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Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers


Hibernate is one of the most common Java ORML – Object-Relational Mapping tools. More than 22,000+ job vacancies are open in India for which you can prepare yourself by using the course. The average salary of the professional associated with Hibernate ranges from ₹9 to ₹18 lakhs per annum. Below are a few important Hibernate interview questions to help you crack the interview.

Most Frequently Asked Hibernate Interview Questions

1. What is Hibernate?
2. What is Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and how does Hibernate provide it?
3. Explain Hibernate architecture.
4. What are the benefits of using Hibernate in a project?
5. What are some of the challenges of using Hibernate?
6. Explain the difference between a transient object, a persistent object, and a detached object in Hibernate.
7. What is the purpose of the Hibernate SessionFactory, and how is it created?
8. Describe the process of persisting an object using Hibernate.
9. What is the purpose of the @Id annotation in Hibernate, and how is it used?
10. What is Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and how is it used?

Hibernate, a reliable ORM framework, simplifies Java object-database interaction. It automates data mapping, allowing developers to work with familiar object-oriented concepts while effortlessly persisting and querying data. Hibernate generates SQL queries, manages connections, and handles transactions. The demand for skilled Hibernate developers is rising, leading to a collection of frequently asked Hibernate interview questions. These questions assess technical expertise and customer service skills, aligning with employer priorities in the selection process.

With organizations increasingly dependent on technology, there is a growing need for proficient Hibernate developers. We have curated an extensive collection of commonly asked Hibernate interview questions for both freshers and experienced developers. Our compilation covers essential aspects employers prioritize in the selection process, including technical troubleshooting and customer service abilities.

Following are the categories into which these Hibernate interview questions are divided:

Basic Hibernate Interview Questions for Freshers
Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced
Advanced Hibernate Interview Questions

Hibernate Basic Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What is Hibernate?

Hibernate is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for Java. It provides a high-level abstraction layer that allows developers to interact with databases in a Java-centric way. This makes it easier to develop database-driven applications.

2. What is Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and how does Hibernate provide it?

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique for mapping objects in an object-oriented programming language to relational database tables. Hibernate is an ORM framework for Java that simplifies database interactions by automatically generating SQL queries and handling object-to-table mappings based on the defined entity classes and their associations.

For example, if you have a Java class called Customer with properties for the customer’s name, address, and phone number, Hibernate can automatically generate SQL queries to insert, update, and delete customers from a database table. Hibernate can also map relationships between entities, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.

3. Explain Hibernate architecture.

Hibernate is an open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Java applications.

It simplifies mapping Java classes to database tables and enables object-oriented database operations.

Key components of the Hibernate architecture:

  • Application: Represents the Java application utilizing Hibernate.
  • Configuration: Provides necessary settings and properties for Hibernate.
  • SessionFactory: Central factory class for creating and managing Hibernate Sessions.
  • Session: Represents a unit of work with the database, bridging the application and database.
  • Transaction: Ensures data consistency and integrity for logical units of work.
  • ORM: Maps Java classes to database tables, enabling CRUD operations.
  • Query: Allows writing HQL or Criteria queries to retrieve data.
  • Caching: Improves performance with session-level and application-level caching.
  • Connection Pool: Efficiently manages database connections through pooling.
  • Dialect: Handles database-specific differences in SQL syntax and data types.

4. What are the benefits of using Hibernate in a project?

There are several advantages of using Hibernate in a project, including:

  • Improved productivity: Hibernate eliminates the need to write manual SQL queries, which can save developers a lot of time.
  • Database portability: Hibernate provides an abstraction layer that makes it easy to move applications to different databases.
  • Transparent persistence: Hibernate automatically manages the persistence of objects, which makes it easy to develop applications that interact with databases.
  • Support for caching and performance optimization: Hibernate supports caching of objects and query results, which can improve performance.
  • Simplified management of transactions and connections: Hibernate provides a simplified API for managing transactions and connections, which can make it easier to develop robust and scalable applications.

