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What is React Native?

What is React Native?

React Native is a robust JavaScript framework developed by Meta Platforms, Inc., that empowers developers to build mobile applications using a single codebase for multiple platforms. By leveraging its component-based architecture, React Native streamlines the app development process and delivers high-performance, native-like experiences. 

With its growing popularity, learning React Native opens doors to creating efficient, visually appealing mobile apps while minimizing development time and effort.

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What is React Native?

React Native is a freely available framework that empowers developers to construct mobile applications using JavaScript and the well-known React library. It presents an efficient way to craft native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms, all from a single codebase. 

This streamlined approach significantly reduces time and effort. React Native follows the ‘learn once, write anywhere’ principle, allowing developers to apply their existing knowledge of React to build mobile apps. It offers an array of pre-built components and APIs that can be seamlessly integrated to fashion user interfaces that closely resemble native apps. 

Check out this blog to set up the React Native Environment!

History of React Native

React Native, an open-source framework for native mobile app development was introduced by Facebook in 2015. It takes advantage of React’s declarative and component-based approach, enabling developers to build cross-platform apps using JavaScript. With code reusability and hot-reloading, React Native quickly gained popularity.

React Native bridges the gap between web and mobile development, empowering web developers to create mobile apps. The framework received contributions from a thriving community, leading to the development of libraries and tools that enhanced its functionality. Despite some limitations, React Native has been adopted by major companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb. It continues to evolve, addressing challenges and improving performance. 

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What is Cross Platform Development?

Cross-platform development refers to the process of creating applications that can run on multiple operating systems and platforms using a single codebase. React Native is a popular framework for cross-platform development that allows developers to build mobile applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase.

Components of React Native

Components of React Native

React Native comprises essential components that greatly aid in developing mobile applications. These components, along with numerous others found in the React Native ecosystem, allow developers to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces for their mobile apps. 

The core components include:

  • View: This essential component is a foundational block for constructing user interface components. It acts as a container for other components, allowing for the arrangement and organization of elements on the screen.
  • Text: The Text component renders and displays text content within the app. It supports various styling options, including font size, color, and alignment, allowing developers to customize the appearance of text elements.
  • Image: With the Image component, developers can incorporate and display images within their mobile applications. It provides functionalities like resizing, cropping, and loading images from local and remote sources.
  • TextInput: This component enables user input by presenting a keyboard interface. It offers placeholder text (which appears before the user enters any input) and secures text entry (useful for password fields or sensitive information).
  • ScrollView: The ScrollView component enables the display of scrollable content that extends beyond the screen size. It allows users to scroll vertically or horizontally to access additional content.
  • StyleSheet: In React Native, StyleSheet acts as a tool for developers to define and handle styles for components using a style sheet object. It allows developers to create styles that can be reused across the application, facilitating efficient organization and consistent styling. 
  • TouchableOpacity: The TouchableOpacity component plays a significant role in enhancing user interactions within a mobile app. It creates an interactive area on the screen that responds to user actions like taps or presses. 

Learn how to use image picker functionality in React Native with the help of React Native Image Picker blog.

How Does React Native Work?

React Native works by combining the power of JavaScript with native platform components. When an app is built using React Native, the JavaScript code is bundled and run within a JavaScript runtime environment on the device. This JavaScript code interacts with native APIs through a bridge, which acts as a communication channel between JavaScript and the native platform.

React Native uses a virtual representation of the app’s UI called the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). Whenever UI changes occur, React Native compares the current Virtual DOM with the updated one. It then calculates the minimal changes needed and efficiently updates the native components on the screen, resulting in a smooth user interface.

Moreover, React Native allows developers to write platform-specific code when necessary. This feature, known as ‘bridging,’ enables the app to access native features and APIs not covered by the React Native framework. By combining the flexibility of JavaScript with the performance of native components, React Native delivers fast and responsive mobile applications.

