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What is Cyber Trolling? - Types and Preventions

This blog will examine the field of cyber trolling, the effects it has on its targets, and strategies for reacting against this unseen aggressor. Join us as we examine the ins and outs of cyber trolling, its consequences, and tactics for encouraging a more satisfying online encounter.

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What is Cyber Trolling?

Cyber trolling is the act of deliberately and provocatively engaging in disruptive, offensive, or harassing behavior online with the intent of generating emotional reactions and disrupting normal discourse. The goal of trolls, or those who engage in such behavior, is to provoke strong emotional reactions in their victims by posting stuff that is inflammatory, offensive, or nuisance.

Trolls, the individuals engaging in trolling, often use anonymity or pseudonymity to shield their identities. The actions of trolling can include personal attacks, spreading false information, or inciting conflict within digital communities. The motivations behind trolling may vary, encompassing a desire for attention, amusement, ideological expression, or simply causing disruption. Cyber trolling can have negative psychological and social effects on its targets and contribute to a harmful online environment.

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Types of Cyber Trolls 

Types of Cyber Trolls 

Understanding the types of trolls is crucial for individuals and online communities to develop effective strategies for combating and mitigating the negative effects of cyber trolling. Below are the types of cyber trolls:

  • Classic Trolls
    • Classic trolls typically refer to internet trolls who engage in troubling and provocative behavior online, often posting inflammatory or off-topic messages to provoke emotional responses in others. They aim to disrupt online communities and generate controversy for their own amusement.  
    • Example: If someone purposefully raises controversy on a social networking site or discussion forum in order to start arguments and irritate other users.
  • Flame Warriors
    • Trolls that specialize in violent and aggressive conduct are known as flame warriors. Their aim is to provoke or “flame” others into passionate and furious disputes. 
    • Example: In an attempt to intensify the dispute, a flame warrior may join an online conversation over a delicate subject and begin attacking other users.

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  • Political Trolls
    • Spreading false information, propaganda, or biased content is the main tactic used by political trolls to sway public opinion. They frequently take advantage of contentious situations to create division and conflict. 
    • Example: A political troll might create and share misleading graphics or articles on social media to influence public opinion during an election season.
  • Internet “Troll Farms”
    • Structured organizations or companies that participate in large-scale, coordinated trolling operations are known as “troll farms.” Their actions may be driven by political or commercial motivations, and they frequently have predetermined goals. 
    • Example: A troll farm could be used to control online conversations by saturating social media sites with coordinated remarks or hashtags in an effort to sway users’ opinions.
  • Impact Trolls
    • Impact trolls target people with the intention of hurting or upsetting them in real life. Beyond just harassing people online, they also aim to have an impact on their targets’ daily lives.
    • Example: Publish fake information, doxx, or conduct cyberattacks with the goal of damaging the reputation or personal safety of a particular individual.

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How to Identify a Troll?

Trolls are those who purposefully post controversial or provocative statements in online forums in an attempt to start a debate or evoke a response from other users. They frequently propagate false information, use derogatory language, and launch personal attacks. Though it can be difficult to spot a troll, there are some obvious clues to look out for:

  • Offensive or Provocative Language: In order to get a response from others, trolls frequently employ offensive or provocative language. They might purposefully insult or offend someone by using slurs, insults, or other harsh language.
  • Off-Topic or Irrelevant Comments: Trolls frequently use comments that are off-topic or irrelevant to disrupt talks and cause disruption. They might purposefully hijack forums, introduce irrelevant topics, or make unnecessary assertions.
  • Personal Attacks: To undermine their opponents, trolls frequently use ad hominem and personal assaults. Rather than confronting the matter at hand, they might criticize someone’s intelligence, character, or physical beauty.
  • Disregard for Rules and Guidelines: Trolls frequently act in a way that violates the standards set forth in online forums. They might publish offensive material, disobey privacy guidelines, or act in an unruly manner.
  • Lack of Credibility or Supporting Data: Trolls frequently make statements without offering any data or facts to back them up. To promote doubt and confusion, they might spread false information, conspiracy theories, or unscientific hypotheses.
  • Anonymous or Newly Created Accounts: Trolls frequently have a track record of acting negatively toward other users. They might have a history of making unpleasant or disruptive remarks, or they might have been banned from other communities.

One should use caution and avoid interacting with anyone who shows these warning signs. Avoid responding to their attempts at trolling with annoyance or rage. Report such actions to the online community’s administrators or moderators instead. You can help shield yourself and other people from the negative impacts of trolling by following such precautions.

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Psychological and Societal Impacts

Psychological and Societal Impacts

Cyber-trolling can have a significant impact on the mental and emotional well-being of individuals and society as a whole. Some of the potential psychological impacts of cyber-trolling include:

  • Depression and Anxiety: People who are the targets of cyberbullying may feel more stressed, depressed, and anxious. Continuous exposure to cruel and negative remarks can have a detrimental effect on an individual’s emotional well-being.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Cyber trolls frequently prey on people’s weaknesses and fears, which can cause problems with self-worth and low self-esteem. Victims could experience worthlessness, embarrassment, and shame.
  • Fear and Isolation: Cyber-trolling victims may experience feelings of fear and loneliness. They might start to fear leaving their houses, going online, or even interacting with people.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Cyberbullying can cause PTSD in extreme situations. Dreams, hypervigilance, and flashbacks are possible for victims.
  • Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Harm: Cyberbullying has the power to drive victims to the verge of mental instability and despair. It has also tragically led to suicide in a few instances.