5. What are some of the challenges of using Hibernate?

Some of the notable challenges of using Hibernate are mentioned below:

  • Using Hibernate presents a number of difficulties, including:
  • Learning curve: For developers who are unfamiliar with ORM technologies, Hibernate might have a challenging learning curve.
  • Hibernate is a complicated framework with many features. Because of this, it could be challenging to identify faults and comprehend how things operate.
  • Hibernate’s impact on performance, particularly for programs that do a lot of database queries, can be negative

6. Explain the difference between a transient object, a persistent object, and a detached object in Hibernate.

In the world of Hibernate, we classify objects into three categories: transient, persistent, and detached. A transient object lacks an association with a database session. On the other hand, a persistent object is linked to an active database session. Finally, a detached object is a persistent object that has been disconnected from its session.

When an object is initially created, it falls into the transient category. To make it persistent, you need to add it to a session using either the save() or persist() method. Once an object becomes persistent, any modifications made to it will be automatically synchronized with the database.

If you find yourself needing to eliminate an object from the database, the delete() method comes in handy. It performs two tasks: detaching the object from the session and removing it from the database.

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7. What is the purpose of the Hibernate SessionFactory, and how is it created?

The Hibernate SessionFactory is a factory for creating Hibernate sessions. It is typically created during application startup by reading the configuration files, which include mappings between entity classes and database tables.

The SessionFactory is responsible for managing the first-level cache, connection pooling, and other Hibernate-related configurations.

To create a SessionFactory, you need to provide the following information:

  • The location of the Hibernate configuration file.
  • The database driver class.
  • The database connection URL.
  • The database user name and password.

Once you have created a SessionFactory, you can use it to create Hibernate sessions.

8. Describe the process of persisting an object using Hibernate.

To persist an object with Hibernate, the following steps are typically followed:

  1. Begin by creating a fresh instance of the object you wish to persist.
  2. Populate the object with the necessary data.
  3. Obtain a Hibernate Session from the SessionFactory. This session serves as a connection to the database.
  4. Invoke the save() or persist() method on the Session, passing in the object you want to persist. This action instructs Hibernate to save the object to the database.
  5. Complete the transaction by committing it. This step ensures that the changes are permanently stored in the database.

So, to summarize:

  1. Instantiate the object.
  2. Populate the object with data.
  3. Acquire a Hibernate Session.
  4. Use the save() or persist() method on the Session to persist the object.
  5. Commit the transaction.

The following code shows an example of how to persist an object using Hibernate:

Code snippet

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();

Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.setName("karan k");
customer.setAddress("12345 domain Street");



9. What is the purpose of the @Id annotation in Hibernate, and how is it used?

The @Id annotation is used to mark a property as the identifier (primary key) of an entity in Hibernate. It can be applied to a field or a getter method. By specifying the @Id annotation, Hibernate knows which property to use as the unique identifier when performing database operations.

The following code shows an example of how to use the @Id annotation:

Code snippet
public class Customer


10. What is Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and how is it used?

Hibernate Query Language (HQL) is a powerful object-oriented query language used in Hibernate, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for Java. HQL is designed to work with Hibernate’s object model, allowing developers to perform database operations using object-oriented concepts rather than writing raw SQL queries.

HQL syntax closely resembles SQL, but it operates on persistent objects and their associated intermediaries. Instead of directly referring to database tables and columns, HQL uses the names of mapped Java classes and their properties. This makes it easier to work with complex object graphs and relationships.

Hibernate Interview Questions for Experienced

Below are some of the intermediate-level Java Hibernate interview questions for learners:

11. What is Hibernate tuning?

Hibernate tuning involves optimizing database interactions, SQL queries, and caching strategies. It aims to enhance application performance, reduce resource consumption, and manage memory efficiently.

12. What is hibernate caching?

Hibernate caching refers to:

  • Hibernate caching is a performance enhancement technique.
  • It stores frequently accessed data in memory.
  • Reduces the need for repeated database queries, improving response times.
  • Two levels: first-level cache (session-specific) and second-level cache (application-wide).
  • First-level cache is session-specific; second-level cache is shared.
  • Effective for minimizing database load and optimizing Hibernate-based application performance.

