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Web Developer Skills Required in 2024

Web Developer Skills Required in 2024

Web developer skills refer to the abilities required to get hired as a web development professional. Having web development language skills will help candidates stand out from the rest. Prominent web developer skills include understanding HTML, design skills, and analytical knowledge. However, a skilled web developer works on numerous other facets of projects as well.

This blog will cover the following topics:

What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Web Developer?

There are no set qualifications for becoming a web developer. However, having some qualifications is recommended to better grasp the concepts and excel in a web development role. The major qualifications for becoming a web developer are as follows:

  • Visual design skills
  • Skilled in back-end coding languages such as C#, PHP, Ruby, etc.
  • Experience or knowledge of design software such as Adobe Photoshop, etc.
  • Knowledge of web servers and their functioning
  • Knowledge of coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
  • Expertise in writing codes using front-end programming languages such as Ajax, etc.
  • Knowledge of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
  • Knowledge of techniques of web animation
  • Understanding of SEO techniques and best practices

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Web Developer Skills List

The Web Developer required skills comprise a balance between interpersonal and technical expertise. A web developer must possess both and work hand-in-hand with project managers to get an outlook of the project as per the predetermined standards.

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Let us take a brief look at the most in-demand skills in web development.

Analytical Web Developer Skills

Web developers must possess the analytical ability to structure well-performing websites. They must ensure that the coding is perfect so that the websites are functional and, at the same time, secure enough for visitors to browse. Additionally, it is important to take into consideration the needs of customers, analyze them, and easily adapt to alterations accordingly. It is the responsibility of web developers to design web pages that meet the client’s requirements. The better the needs of the clients are implemented, the better the website will turn out to be.

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Basics of the Back End

Even for a junior web developer, knowledge of the back end is a must-have because to have a functional website, the back end must be organized. The back end is where all the magic happens. Data is stored, manipulated, and retrieved in the back end. Knowing the fundamentals of back-end development will thus help web developers when working in collaboration with back-end developers and while performing on their own. Some of the important server-side skills to be aware of are SQL, cybersecurity, database, and APIs.

HTML or CSS Skills

HTML and CSS are prominent entry-level front-end developer skills.

  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) lays the foundation for creating web pages and HTML documents on the internet.
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to style a website based on font, color, and layout. CSS selectors save a lot of time in managing the styles of multiple web pages.

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JavaScript or Python Skills

Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript and Python also come into the picture while talking about the World Wide Web. It is among the top essential web developer skills and qualifications. JavaScript helps implement complex features on a web page. Because of JavaScripts high-level programming, the addition of moving elements, videos, and interactive maps all come together to attract more viewers. JavaScript also allows developers to create interactive websites with special featuresmanipulate elements, algorithmic thinking, etc.that goes a long way in establishing an engaging network on a digital platform.

Responsive Web Design Skills

A web developer must ensure that the design is adaptable to changing screen sizesbe it a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. A web developer has to make sure that the website created by them is responsive and compatible with varied device dimensions. Responsive design also impacts the number of visits to a site. Hence, it is necessary to upgrade to the latest trends in the market and stay relevant to the current design trends to align the website to the requirements.

SEO Skills

If a website is developed based on good search engine optimization (SEO) methods, then it is sure to attract a good amount of web traffic. The underlying aim of SEO is to have the website rank high in search engine results. As more and more organizations have been focusing on this field, SEO is becoming a prominent skill for a web developer.

Looking to learn more about Web Development? Read our full beginners guide on the Web Development Tutorial blog!

Testing Skills

Website maintenance is another important aspect of a web developers skills. In parallel to web development, the developer must also conduct the testing of web pages. It is better to thoroughly test the application from a users perspective before deploying and making it live. Functional testing and unit testing are the two types of testing methods that ensure that the code is performing well.

Debugging Skills

Debugging is the process that is implemented to try to fix the abnormalitiesgenerally termed bugsfound in the code. Debugging is a complex process, but if the code is in JavaScript, then this step can be simplified.

Code Versioning Skills

A version control system enables a web developer to track, control, and revise changes made in code. Git is one such code versioning tool that helps to quickly find and correct mistakes. Git helps keep track of the changes made in the code so that it is possible to look back at the code before it was modified.

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Hosting Skills

Hosting is an essential step to be conducted if you want your website to be scalable and accessible. It allows you to store your resources, such as data, images, etc., on a server that is accessible through the World Wide Web.

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Frameworks and Libraries

Libraries consist of popular ready-to-use functions, which can be used multiple times in the code. Libraries make the life of a developer easier by making programming effortless. Frameworks are similar to libraries as they too simplify the standard approach to coding.

Understanding Clients

A highly skilled developer not only concentrates on the technical aspects of the business but also takes into account the concerns of the clients. To create a great application, it is necessary to understand how a customer uses the end product. With this prior knowledge, the developer can generate ideas that work accordingly.

Interpersonal Skills

Having good interpersonal skills will allow web developers to cope with a variety of clients. The majority of these skills include body language, collaborative skills, positive attitude, listening skills, etc. The more effectively a web developer communicates with their client, the smoother will be the process of web development.

