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Interesting NLP Projects for Beginners in 2024

This blog presents five intriguing NLP projects ideal for beginners in 2023. Additionally, we’ll delve into the essential skills necessary to become an NLP engineer.

Table of Contents

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What is NLP?

The branch of artificial intelligence known as Natural Language Processing (NLP) actively explores the interaction between computers and human language. Its main objective is to develop algorithms and models that empower computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language effectively and meaningfully. NLP strives to bridge the divide between human language and machine language, enabling computers to process and analyze extensive amounts of text data.

NLP applies computational and statistical techniques to extract meaningful information from natural language text. It encompasses tasks like language understanding, language generation, sentiment analysis, machine translation, information retrieval, and more. NLP algorithms process unstructured textual data and convert it into a structured format for further analysis and utilization.

Applications of NLP are widespread across various fields. In machine translation, NLP algorithms are used to translate text from one language to another, enabling cross-lingual communication. Sentiment analysis involves analyzing text to determine the sentiment or emotional tone expressed. This is useful for social media monitoring, customer feedback analysis, and market research. Information retrieval systems rely on NLP techniques to extract relevant information from a large corpus of documents in response to user queries. NLP also plays a crucial role in virtual assistants, chatbots, and voice recognition systems, enabling natural language interaction between humans and machines.

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Skills Required to Become an NLP Engineer

To embark on a career as an NLP engineer, several essential skills and knowledge areas need to be developed. These skills encompass programming, machine learning, linguistics, and data preprocessing techniques. Let’s explore these skills in more detail:

  • Programming Languages: Proficiency in programming languages is essential for implementing NLP algorithms and building NLP applications. Python is commonly used in the NLP community due to its extensive libraries and frameworks, such as NLTK, spaCy, and TensorFlow.
  • Machine Learning: Developing NLP models necessitates a crucial understanding of machine learning techniques. This understanding encompasses familiarity with supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, neural networks, deep learning architectures, and model evaluation techniques.
  • Linguistics: A solid understanding of linguistics helps in developing language models and handling linguistic nuances in NLP tasks. Concepts such as syntax, semantics, morphology, and phonetics are essential for language understanding and generation.
  • Data Preprocessing: NLP often deals with large volumes of textual data, which requires preprocessing before analysis. Skills in data cleaning, tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and handling stop words are necessary to prepare the data for further analysis.
  • NLP Libraries and Tools: Familiarity with popular NLP libraries and tools, such as NLTK, spaCy, Gensim, and BERT, is advantageous. These libraries provide pre-built models, datasets, and utilities for various NLP tasks, allowing for faster development and experimentation.
  • Domain Knowledge: Having domain knowledge in the application areas of NLP, such as healthcare, finance, or e-commerce, can be valuable. It helps in understanding the specific challenges and requirements of the domain, enabling the development of more effective NLP solutions.

By acquiring these skills, you can establish a strong foundation in NLP and be well-equipped to tackle various NLP challenges. Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest advancements in NLP techniques and algorithms are also essential for an NLP engineer’s professional growth.

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NLP Project Ideas for Beginners

This section will present five interesting NLP project ideas suitable for beginners. We will provide a detailed explanation of each project, including its objectives, implementation steps, and the NLP techniques involved.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a powerful NLP technique used to determine the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in a given piece of text. This is as a review, social media post, or customer feedback. It has wide-ranging applications, including market research, brand monitoring, and customer sentiment tracking. Building a sentiment analysis model involves the following key features:

  • Data Collection: Gather a dataset of text samples with labeled sentiments (positive, negative, or neutral) to train the model
  • Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the text data by removing noise, punctuation, and irrelevant information
  • Feature Extraction: Transform the text into numerical features that can be used for analysis, such as bag-of-words, word embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec), or TF-IDF vectors
  • Model Selection: Choose a suitable machine learning algorithm, such as Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, or deep learning models like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) or Transformers
  • Model Training: Train the selected model on the labeled dataset, using techniques like cross-validation to optimize performance
  • Evaluation: Assess the model’s performance using evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score
  • Deployment: Once the model is trained and evaluated, it can be deployed to analyze new text data and classify sentiments

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Conversational Bots: Chatbots

Conversational Bots: Chatbots

Chatbots, also known as conversational bots, are computer programs designed to simulate human-like conversations with users. They utilize NLP techniques to understand user input, generate appropriate responses, and provide helpful information. Key features of chatbot development include the following:

  • Intent Recognition: Identify the user’s intention or purpose behind their input, such as asking a question, making a request, or seeking information
  • Entity Extraction: Extract relevant entities or specific pieces of information from user queries, such as names, locations, or dates
  • Dialog Management: Develop a conversational flow by maintaining context and managing multi-turn conversations with users
  • Natural Language Understanding: Utilize techniques like named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and syntactic parsing to comprehend the user’s input accurately
  • Response Generation: Generate meaningful and contextually appropriate responses using techniques such as rule-based systems, templates, or neural language models
  • Personalization: Customize the chatbot’s responses and behavior based on user preferences, history, or user profiling
  • Integration: Integrate the chatbot with external systems, databases, or APIs to fetch relevant information and provide personalized responses

Building a chatbot involves a combination of NLP algorithms, machine learning techniques, and software development skills. The aim is to create a conversational experience that feels natural and helpful to the user, effectively addressing their queries or providing the desired information.


Topic Identification

Topic Identification

Topic identification is a vital NLP task that involves automatically determining the main subject or theme discussed in a document or a collection of documents. It helps in organizing and categorizing textual data, enabling efficient information retrieval and analysis. Building a topic identification system involves the following key features:

  • Data Collection: Gather a dataset of documents or texts that cover a wide range of topics and themes
  • Data Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the text data by removing stopwords, punctuation, and irrelevant information and performing tasks like tokenization and stemming
  • Document Clustering: Utilize clustering algorithms, such as K-means or hierarchical clustering, to group similar documents together based on their content
  • Topic Modeling: Apply topic modeling algorithms, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), to identify the underlying topics in the document collection
  • Topic Labeling: Assign human-interpretable labels or keywords to each identified topic to aid in understanding and interpretation
  • Evaluation: Assess the performance of the topic identification system using evaluation metrics like coherence scores or manual inspection of topic assignments

Automatic Text Summarization

Automatic Text Summarization

Automatic text summarization aims to generate concise summaries of given documents, condensing the main ideas and key information. This is done while maintaining the essence of the original text. There are two main approaches to automatic text summarization: extractive and abstractive. In this project, we will focus on extractive summarization. Key features of building an extractive text summarization model include the following:

  • Data Preparation: Gather a dataset of documents with their corresponding human-generated summaries or use pre-existing datasets.
  • Text Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the text data by removing stopwords and special characters and performing tasks like sentence tokenization.
  • Sentence Scoring: Calculate scores for each sentence in the document based on features like sentence length, term frequency, or statistical measures like TF-IDF.
  • Sentence Ranking: Rank the sentences based on their scores and select the top-ranking sentences for inclusion in the summary.
  • Summary Generation: Concatenate the selected sentences to form a coherent and concise summary.
  • Evaluation: Evaluate the quality of the generated summaries using metrics like ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) scores, which compare the generated summary to reference summaries.

Grammar Autocorrector

Grammar Autocorrector

The grammar autocorrector project actively develops a system that helps users identify and correct grammatical errors in their text. It implements techniques like rule-based parsing, part-of-speech tagging, and error correction algorithms. The grammar auto-corrector boasts key features such as follows:

  • Rule-Based Parsing: Utilize grammatical rules to analyze the structure of sentences and identify potential errors or inconsistencies
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging: Assign appropriate tags to each word in a sentence, indicating its grammatical category (noun, verb, adjective, etc.)
  • Error Detection: Implement algorithms that detect common grammar mistakes, such as subject-verb agreement errors, incorrect word usage, or missing punctuation
  • Error Correction: Provide suggestions or automatically correct the identified errors based on grammar rules and contextual information
  • Contextual Understanding: Take into account the context of the sentence to accurately identify and correct grammar errors
  • Feedback Mechanism: Provide feedback to the user by highlighting the detected errors and suggesting appropriate corrections
  • Language Model Integration: Utilize language models or pre-trained models to enhance the accuracy of error detection and correction

Simple NLP Projects

In this section, we will present five simpler NLP projects suitable for beginners. These projects are designed to reinforce your understanding of basic NLP concepts and techniques. The project ideas include:

Sentence Autocomplete

Sentence Autocomplete

The sentence autocomplete project focuses on developing a system that predicts the next word in a sentence based on the input context. It aims to enhance writing efficiency and provide intelligent suggestions as users type. Key features of a sentence autocomplete system include:

  • N-Gram Modeling: Utilize n-grams, which are sequences of n words, to capture the statistical patterns and relationships between words in a given corpus
  • Language Modeling: Develop language models that estimate the probability of the next word based on the preceding context, allowing for more accurate predictions
  • Contextual Understanding: Consider the context of the sentence, such as the words preceding the target position, to provide relevant and contextually appropriate word suggestions
  • Real-Time Feedback: Offer real-time suggestions as users type, dynamically updating the suggestions based on the evolving context
  • Personalization: Customize the suggestions based on user preferences, historical data, or user profiling
  • User Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that displays the autocomplete suggestions and allows users to select the desired prediction

By building a sentence autocomplete system, users can benefit from faster and more efficient writing, reducing the time spent manually typing each word. This project provides an opportunity to explore language modeling techniques and develop practical skills in predictive text generation.

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

The market basket analysis project involves discovering associations and patterns in a collection of items frequently purchased together, such as in a retail setting. It helps businesses understand customer behavior, optimize product placement, and enable personalized recommendations. Key features of a market basket analysis system include the following:

  • Transaction Data Processing: Preprocess and transform transactional data into a suitable format for analysis, such as a binary matrix indicating item presence or absence in each transaction
  • Support and Confidence Measures: Calculate support and confidence measures to identify item associations and quantify their strength
  • Apriori Algorithm: Implement the Apriori algorithm, a popular technique for mining frequent item sets and generating association rules
  • Rule Generation: Generate association rules that describe the relationships between items, such as “if a customer buys product A, they are likely to buy product B.”
  • Rule Evaluation: Assess the quality and significance of the generated rules using evaluation metrics like lift, conviction, or interest
  • Visualization: Present the discovered associations and patterns through visualizations like heatmaps, network graphs, or rule diagrams

By implementing a market basket analysis system, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, optimize inventory management, and enhance their marketing strategies. This project allows for practical experience in data preprocessing, association rule mining, and data visualization techniques.

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Automatic Questions Tagging System

Automatic Questions Tagging System

The automatic questions tagging project focuses on developing a system that assigns relevant tags to questions based on their content. This helps in organizing and categorizing questions for efficient information retrieval and management. Key features of the automatic questions tagging system include the following:

  • Text Classification: Implement machine learning algorithms or deep learning models to classify questions into predefined tags or categories
  • Feature Extraction: Extract informative features from the question text, such as word embeddings, bag-of-words representations, or syntactic features
  • Training Data Preparation: Collect a labeled dataset of questions with corresponding tags to train the classification model
  • Model Training and Evaluation: Train the classification model using the labeled data, evaluate its performance using metrics like accuracy or F1 score, and optimize the model for better results
  • Real-Time Tagging: Enable the system to tag new, unseen questions in real-time, providing immediate categorization based on the learned model
  • Scalability: Design the system to handle large volumes of questions efficiently, ensuring scalability and performance

By building automatic questions tagging system, users can effectively organize and categorize questions, enabling easier navigation and retrieval of relevant information. This project provides practical experience in text classification techniques and machine learning algorithms.

Resume Parsing System

Resume Parsing System

The resume parsing project involves developing a system that automatically extracts relevant information from resumes and organizes it into structured formats. This helps simplify the resume review process and enables efficient analysis of candidate profiles. Key features of a resume parsing system include:

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Implement techniques to identify and extract entities like names, contact information, work experience, education details, and skills from the resume text
  • Information Extraction: Extract specific pieces of information from the resume, such as job titles, company names, dates of employment, and educational qualifications
  • Data Structuring: Organize the extracted information into a standardized and structured format, such as a database or XML/JSON representation, for easy retrieval and analysis
  • Accuracy and Robustness: Develop algorithms and rules that can handle various resume formats, layouts, and languages, ensuring accurate and robust information extraction
  • Integration: Integrate the resume parsing system with other HR tools or applicant tracking systems for seamless integration into the recruitment workflow
  • Scalability: Design the system to handle a large number of resumes efficiently, ensuring scalability and performance

By building a resume parsing system, recruiters and HR professionals can automate and streamline the resume screening process, saving time and effort. This project provides hands-on experience in natural language processing techniques like named entity recognition and information extraction.