13. Is it possible to perform collection mapping with One-to-One and Many-to-One?

Collection mapping in Hibernate links entities with Java collections (e.g., List, Set, Map) and corresponding database tables. It establishes one-to-one and many-to-one relationships, enhancing data model flexibility. This feature is essential for creating efficient and comprehensive data models in Hibernate-based applications.

14. How does Hibernate handle database transactions?

Hibernate provides robust support for managing database transactions. It follows the widely accepted approach of using a Unit of Work pattern to track and control the changes made to persistent objects within a transaction.

When working with Hibernate, you typically interact with the database through a Session object. A Session represents a single database connection and acts as a gateway for all database operations. It serves as a context for managing and coordinating transactions.

Hibernate employs a transactional write-behind mechanism, meaning that changes made to persistent objects within a transactional context are not immediately propagated to the database. Instead, Hibernate tracks these changes and applies them in a controlled manner when the transaction is committed.

The transaction management in Hibernate can be achieved using two main approaches:

  1. Programmatic Transaction Management: In this approach, you explicitly manage transactions in your code using the Hibernate API. You start a transaction by invoking the beginTransaction() method on the Session object. Once the transaction is active, you perform your database operations (such as saving, updating, or deleting objects). Finally, you commit the transaction using the commit() method, or you can roll it back if an error occurs.
    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
    try {
        // Perform database operations within the transaction
        // Commit the transaction
    } catch (Exception e) {
       // Handle exceptions and roll back the transaction if needed
    } finally {
  2. Declarative Transaction Management: This approach involves leveraging external transaction management frameworks such as Java Transaction API (JTA) or Spring Framework’s declarative transaction management. These frameworks handle the transaction management aspects, allowing you to focus on the business logic. They typically provide annotations or configuration to specify transaction boundaries, and Hibernate seamlessly integrates with them

15. What is the purpose of Hibernate caching, and what are the different levels of caching supported by Hibernate?

Hibernate employs caching as a means to enhance application performance by minimizing the necessity of frequent database data retrieval. Within Hibernate, there are three levels of caching supported:

  1. First-level cache (Session cache): It is the default cache and operates at the session level. It stores persistent objects within the session, allowing fast retrieval and reducing database round-trips for subsequent accesses within the same session.
  2. Second-level cache (SessionFactory cache): It is a shared cache that spans multiple sessions. It stores data that is frequently accessed across sessions, such as entity objects or query results. It helps minimize database hits and benefits applications with high read-intensive workloads.
  3. Query cache: It caches the results of queries executed through Hibernate’s query APIs. It can significantly improve the performance of frequently executed queries by avoiding unnecessary re-evaluation.

16. How do you create an immutable class in hibernate?

To create an immutable class in Hibernate, follow these steps. First, ensure all class fields are marked as “final” and initialized via the constructor. Second, exclude setter methods for these fields. Third, employ the “mutable=”false”” attribute in the Hibernate mapping file to specify immutability. Finally, implement equals() and hashCode() methods based on immutable fields. By adhering to these principles, the class becomes immutable, guaranteeing data integrity and consistent behavior during Hibernate operations, making it suitable for scenarios where data should not be altered once persisted.

17. What is the difference between an eager fetch and a lazy fetch in Hibernate?

In Hibernate, eager fetching and lazy fetching are two strategies for retrieving associated entities:

  • Eager fetching loads all associated entities immediately when the parent entity is fetched from the database. This can result in more database queries upfront but avoids additional queries when accessing associated entities later.
  • Lazy fetching loads associated entities only when they are explicitly accessed, either directly or through a getter method. This strategy minimizes the initial data retrieval but may trigger additional queries if lazy-loaded associations are accessed after the session is closed.