Cyber-trolling can also have a negative impact on society as a whole. It can:

  • Make the Internet a Nasty and Frightening Place: Cyber trolls have the power to make others feel uncomfortable and frightened, especially those from marginalized communities. This may discourage people from engaging in open communication and participating in online communities.
  • Destroy Decency and Trust: In online encounters, cyber trolling has the potential to destroy civility and trust. It may increase mistrust and decrease the willingness to communicate honestly and freely.
  • Normalizes Bullying and Harassment: Bullying and harassment can become more commonplace as a result of cyber-trolling, increasing the likelihood that these actions will take place offline.
  • Damage Reputations and Careers: People’s reputations and careers can be harmed by cyber trolling. Derogatory remarks and cyberbullying can make it challenging to get a job, keep relationships going, and engage in public life.

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Preventing and Combating Cyber Trolling

Preventing and Combating Cyber Trolling

A recurring problem that can seriously harm both persons and communities is cyber trolling. It’s critical to employ a variety of strategies to stop and oppose cyber trolling, including:

  • Individual Approaches
    • Educate Yourself About Cyber Trolling: Learn about cyberbullying. Knowing the strategies and intentions of trolls can enable you to spot and stay clear of them.
    • Be Aware of Your Online Presence: Consider your post before making it, and exercise caution when sharing personal information. Don’t participate in controversial conversations or provide personal information.
    • Take a Vacation from Social Media: Disconnect from social media if you are experiencing stress or harassment. This can assist you in decompressing and resuming your online activity from a new angle.
    • Report Trolls to the Appropriate Platforms: Social media platforms have regulations against cyberbullying and harassment, so report trolls to the relevant platforms. Report trolls to the platform if they target you.
    • Seek Assistance from Others: Speak with a friend, relative, or mental health professional if you are experiencing distress or harassment online.

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  • Platform Strategies
    • Develop Clear Community Guidelines: Social media sites ought to have detailed policies that cover harassment and cyberbullying. Users should have easy access to these recommendations.
    • Implement Effective Reporting Mechanisms: Users should find it simple to report cyberbullying and harassment on these platforms. Prompt investigation of reports is vital, and violators should face appropriate consequences.
    • Provide AI and Machine Learning Tools: These tools can be used by platforms to recognize and flag potentially hazardous content. This can lessen the likelihood that trolls will propagate their messages before a large audience sees them.
    • Educate Users About Cyberbullying and Harassment: Users should be educated about cyberbullying and harassment through the provision of educational resources by platforms. These resources should cover topics such as how to recognize and react to cyberbullying and harassment.

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  • Society-Wide Strategies
    • Promote Digital Citizenship: Children should learn from their parents and schools the value of being responsible and courteous internet citizens. They will learn about harassment and cyberbullying as part of this.
    • Raise Awareness About Cyber Trolling: Campaigns for public awareness may help in increasing knowledge of cyber trolling and its negative impacts. By doing this, the shame attached to being a victim of cyberbullying may be lessened.
    • Support Research on Cyber Trolling: To fully grasp the origins and consequences of cyber trolling, more investigation is required. Efforts in prevention and intervention can benefit from this research.
    • Encourage Open Dialogue About Cyber Trolling: In order to effectively combat cyber trolling, we must have candid and open discussions about it. This includes discussing the experiences of victims, the trolls’ intentions, and the part tech companies play in stopping and combating cyber trolling.

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Is Social Media Trolling a Crime?

Social media trolling itself may not be a crime, as it often involves expressing opinions, even if negative or offensive. However, if trolling escalates to harassment, threats, or the dissemination of false information with harmful intent, it can be considered criminal. Laws vary by jurisdiction, but actions such as cyberstalking, bullying, or making credible threats online are generally illegal. It’s crucial to differentiate between freedom of expression and criminal behavior, emphasizing the need for legal consequences in cases of online harassment.

Fight Online Trolls with Social Media Victims Law Center

A non-profit group called the Social Media Victims Law Center helps victims of online harassment, phishing, cyberbullying, and other types of abuse on social media by offering legal support. The organization was founded in 2015 by a group of lawyers who were concerned about the growing problem of online abuse and the lack of legal protections for victims.

For victims of online abuse, the Social Media Victims Law Center offers a range of assistance including:

  • Legal advice and representation: Provide victims of cyber trolling with expert legal guidance, explaining their rights and options.
  • Assistance with reporting abuse to social media platforms: Assist in compiling evidence and submitting detailed reports to the platforms, advocating for timely and effective action.
  • Help with removing abusive content from the internet: Work towards the removal of harmful content by collaborating with internet service providers and hosting platforms.
  • Support and counseling: Provide resources and strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges arising from the trolling experience.

You are not alone if you have experienced abuse online. You can get the assistance and legal counsel you require by contacting the Social Media Victims Law Center.

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Troll Police – An MTV Initiative

To Combat cybercrime happening in India, MTV came up with a wonderful show called ‘Troll Police’. The show depicts instances of cyber trolling happening within the country and how to take countermeasures against them. Featuring Ranvijay as host, the show created a massive awareness among countrymen regarding online trolling and what makes it a punishable offense.


Cyber trolling, a form of cyberbullying, involves posting abusive, threatening, or harassing content on social media or other online platforms. It can have detrimental effects on victims, causing emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. Combating this issue requires a multifaceted approach, including legal measures, digital literacy promotion, and support services for victims, to foster a safer and more respectful online environment. The Social Media Victims Law Center can assist with legal advice, documentation of abuse, contacting social media platforms, and seeking support. Recognizing the seriousness of this issue is crucial in fostering a safer and more respectful digital environment for all users.

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About the Author

Technical Lead - AWS Solutions Architect

Shivanshu is a Technical Lead and AWS Solutions Architect passionate about utilizing Cloud technology to empower businesses. Proficient in AWS, Terraform, and GCP, he crafts innovative solutions to propel companies forward. As an enthusiastic writer, he shares his expertise to inspire others in this field.