What are the Storage Classes in C
It defines the scope, visibility and life time of variable. There are 4 types of storage classes in C:
- auto
- register
- extern
- static
1. auto
It is the default storage class for every local variables. When a function is called they are created and when the function exits they are destroyed automatically.
void main(){
int data;
auto int data; //Both are same
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2. register
It defines the local variables which are stored in register rather than RAM. Register variables have faster access than the normal variable.
register int data;
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3. extern
It gives the reference of a global variable which is visible to all program files. It keyword is used before a variable to tell the compiler that this variable is declared somewhere else. The extern declaration does not allocate storage for variables.
Example 1
Suppose there are two files a and b.
File a contains:
#include <stdio.h>
int i=10; / /Global variable
void display()
printf(“%d”, i);
File b contains:
#include a.c
void main()
extern int i;
Example 2
int i; //Global variable
void main(){
extern int i; //Informs compiler that it is defined somewhere else i = 20;
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4. static
It tells the compiler to keep a local variable in existence during the life time of the program rather than creating and destroying it every time it comes into and goes out of scope. So making local variables static permits them to keep their values between function calls. They are assigned 0 as default value by the compiler.
void dispaly();
void main(){
display ();
display ();
void display()
static int i = 0; //Static variable
i = i + 1;
If you want to know about Array in C, refer to our C programs blog!