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Introduction to Data

Introduction to Data

It is well said by Ginni Rometty that, “Data is the new soil from which organizational innovation will grow.”

It is high time for organizations to understand that data is a powerful tool, as it lays a foundation for making informed decisions, understanding customer needs, and creating new products and services.

If you want to remain competitive and grow, then data will prove to be your Bible.

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What is Data?

What is Data?

We might have heard the term Data at least zillionth times by now. It is an evergreen word that has changed and modified a lot of professions. But, lets say we ask you to define it right now, what will be your definition? We assume that you might get confused and after wracking your brain a bit, you may have a one-word answer that it is raw information. But lets expand it a bit more:

Data refers to any raw or processed information that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as making decisions, drawing conclusions, or creating new knowledge. It can come in many forms, including numbers, text, images, audio, and video.

In today’s world, data is becoming increasingly important as more and more organizations have started collecting, storing, and analyzing information. With the right tools and techniques, it can provide valuable insights and help organizations make better decisions. This raw information is used for a variety of purposes:

  • Making business decisions.
  • Identifying patterns and trends.
  • Creating new products and services.
  • Improving operations and processes.
  • Personalizing experiences for customers.
  • It is also an important part of machine learning, where it is used to train models and make predictions.

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Types of Data

What are the types of Data?

It can be subdivided into two categories:

  • Structured Data:
    • It is organized in a way that makes it easy to process, understand, and analyze, such as in a spreadsheet.
    • Can be easily searched, sorted, and analyzed using software tools such as Excel or SQL.
    • Examples: financial transactions, and customer information.
  • Unstructured Data:
    • Unstructured form, on the other hand, is not as easily organized or processed.
    • It includes text, images, audio, and video and is often more difficult to analyze using traditional methods.
    • Social media posts, emails, and customer reviews are some real-life examples.

It can also be further classified as:

  • Primary: Primary information is collected directly from the source, such as through surveys or experiments.
  • Secondary: Secondary information, on the other hand, is obtained from existing sources, such as published research or government statistics.

Not only this but it can also be categorized as:


Numerical Data

This type of raw information consists of numbers and can be further divided into:

  • Discrete represents a countable number, such as the number of students in a class.
  • Continuous represents a measurable value, such as temperature or weight.

An example of a numerical one in real life is sales details, where the number of items sold is discrete and the revenue generated is continuous.

Categorical Data

This is used to classify or group items into categories.

Categorical can be further divided into:

  • Nominal data has no inherent order, such as gender or color.
  • Ordinal has an inherent order, such as education level (high school, college, graduate).

An example of categorical in real life is customer details, where the gender and age of the customer are nominal and the income level of the customer is ordinal.

Textual Data

  • It consists of words and sentences.
  • Textual can be unstructured, such as a tweet or a customer review, or structure, such as a news article or a legal document.
  • An example of text in real life is customer reviews, where customers provide feedback in the form of text.

Image Data

  • It consists of visual information, such as photographs or videos.
  • Image data can be used for a variety of purposes, including object recognition and facial recognition.
  • An example in real life is security cameras, which capture images of people and surroundings.

Audio Data

  • It consists of sounds, such as music or speech.
  • It can be used for a variety of purposes, including speech recognition and music classification.
  • An example in real life is voice commands, where the device captures the user’s voice and interprets the command.

Time-series Data

  • It is a sequence of information facts collected at regular time intervals.
  • It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as forecasting and trend analysis.
  • An example in real life is the stock market, where the stock prices are recorded at regular intervals.

Why do we use Data?

Why do we use Data?

Information can be used for a variety of purposes, some of them are:

  • Gaining Insights:
    • It can be analyzed to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships that are not immediately obvious.
    • This can help organizations and individuals make sense of complex information and make informed decisions.
  • Making Decisions:
    • It can also be used to inform decision-making by providing a basis for evaluating different options.
    • For example, details on sales trends can be used to decide which products to stock in a store, or information on customer behavior can be used to design a marketing campaign.
  • Creating Predictions:
    • Data can be used to make conjectures about the future.
    • For example, historical data on stock prices can be used to predict future stock prices, or data on weather patterns can be used to predict the weather.
  • Testing Hypotheses:
    • It can be used to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships.
    • For example, facts on crime rates can be used to test the effectiveness of different policing strategies, and even student test scores can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching methods.
  • Evaluating Performance:
    • It can be used to evaluate the performance of different organizations, individuals, or processes.
    • For example, information on website traffic can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign or details of an employees performance can be used to identify areas for improvement.