Disease Diagnosis

Disease Diagnosis

The disease diagnosis project endeavors to create a system that forecasts the probability of disease by analyzing a patient’s symptoms. This system will aid healthcare professionals in providing precise and prompt diagnoses. Notable components of a disease diagnosis system comprise the following:

  • Symptom Collection: Gather a dataset of patient symptoms and corresponding diagnoses to train the predictive model
  • Text Classification: Implement supervised machine learning algorithms or deep learning models to classify symptoms and predict the likelihood of diseases
  • Feature Extraction: Extract informative features from symptom descriptions, such as keyword presence, symptom severity, or temporal information
  • Model Training and Evaluation: Train the classification model using the labeled dataset, evaluate its performance using metrics like accuracy or area under the curve (AUC), and optimize the model for better results
  • Real-Time Prediction: Enable the system to predict disease likelihood in real-time based on the patient’s input symptoms
  • Interpretability: Provide explanations or insights into the model’s predictions, allowing healthcare professionals to understand the reasoning behind the diagnoses

By building a disease diagnosis system, healthcare professionals can benefit from a tool that assists in the diagnostic process, improving accuracy and efficiency. This project offers practical experience in text classification techniques, supervised machine learning, and healthcare applications.

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Advance NLP Projects

Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects employ sophisticated techniques and models to address intricate language-related tasks. Some instances of advanced NLP projects comprise

Hugging Face

This NLP project idea centers around utilizing the Hugging Face library, a well-known open-source platform renowned for its capabilities in natural language processing (NLP). The primary objective of this project is to delve into and execute a diverse array of NLP tasks by leveraging pre-trained models and tools offered by Hugging Face. Several potential project ideas encompass:

  • Sentiment Analysis: Employ Hugging Face’s pre-trained models to conduct sentiment analysis on textual data, accurately categorizing it into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.
  • Text Generation: Implement text generation tasks, such as language modeling, using Hugging Face’s powerful transformer models like GPT-2 or GPT-3.
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Utilize Hugging Face’s NER models to proficiently identify and classify entities like names, organizations, and locations within text data.
  • Text Summarization: Develop a text summarization system utilizing Hugging Face’s transformer models to generate concise and informative summaries of extensive textual content.
  • Question-Answering System: Create a question-answering system capable of responding to queries based on a given context by applying Hugging Face’s BERT or RoBERTa models.
  • Text Translation: Capitalize on Hugging Face’s translation models to undertake language translation tasks, effectively converting text from one language to another.

By working on NLP projects with Hugging Face, participants can gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge NLP models and tools, enabling them to solve various language-related challenges efficiently. The Hugging Face library offers a wide range of pre-trained models and easy-to-use APIs, making it an ideal choice for exploring NLP applications and advancing the field of natural language processing.

Enterprise Search via Lambda Index

This NLP project centers on developing an enterprise search system that leverages the Lambda Index technique. The main aim is to create a highly efficient and precise search engine capable of managing vast amounts of textual data within an enterprise environment. The project will extensively explore and implement the Lambda Index method to facilitate rapid and accurate retrieval of information from various sources. Key components of this project encompass:

  • Lambda Index Construction: Understand and implement the Lambda Index technique, which involves creating a specialized index structure tailored for effective searching and retrieval.
  • Text Preprocessing: Perform data preprocessing on the textual content to clean and standardize the data, ensuring optimal search performance.
  • Inverted Indexing: Create an inverted index to facilitate quick access to documents containing specific terms, enabling efficient keyword-based searches.
  • Ranking and Scoring: Incorporate ranking algorithms to prioritize search results based on relevance, ensuring the most relevant documents are presented first.
  • Query Expansion: Implement query expansion techniques to improve search accuracy by considering synonyms, related terms, or contextually relevant terms.
  • Integration with Enterprise Data Sources: Integrate the search system with various enterprise data sources, such as databases, documents, emails, and web content.

By undertaking this NLP project, participants will gain valuable experience building a sophisticated enterprise search system using the Lambda Index approach. The project’s outcomes will enable enterprises to efficiently navigate and retrieve information from vast amounts of textual data, enhancing productivity and knowledge discovery within the organization.

Image-Caption Generator

The image-caption generator project involves building an NLP system that can generate descriptive captions for given images automatically. The objective is to develop a model that can understand the content of an image and generate coherent and contextually relevant captions.