18. How does Hibernate handle database transactions in a multi-threaded environment?

In a multi-threaded environment, Hibernate provides different strategies for managing database transactions:

  • Thread-bound session: Each thread has its own session associated with it. Transactions are managed separately within each thread, ensuring thread-safety and isolation.
  • Session-per-request: A new session is created for each incoming request, and a transaction is initiated for that session. This approach allows the concurrent processing of multiple requests with their own isolated sessions and transactions.
  • Managed transactions: In a container-managed environment (such as Java EE), transactions can be managed by the application server using declarative transaction demarcation. Hibernate integrates with the transaction management capabilities provided by the application server.

19. What are the different ways to define entity mappings in Hibernate?

Hibernate supports two main approaches for defining entity mappings:

  1. XML mappings: Entities can be mapped using XML configuration files, where each entity class is associated with a corresponding XML file defining its mapping information. XML mappings offer flexibility and allow customization of various mapping details.
  2. Annotation mappings: Entities can be annotated using Hibernate-specific annotations, such as @Entity, @Table, and @Column, to define the mapping information directly within the entity class. Annotation mappings provide a more compact and readable way of defining mappings and are commonly used in modern Hibernate projects.

20. How does Hibernate handle database schema generation and synchronization?

Hibernate provides several mechanisms to handle database schema generation and synchronization:

  • Hibernate can automatically generate the database schema based on the entity mappings. It can create tables, columns, constraints, and other database artifacts as defined in the mappings.
  • Schema updates can be performed by Hibernate using the hbm2ddl.auto configuration property. Hibernate can validate and update the schema based on changes made to the entity mappings.
  • Hibernate also supports the use of database schema migration tools, such as Liquibase or Flyway, to manage and evolve the database schema over time while preserving existing data.

21. How does Hibernate handle caching of query results, and what are the benefits of using it?

Hibernate provides query result caching, which allows the caching of the results of queries executed through Hibernate’s query APIs. When a cached query is executed again with the same parameters, Hibernate retrieves the result directly from the cache instead of re-executing the query. Query result caching can significantly improve the performance of frequently executed queries, as it avoids the overhead of query evaluation and database round-trips. It is especially beneficial for read-intensive applications with complex or expensive queries.

22. What is the purpose of Hibernate interceptors, and how are they implemented?

Hibernate interceptors provide a way to intercept and customize Hibernate’s behavior at various stages of the object lifecycle. Interceptors can be used to perform actions such as auditing, logging, or modifying data before it is persisted or retrieved. To implement a Hibernate interceptor, developers need to create a class that implements the org.hibernate.Interceptor interface. The interceptor class can override methods that correspond to different events in the object lifecycle, such as onSave(), onDelete(), or onLoad(), and add custom logic to be executed during those events.

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23. What are the options for integrating Hibernate with the Spring Framework, and what are the benefits of using this combination?

Hibernate and the Spring Framework can be integrated in different ways, with the most common approach being through Spring’s support for ORM integration. The benefits of using Hibernate with Spring include:

  • Simplified configuration and dependency management through Spring’s IoC (Inversion of Control) container.
  • Seamless transaction management with Spring’s declarative transaction support, allowing for consistent and automatic handling of database transactions.
  • Integration with Spring’s powerful features, such as AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming), dependency injection, and transactional testing.
  • Enhanced testability and maintainability of the application codebase.
  • Ability to leverage Spring’s broader ecosystem for additional features like security, caching, and distributed systems.

Advanced Interview Questions

Below is the list of advanced-level Hibernate interview questions:

24. How does Hibernate handle inheritance mapping, and what are the supported strategies?

Hibernate supports different strategies for inheritance mapping hierarchies to database tables:

  1. Table per class hierarchy: All classes in the inheritance hierarchy are mapped to a single table, which includes columns for properties of all subclasses. Discriminator columns are used to differentiate between different subclass types.
  2. Table per subclass: Each class in the inheritance hierarchy is mapped to its own table. Common properties are mapped to the superclass table, while subclass-specific properties are mapped to individual subclass tables.
  3. Table per concrete class: Each concrete class in the inheritance hierarchy is mapped to its own table, including both superclass and subclass properties. This strategy avoids the use of inheritance-related joins but can lead to redundant columns in the database schema.

