Data Science Command Line Tools
Here, we are going to look at the most convenient and common Data Science Command tools for quick analysis of data.
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It defines or display aliases. It is a Bash built in.
$ help alias
$ alias ll='ls -alF'
GNU Bourne-Again SHell
$ sudo apt-get install bash
$ man bash
It is used to evaluate equation from standard input
$ sudo apt-get install bc
$ man bc
$ echo 'e(1)' | bc -l
Access BigML’s prediction API
$ sudo pip install bigmler
$ bigmler –help
It concatenates files and standard input, and print on standard output.
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man cat
$ cat results-01 results-02 results-03 > results-all
It changes the shell working directory. It is a Bash built in.
$ help cd
$ cd ~; pwd; cd ..; pwd
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It changes files mode bits. We use it to make our command-line tools executable.
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man chmod
$ chmod u+x
It generates an ASCII picture of a cow with a message. Useful for when building up a particular pipeline is starting to frustrate you a bit too much.
$ sudo apt-get install cowsay
$ man cowsay
$ echo 'The command line is awesome!' | cowsay
Copy files and directories
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man cp
Extract columns from CSV data
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvcut –help
It filters tabular data to only those rows where certain columns contain a given value or match a regular expression.
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvgrep –help
Merge two or more CSV tables together using a method analogous to a SQL JOIN operation.
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvjoin –help
Renders a CSV file to the command line in a readable, fixed-width format
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvlook --help
$ echo -e "a,b\n1,2\n3,4" | csvlook
Sort CSV files
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvsort –help
Execute SQL queries directly on CSV data or insert CSV into a database
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvsql –help
Stack up the rows from multiple CSV files, optionally adding a grouping value to each row.
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvstack –help
It prints descriptive statistics for all columns in a CSV file.
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ csvstat –help
Download data from a URL.
$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ man curl
Remove sections from each line of files
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man cut
Display an image or image sequence on any X server. Can read image data from standard input
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
$ man display
Display a line of text.
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man echo
Run a program in a modified environment. It is used to specify which interpreter should run our script.
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man env
$ #!/usr/bin/env python
Set export attribute for shell variables. It is a Bash built in. It is useful for making shell variables available to other command-line tools.
$ help export
$ export WEKAPATH=$HOME/bin
It generates a script for gnuplot while passing data to standard input.
$ sudo apt-get install feedgnuplot
$ man feedgnuplot
Search for files in a directory hierarchy
$ sudo apt-get install findutils
$ man find
Print lines matching a pattern
$ sudo apt-get install grep
$ man grep
Output the first part of files
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man head
$ seq 5 | head -n 3
List directory contents
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man ls
Read reference manuals of command-line tools
$ sudo apt-get install man
$ man man
$ man grep
This command is used to make directories.
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man mkdir
It is used to move or rename files and directories
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man mv
It is used to merge lines of files
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man paste
Install and manage Python packages
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ man pip
Print name of current working directory
$ man pwd
$ pwd
It is used to execute Python, which is an interpreted, interactive, and object-oriented programming Language
$ sudo apt-get install python
$ man python
Analyze data and create visualizations with the R programming language.
$ sudo apt-get install r-base-dev
$ man R
It is used to Copy remote files securely
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-client
$ man scp
Sort lines of text files
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man sort
Split a file into pieces
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man split
It executes arbitrary commands against an SQL database and outputs the results as a CSV
$ sudo pip install csvkit
$ sql2csv –help
Login to remote machines
$ sudo apt-get install ssh
$ man ssh
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Execute a command as another user
$ sudo apt-get install sudo
$ man sudo
Create, list, and extract TAR archives
$ sudo apt-get install tar
$ man tar
Read from standard input and write to standard output and files
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man tee
List contents of directories in a tree-like format
$ sudo apt-get install tree
$ man tree
Display the type of command-line tool. Type is a Bash built-in.
$ help type
$ type cd
Extract files from RAR archives
$ sudo apt-get install unrar-free
$ man unrar
List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
$ sudo apt-get install unzip
$ man unzip
Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
$ man wc
$ echo 'hello world' | wc -c
Locate a command-line tool
$ man which
$ which man
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