Key components of the project:

  • Dataset Collection: Gather a large dataset consisting of images paired with corresponding captions. This dataset should cover various objects, scenes, and activities.
  • Image Preprocessing: Preprocess the images by resizing, normalizing, and extracting relevant features using techniques like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) or pre-trained models such as ResNet or VGG.
  • Text Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the caption text by removing punctuation, converting it to lowercase, and handling special characters or words.
  • Model Selection: Choose an appropriate deep learning model architecture for image-caption generation, such as an encoder-decoder model with attention mechanisms or Transformer-based architectures.
  • Training: Train the selected model on the image-caption dataset, utilizing techniques like teacher forcing and beam search during training.
  • Evaluation Metrics: Define evaluation metrics like BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) or CIDEr (Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation) to assess the quality and relevance of the generated captions.
  • Fine-tuning: Fine-tune the model by adjusting hyperparameters and training on subsets of the data to improve performance.
  • Language Understanding: Incorporate techniques like word embeddings or recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to enhance the model’s ability to understand and generate meaningful captions.
  • Image Caption Generation: Implement the model to generate captions for new, unseen images, ensuring the generated captions align with the content and context of the picture.
  • Human Evaluation: Conduct human evaluations to obtain feedback on the quality and relevance of the generated captions.

Potential Applications:

  • Assistive Technology: Develop tools to help visually impaired individuals understand the content of images through generated captions.
  • Social Media: Automatically generate captions for user-uploaded images on social media platforms to enhance accessibility and engagement.
  • Content Generation: Generate descriptive captions for images used in advertising, product catalogs, or online content to enhance user experience.
  • Photo Organization: Automatically generate captions for personal photo collections to aid search and organization.
  • Educational Tools: Build educational applications that generate captions for images to support language learning or assist in visual comprehension.

An image-caption generator has significant applications in various domains, enabling machines to understand and describe visual content and enhancing communication and accessibility for users.

Why Should You Build NLP Projects?

Building NLP (Natural Language Processing), projects offer numerous benefits and opportunities for individuals interested in the field of language processing and understanding. Here are some compelling reasons to consider building NLP projects:

1. Practical Application: NLP projects provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. By working on real-world problems, you can gain hands-on experience and develop skills that are directly applicable to various industries and domains.

2. Skill Development : Engaging in NLP projects enables individuals to obtain and fortify a diverse array of aptitudes. These encompass programming proficiencies, data preprocessing capabilities, machine learning expertise, text mining acumen, language modeling proficiency, and evaluation techniques. Attaining mastery in these domains will augment one’s technical prowess and render them a highly sought-after resource within the employment sphere.

3. Understanding Language: Language is a fundamental aspect of human communication, and NLP projects allow you to explore and understand the intricacies of language processing. By analyzing and processing text data, you can gain insights into linguistic patterns, semantics, sentiment analysis, and syntax. This will foster a deeper understanding of human language.

4. Innovation and Research: NLP is a rapidly evolving field with constant advancements and discoveries. By building NLP projects, you can contribute to the research community and explore innovative solutions to complex language-related problems. Your projects could potentially lead to new algorithms, methodologies, or techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in NLP.

5. Career Opportunities: Natural Language Processing (NLP) is experiencing significant demand across diverse industries, such as healthcare, finance, customer service, marketing, and others. Engaging in the development of NLP projects showcases your practical expertise and proficiency. This makes you a compelling contender for employment prospects as an NLP engineer, data scientist, or machine learning specialist.

6. Personal Growth: Building NLP projects is not only intellectually stimulating but also fosters personal growth. As you tackle challenges, troubleshoot issues, and refine your projects, you develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and the resilience to overcome obstacles. This growth extends beyond technical expertise and contributes to your overall personal and professional development.

7. Contribution to Society: NLP projects can have a positive impact on society by addressing real-world challenges. For example, sentiment analysis can help businesses understand customer feedback, chatbots can improve customer support, and disease diagnosis systems can assist in healthcare. By building NLP projects, you have the opportunity to create solutions that make a difference and benefit society at large.

Building NLP projects provides practical application, skill development, a deeper understanding of language, opportunities for innovation and research, increased career prospects, personal growth, and the ability to contribute to society. It is an exciting field with immense potential, and building NLP projects allows you to explore and unlock its many possibilities.


To conclude, this blog seeks to equip beginners with a detailed overview of captivating NLP projects to explore in 2023. The discussed projects will empower you to cultivate practical skills in NLP and nurture a profound comprehension of its applications and techniques.

About the Author

Principal Data Scientist

Meet Akash, a Principal Data Scientist who worked as a Supply Chain professional with expertise in demand planning, inventory management, and network optimization. With a master’s degree from IIT Kanpur, his areas of interest include machine learning and operations research.