25. What are the different types of associations supported by Hibernate, and how are they implemented?

Hibernate supports various types of associations between entities, including one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many associations. These associations are implemented with the utilization of annotations or XML mappings in Hibernate. For example, a one-to-many association can be represented by adding a collection property in one entity class and using the @OneToMany annotation to establish the relationship. Hibernate takes care of generating the necessary foreign key constraints and SQL queries to maintain the association between entities.

26. How does Hibernate handle optimistic concurrency control, and what are the benefits of using it?

Hibernate supports optimistic concurrency control, a mechanism that ensures data consistency in concurrent environments without acquiring locks. It relies on versioning to detect conflicts during updates. Each entity involved in optimistic locking has a version attribute that is checked during updates. If the version of an entity has changed since it was loaded, Hibernate throws an exception, indicating a concurrent modification. Optimistic concurrency control improves application scalability by allowing multiple transactions to work concurrently and reducing the chances of contention and deadlock compared to pessimistic locking.

27. What are the considerations for optimizing performance in Hibernate applications?

Optimizing performance in Hibernate applications involves various factors, including database schema design, caching strategies, query optimization, and efficient use of transactions. Some considerations include:

  • Careful mapping of entities to database tables and columns, avoiding unnecessary joins and redundant data.
  • Effective use of caching mechanisms, such as second-level caching for entities and query result caching.
  • Proper indexing of database tables to improve query performance.
  • Use of pagination and lazy loading to retrieve and process data in smaller chunks.
  • Batch processing for efficient database updates, reduces round-trips to the database.
  • Monitoring and analyzing SQL query execution plans to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
  • Fine-tuning of Hibernate configuration settings, such as fetch strategies and transaction boundaries, based on application-specific requirements.

28. What is the role of the Hibernate Session in database interactions, and how is it managed?

The Hibernate Session serves as the main interface between the application and the underlying database. It represents a unit of work and provides methods for querying, persisting, and manipulating entities. The Session is responsible for managing the first-level cache (also known as the session-level cache), which stores loaded entities within its scope. The Session is typically obtained from the SessionFactory and should be used within a transactional context. It is recommended to manage the Session’s lifecycle within the boundaries of a single logical operation or business transaction to ensure consistent and predictable database interactions.

29. What is lazy loading in Hibernate?

Lazy loading is a technique used in Hibernate to defer the loading of associated entities or collections until the data is explicitly accessed or requested. It is an optimization strategy aimed at reducing unnecessary database queries and improving performance.

When an entity is marked for lazy loading, Hibernate fetches only the basic attributes of the entity from the database when it is initially loaded. The associated entities or collections, known as lazy associations, are not loaded at that time. Instead, placeholder objects, or proxies, are created for these associations.

When the application code attempts to access a lazy association, Hibernate intercepts the access and triggers a database query to fetch the associated data. This process is known as lazy loading. The data is then loaded and associated with the original entity, allowing seamless traversal of the object graph.

30. What is the purpose of the Hibernate Configuration file, and what are the key elements it contains?

The Hibernate Configuration file is an XML or properties file that provides essential configuration information to Hibernate. It specifies the database connection details, mappings between entity classes and database tables, and various Hibernate settings. Key elements in the Hibernate Configuration file include:

  • Database connection settings: Such as the JDBC URL, driver class name, username, and password.
  • Mapping configurations: Specifies the mapping between entity classes and database tables, including associations, inheritance hierarchies, and custom mapping options.
  • Hibernate properties: Allows customization of various Hibernate settings, such as caching, fetching strategies, naming conventions, and transaction management.
  • Additional configurations: These can include settings related to connection pooling, second-level caching, and other vendor-specific features.

31. How does Hibernate handle database schema generation and evolution?

Here are the two commonly used approaches: Hibernate’s Automatic Schema Generation and Database Schema Migration.

