounts for them appropriately in your conditions and assignments.

5. Can I use triggers with UPDATE statements?

Yes! Triggers can automatically execute additional logic when an UPDATE occurs on a specified table.

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About the Author

Senior Associate - Automation and Testing

Akshay Shukla, a senior associate at a multinational company, is an experienced professional with a rich background in cloud computing and software testing. He is proficient in frameworks like Selenium and tools like Cucumber. He also specialises in Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development.