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Benefits of React Native

Regarding mobile app development, React Native brings a group of benefits. These benefits are discussed in the following:

  • Cross-Platform Development: React Native enables developers to create code once and deploy it across various platforms, including iOS and Android. This saves time, effort, and resources by eliminating the need to develop separate codebases for each platform.
  • Code Reusability: With React Native, developers can reuse components across different projects or within the same project, improving development efficiency and reducing redundancy.
  • Native-Like Performance: React Native utilizes native components to enable the creation of mobile applications that deliver performance similar to that of applications developed natively.  It achieves this by rendering UI components through native APIs, providing a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • Hot Reloading: React Native supports hot reloading, which enables developers to see the changes made to the code instantly without recompiling the entire application. This feature significantly speeds up the development process and enhances productivity.
  • Large Community and Ecosystem: React Native has a vibrant and active community of developers, offering extensive support, libraries, and resources. This vast ecosystem provides solutions to common challenges, accelerates development, and encourages collaboration.

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Drawbacks of React Native

While React Native offers numerous advantages, it also has some drawbacks that developers should consider:

  • Performance: Although React Native is known for its efficiency, it may not match the performance of fully native applications, especially when handling complex UI interactions or heavy computations. Certain animations or transitions may not be as smooth as in native apps.
  • Native Dependencies: React Native allows developers to access native functionalities through ‘bridges,’ but it requires additional work to integrate native libraries or modules. It can be challenging, especially when dealing with platform-specific features or complex integrations.
  • Limited Native API Access: React Native provides access to a wide range of native APIs but may not cover every aspect of a platform’s capabilities. Sometimes, developers need to write platform-specific code or rely on third-party libraries to access certain functionalities.
  • Version Compatibility: React Native releases updates regularly, but upgrading to the latest version can be complex and time-consuming, especially if the project relies on third-party libraries or custom modules. It can lead to compatibility issues and make maintenance more challenging.
  • Debugging and Tooling: While React Native has its debugging tools like React Native Debugger, they may not be as robust as the debugging tools available for native development platforms. The development environment and tooling options for React Native are still evolving and may not provide the same level of support as fully matured native frameworks.

Despite the confusion surrounding React and React Native, these two teams are totally different from one another. To know the difference, check out our blog ‘Why Should You Use React for Web Development?‘.

Kickstart your learning journey of React.Js visit ReactJS Tutorial: How to Get Started with React.

React Vs. React Native

React and React Native are complementary technologies. Below is a comparison table that highlights the key differences between React and React Native:

CriteriaReactReact Native
PurposeJavaScript library for building user interfacesFramework for building native mobile applications
PlatformWeb (Browsers)iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms
UI RenderingVirtual DOMNative UI components
DevelopmentWeb developmentMobile app development
Native AccessLimited access to native APIsDirect access to native APIs and device features

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Top React Native Applications

Top React Native Applications

Below are instances of highly successful React Native applications that demonstrate the power and versatility of this framework.

  • Facebook: The Facebook mobile app itself is built using React Native, showcasing the framework’s capabilities. React Native enables Facebook to deliver a consistent and high-performance experience across platforms.
  • Instagram: Instagram, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, has embraced React Native for its app development. React Native’s ability to provide a seamless experience on iOS and Android devices makes it an ideal choice for applications with a large user base.
  • Airbnb: React Native powers Airbnb’s mobile app, enabling users to book accommodations and navigate property listings efficiently. The framework’s cross-platform capabilities helped Airbnb deliver a unified experience to its diverse user base.
  • Tesla: Tesla, the renowned electric vehicle manufacturer, uses React Native for their mobile app. React Native’s performance and efficiency align well with Tesla’s commitment to providing a premium user experience.
  • Discord: Discord, a popular gaming communication platform, adopted React Native for its mobile app. The framework’s flexibility and native-like performance enhance the user interface and smooth messaging experience.

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React Native has revolutionized the field of mobile app development. With its robust components and seamless user interface, it revolutionizes the way we create apps. React Native empowers businesses to create high-quality, cost-effective, and cross-platform mobile apps that drive customer engagement and business growth. Look no further than the top examples we provided to prove its success. Brace yourself for the future of mobile development with React Native at the helm.

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About the Author

Techical Research Analyst - Front End Development

As a Technical Research Analyst, Kislaya specializes in Front End Development. He is a Full Stack Developer, known for crafting scalable architectures and user-centric interfaces. He has a massive international client base and is an expert in cloud computing, Linux, and Java Script, personifying a commitment to quality and information sharing.