This is not the end of the list of web developer skills. There are ways to further for a web developer to improve their skills. Let us discuss a few of them below.

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What are the Day-to-day Duties of a Web Developer?

The roles and duties are mostly the same for all web developers but may vary depending on the developing environment and websites they are working for. Some of the common and major routine duties of a web developer are as follows:

  • Understanding the client requirements and their expectations from the website by conducting routine meetings with them
  • Creating and working on design frameworks
  • Building prototypes and user interfaces from designs
  • Carrying out wireframing
  • Deploying web applications on a cross-platform and cross-browser environment
  • Conducting troubleshooting of website problems
  • Site testing
  • Managing site responsiveness on all devices
  • Site uploading on designated servers
  • Updating websites regularly
  • Testing applications for websites
  • Using JavaScript, HTML, or CSS to build products

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Web Developer Career Progression

How your career progression happens in web development is solely based on the specialization chosen by a web developer. The three major specializations in web development are:

  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • Full-stack Development

Front-end web development is how the design is implemented on the web. Its objective is to ensure that when the users or clients open the site, they see the relevant information in a format that is easy to read and understand.

Back-end development includes servers and databases that ensure the proper functioning of a website. The databases consist of the data that is displayed on the front end and is visible to the users.

Full-stack development is a combination of both front-end development and back-end development. Full-stack development was very popular until recently. These days, specializations in front-end development and back-end development are most preferred by web developers.

So, the direction your web development career takes depends on what specialization you choose.

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How Much Do Web Developers Earn?

Web developers earn around an average of US$70,863 p.a. Entry-level web developers can earn an average of US$65,643 p.a. This figure can rise to US$103,069 p.a. for a mid-level web developer. Web developers with a good amount of experience have the potential and opportunity to earn somewhere between US$128,967 p.a. to US$150,547 p.a. The following graph shows the average annual salaries as per levels in the USA as well as India.:

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What is the difference between a Web Developer and a Web Designer?

Even though occasionally used simultaneously, the two terms web developer and web designer are different from each other. Let us take a look at the difference between the two:

BasisWeb DeveloperWeb Designer
MeaningIn laypersons terms, web developers are the professionals who take the website to a level where it can function properlyIn laypersons terms, web designers are the creators of the design that is later used by web developers to build a functioning website
RoleThe role of a web developer is distributed in two partsthe front end and the back end. The front end deals with using front-end coding languages such as HTML, CSS, etc., to create the visual and interactive parts of a website, i.e., the parts visible to the user. Back-end developers take care of the servers and databases.Web designers are engaged in creating the website design, visuals, graphics and imagery, etc. They are basically the creative minds behind a website.
SkillsThe skills of web developers include coding languages such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc.The key skills of web designers include knowledge of animation and editing software such as Photoshop
Knowledge of Programming LanguageHaving coding language skills, such as HTML, CSS, etc., is at the core of a web developers role.Having coding language knowledge is not a core requirement for web designers, but having it is always an advantage

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Ways to Improve Web Developer Skills

The web developer must sharpen their expertise to grab the best opportunities. Let us now take a look at some web development skills that may be helpful to you in your career enhancement as a web developer:

  • Coding Practice: Coding practice lets you fasten your typing as well as rectify mistakes if any. Several online programs help you master coding with consistency.
  • Exploring New Concepts: Trends in web development are certain to change each year. If you find a new update in the market that is relevant to your technology, it is better to opt for a course on it and explore it hands-on. This way, you will gain new skills that go hand in hand with your current skill set.
  • Enhancing Soft Skills: Interpersonal skills, otherwise called soft skills, can be improved with constant dedication toward the work environment, willingness to accept criticism, discipline, etc.
  • Time Management: Effective management of time reduces the number of errors in the final output. Developers need to be able to juggle different tasks and appropriately carry them out within the given deadlines.
  • Accepting Feedback: Being open-minded toward constructive criticism from your seniors will help you improve your skills and be a better web developer.

Web developers are also very well-paid. Check out our blog on Web Developer Salary!


Technology is evolving faster than ever before; hence, a web developer must stay ahead of the curve. An efficient web developer is, before anything else, a multifaceted learner. Web developers must be able to bring clients visions to reality by developing well-functioning websites that are implemented with new features and upgrades. The more diverse and specialized web developers are in each area, the better quality service they can deliver.

Staying up to date by revamping technical skills is another crucial aspect of being a web developer. By amplifying the above-mentioned skills, any developer can reap good benefits down the line. We hope you were able to find some useful information in this blog. Stay with us for more!

Course Schedule

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Web Development Courses 26 Oct 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Web Development Courses 09 Nov 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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About the Author

Techical Research Analyst - Front End Development

As a Technical Research Analyst, Kislaya specializes in Front End Development. He is a Full Stack Developer, known for crafting scalable architectures and user-centric interfaces. He has a massive international client base and is an expert in cloud computing, Linux, and Java Script, personifying a commitment to quality and information sharing.