  1. Automatic Schema Generation: Hibernate provides a feature called “Automatic Schema Generation,” which allows you to automatically generate the database schema based on your entity mappings. This feature is particularly useful during the development and testing phases.
    By configuring Hibernate with appropriate properties, it can automatically generate the necessary tables, columns, constraints, and indexes in the database based on your entity definitions. This eliminates the need to write and maintain SQL scripts for creating the schema.
    Automatic Schema Generation offers different modes, such as create, create-drop, update, and validate, each serving a specific purpose.Automatic Schema Generation is suitable for scenarios where you want Hibernate to manage the entire database schema automatically based on your entity definitions. However, it’s worth noting that this approach may not be ideal for production environments where more controlled schema management is desired.
  2. Database Schema Migration: Hibernate integrates well with third-party database migration tools, such as Flyway or Liquibase, which provide a more controlled approach to schema management. These tools allow for incremental and version-controlled database schema changes. With database schema migration, you create separate SQL or script files that define each version of the database schema. These files contain instructions for modifying the schema, such as creating or altering tables, columns, or constraints.
    Hibernate can be configured to work alongside these migration tools. When your application starts up, Hibernate validates the current database schema against the expected version specified in the migration scripts. If there are any differences, it applies the necessary migrations to bring the schema up to date.
    This approach provides greater flexibility and control over the database schema evolution process. It allows for collaborative schema management across multiple developers or teams and supports handling complex migration scenarios, such as data transformations or complex schema changes.

32. What is the working mechanism of Lazy loading?

Hibernate provides different mechanisms for implementing lazy loading:

Proxy Objects: When an entity is marked for lazy loading, Hibernate creates a proxy object that extends or implements the entity class/interface. This proxy object acts as a placeholder for the actual associated entity or collection. When a method or attribute of the lazy association is accessed, the proxy object triggers a database query to load the associated data.
Bytecode Enhancement: Hibernate also offers bytecode enhancement as an alternative to proxy-based lazy loading. By enhancing the bytecode of entity classes, Hibernate is able to insert bytecode instructions that enable lazy loading without the need for proxy objects. This approach provides more efficient lazy loading and avoids potential issues related to proxy object serialization.
Fetching Strategies: Hibernate provides various fetching strategies to control the loading behavior of associations. These strategies determine when and how the associated entities or collections are loaded. For example, you can choose to load associations eagerly (at the time of the initial query) or lazily (on demand). The fetching strategy can be configured at the entity or association level using annotations or XML mappings.

33. Differentiate between get() and load() in Hibernate session.

Characteristic get() load()
Object Return Returns a fully initialized object or null. Returns a proxy object, a placeholder.
Database Retrieval Immediate database retrieval. Delays database retrieval until accessed.
Exception Handling Throws an exception if not found. Throws an exception upon access if not found.
Use Case Suitable for immediate data needs. Useful for lazy loading and deferred retrieval.

34. Differentiate between save() and saveOrUpdate() methods in hibernate session.

save() saveOrUpdate()
Persists a new object. Saves or updates based on object existence.
Assumes object is new. Detects if object is transient or detached.
Always inserts a new row. Inserts new record or updates existing record.
Typically used for new data. Suitable for uncertain new/existing cases.

35. How does Hibernate handle object associations, such as one-to-one and one-to-many relationships?

Hibernate provides mechanisms to handle object associations between entities:

  1. One-to-one relationship: Hibernate allows one-to-one associations between entities by defining a foreign key relationship between them. It can be mapped using the @OneToOne annotation, specifying the associated entity and the foreign key column.
  2. One-to-many relationship: Hibernate supports one-to-many associations using collections, such as sets or lists, to represent the relationship between entities. It can be mapped using the @OneToMany annotation, specifying the associated entity, the collection type, and the foreign key column


Wrapping up our Hibernate Java interview questions blog. These Interview Questions and Answers are a valuable resource for your interview journey. Ace your Interview and land your dream job.

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About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Deep Learning

As a Technical Research Analyst specializing in Deep Learning, Aditya combines expertise in Python with a keen interest in cutting-edge technologies. He possesses a year of experience in designing and deploying robust applications. Additionally, he is passionate about writing and conveying complex technical concepts with clarity and precision.