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What’s the Data Processing Cycle?

What is Data Processing?

Data processing is the process of collecting, transforming, and organizing data from one or more sources into a format that is more useful for analysis and decision-making.

It includes activities such as:

  1. Collection is the process of gathering information from various sources.
    The information hence collected can then be cleaned and prepared for further processing.
  2. Integration is the process of combining information from multiple sources into a single, unified set.
    This process helps to ensure consistency and accuracy, and can also help to reduce redundancy.
  3. Transformation is the process of converting the raw information from its original form into a more useful format.
    This can include cleansing, aggregation, normalization, and conversion.
  4. Mining is the process of uncovering patterns and trends in large sets.
    Mining techniques can be used to identify correlations, predict outcomes, and provide insights into complex relationships.
  5. Storage is the process of storing raw information in a secure and organized manner.

How To Analyse Data?

When it comes to analyzing data, following a structured approach ensures that you uncover meaningful patterns and draw accurate conclusions. Below, we’ve outlined the key steps involved in analyzing data, tailored to both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Analyzing Data in Qualitative Research

Qualitative research involves dealing with non-numeric data such as words, descriptions, images, and narratives. This approach is often used for exploratory research and aims to provide in-depth insights into complex phenomena. Here’s how you can analyze qualitative data effectively:

  1. Word-Based Analysis: The word-based approach is a widely trusted method for analyzing qualitative data. It involves manually examining the data to identify recurring or commonly used words. Researchers read through the available information to uncover meaningful patterns and trends.
  2. Finding Patterns: The goal of qualitative data analysis is to identify patterns, themes, and connections within the data. By recognizing repetitive words and phrases, researchers can gain deeper insights into the underlying meanings and implications of the data.

Analyzing Data in Quantitative Research

Quantitative research involves working with numerical data, making it suitable for statistical analysis. This method is often used to quantify relationships, measure variables, and draw statistical inferences. Follow these steps to analyze quantitative data effectively:

  1. Data Preparation: The first step in quantitative data analysis is to prepare the data for analysis. This involves data validation, editing, and coding. Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your data is crucial for obtaining meaningful results.
  2. Descriptive Analysis: Quantitative research often employs descriptive analysis, which yields numerical summaries of the data. While this approach provides valuable insights, it might not fully explain the underlying logic behind the numbers.
  3. Choosing the Right Approach: Selecting the appropriate analysis technique is vital. Researchers must consider the research objectives, the type of data, and the story they aim to convey through the analysis.

How to store Data in a Database?

How to store Data in a Database?
  • Choose a Database Management System (DBMS):
    • The first step to store raw information in a database is to choose a DBMS.
    • There are many different types of DBMSs, including relational, object-oriented, and NoSQL databases.
    • Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages, and selecting the right one for your project is essential.
  • Design a Schema:
    • A schema is the structure of the database.
    • It defines the tables, fields, and draws a relationship between them.
    • Designing a good schema requires careful consideration of the information that will be stored and the queries that will be run against it.
  • Create the Database:
    • Once the schema has been designed, the database can be created.
    • This involves running the appropriate SQL commands to create the tables and fields.
  • Load the Data:
    • Now you have to load the raw information into the database.
    • This can be accomplished manually or through the automation of scripts.
    • If the information is stored in a flat file, it may need to be converted into the appropriate format before it can be loaded.
  • Test the Database:
    • After the information has been loaded, its important to test the database to make sure that it works as expected.

Data holds immense potential to drive growth, have informed decision-making, and improve the lives of individuals and societies alike. When leveraged correctly, it empowers organizations and individuals to make informed decisions and drive progress.

About the Author

Principal Data Scientist

Meet Akash, a Principal Data Scientist who worked as a Supply Chain professional with expertise in demand planning, inventory management, and network optimization. With a master’s degree from IIT Kanpur, his areas of interest include machine learning and operations research.