What is Azure Notification Hubs? Azure Notification Hubs provides the users an easy way to use, scaled -out push engine. The users can easily send targeted and personalized push notifications to any mobile platform from any cloud or on- premises back end. Want to become a Microsoft certified Azure Professional? Check Intellipaat Azure certification course now! Push Notification The users are notified of certain desired information usually pop- up or dialog box in the of app- to- user communication. Based on the users requirement they can choose to view or dismiss the message Push notifications for enterprise apps are used for communicating up-to – date business information. Get certified from top Azure course in London Now! Azure Notification Hub: How push Notifications Works It uses the platform notification system services to send the notification If you want to build any applications and send to various customers based on the OS operating mobiles like iOS, android and windows the developer must work with the APNS FCM and WNS At high level If the clients decides if it wants to receive pushes hence contacts the corresponding PNS to retrieve its unique and temporary handles the push the clint app stores this handle in the app back- end or provider If you want to send push notification the app contacts the back-end and the PNS using the handle to target a specific client app the PNS forwards the notification to the device specified by the handle