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What is a Job Portal? Types, Working, and Benefits

What is a Job Portal? Types, Working, and Benefits

These magical websites bring job seekers and employers together. Employers can get the right employee, and job seekers can get the perfect job they were looking for without hustle. Let’s explore job portals more and get to know about their types, workings, and the benefits they serve to both the employer and employee. 

What is a Job Portal?

A job portal is a website where people who need jobs can find jobs and companies looking for job seekers can find the perfect employees. It serves as a medium where job seekers can create profiles, upload resumes, and search for job openings across various industries and locations. Employers, on the other hand, can post job vacancies, review applicant profiles, and conduct the initial stages of the hiring process through the portal. 

A well-known job portal is LinkedIn. It lets professionals show what they’re good at, connect with others in their field, and check out job listings from companies. It’s a big platform for making work connections and finding jobs.

Types of Job Portals

There are different types of job portals. We have mentioned some of them along with an example of each:

General Job Portals:

General job portals are websites where you can find lots of different job listings from many companies and industries. They’re like a one-stop shop for job hunting. You can look for jobs that match what you’re interested in, and companies can post their job openings there too. 

Some well-known examples of these websites are Indeed, Glassdoor, and CareerBuilder. They help you find job opportunities and provide tips for things like writing resumes and preparing for interviews.

Industry-specific Job Portals

Industry-specific job portals are websites that help people find jobs in a specific type of work, like technology or art. These websites are like special job search engines for one type of job. 

For example, if you’re really into computers and tech stuff, you might use a website called Dice to find tech-related jobs. Or if you’re into creative things like drawing or designing, you could use Behance to find jobs in those areas. These websites make it easier to find jobs that match your interests and skills in a particular field.

Government Job Portals

Government job portals are websites where you can find jobs that are in the government, like working for the police, schools, or other public organizations. These websites help you search for government jobs and tell you what you need to apply for. 

For example, in India, there’s a website called “Naukri.com – Government Jobs” that helps you find jobs in the government. It’s like a special website just for government jobs. It lists different jobs you can do for the Indian government, like working in schools or offices.

Another important website is the one run by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), which is for really important government jobs. These websites make it easier to find and apply for government jobs in India.

Internship Job Portals

Internship job portals are websites where students and recent graduates can find short-term work experiences to learn and practice what they’ve studied. These experiences are called internships. These websites connect students with companies that offer these learning opportunities. It’s like a special place to find temporary jobs that help you learn and prepare for your future career. 

For example, websites like InternMatch and Internships.com have lots of these internships listed. They show you what the internships involve and how long they last, so you can choose the best fit for you. These websites are really helpful for starting your career journey.

Freelance Writing Job Portals

A freelance writing job portal is like a website where people who are good at writing can find jobs to write for others. These websites have projects from different people or companies that need writing help, like making articles or content. Writers can pick the projects they like, and clients can choose the writers they want. 

Websites like Upwork and Freelancer are some of the most renowned examples. They make it easy for writers to find work and for clients to get writing done by experts.

Non-Profit Job Portals

Nonprofit job portals are websites where people can find jobs to work for organizations that want to do good things for the community, environment, or society. These websites list job openings like helping with programs, fundraising, and community projects. If you care about making a positive difference, these websites can help you find jobs that match your interests. 

For example, Idealist is a website where you can find these kinds of jobs. It’s like a special place to find work that helps others.

Remote Job Portals

Remote job portals are websites where you can find jobs that let you work from home or anywhere else you want. These websites list jobs that don’t require you to go to an office every day. You can work using your computer and the Internet. If you don’t like commuting or need to be at home for some reason, these websites can help you find jobs that let you work from a distance. 

For instance, We Work Remotely and Remote.co are websites where you can find these types of jobs. They’re like special websites for jobs that you can do from anywhere.

University Job Portals

University job portals are websites run by schools where students and graduates can find jobs and internships. These websites help students connect what they’ve learned in school to real jobs. 

For instance, Handshake is a common one. It’s like a special website where students can find jobs that fit with what they studied. It’s a way for students to start their careers after school.

Unlock well-paying government jobs after your MBA in 2023 with this quick guide on roles and salaries.

How to Use a Job Portal

Wondering how to use job portals? We’ve got you covered here:

How to use a job portal

Find the Right Job Portal

Look for job websites that fit well with your company or the type of job you’re offering. While big job boards can be useful for finding a wide range of candidates, sometimes it’s better to find websites that focus on specific groups. There are job portals that are made for certain industries or types of people. 

For instance, some portals are specifically for IT and design jobs, others are for women, people who work from home, or those in particular countries. So, try to find the right portals that match your job role, company, or position.


You need to sign up for websites where you can post job listings for hiring people. To do this, HR managers and recruiters must create an account. Some sites might allow you to provide a personal account to represent your company or a single account for the whole company. When creating this account, you’ll likely have to provide your name, company name, email, phone number, or other company-related details.

Job Posting

Once you’ve made your account, you can put up your first job advertisement. The button to create a job posting might look different on different websites, but usually, you’ll find something like a plus (+) sign or a button that says “create job posting” on your account or home page. This is where you provide details about the job you want to fill for your company.

You’ll need to share information like a short description of the job, basic facts about the company, the number of years of experience needed, education requirements, any papers needed, and things the job requires physically and mentally. Making this information clear on the job website is important so that the right people who are a good fit for the job can understand it well.

Put the Right Keywords in the Job Posting

When you create job ads, use the right words that people might use when looking for those jobs. Not everyone checks all the job websites you post on, so using common and fitting words for job titles can make your ads show up in internet searches too. This can help more people see your job ads and apply. For instance, if you’re hiring for an IT job at your company, use words that describe that role, like “cloud software” or “network engineer” in the job ad.

Job Description

Once you’ve introduced the main job responsibilities at the beginning of the ad, you can use another part of the ad to explain the tasks in more detail. A good job description isn’t just about sharing basic facts. You can also make it sound friendly and use words that fit the job.

In the job description, you should definitely include:

  • The exact job title
  • Where the job is (or if it can be done from home)
  • What qualifications are preferred (like special certificates, licenses, or experience)
  • A clear summary of what the job involves
  • Any extra benefits or good things about the job
  • Which people need to apply and how they should do it

Crosscheck your Job Posting and Put it on the Portal

You’re allowed to make as many job ads as your company requires. Once you’ve put them out there, you can either wait for people to apply or look at resumes on the website. Each job posting has its own spot where all the job applications are kept. This makes it simple to find and look at people who might be right for the job. You can usually get in touch with these people or ask for more info directly through the website. If you find good candidates, you can begin the hiring process from there.

Key Features of Job Portals 

Let us look at some of the features of job portals:


Although English is commonly known as a worldwide language, many people applying for jobs come from different backgrounds. If a job website is available in various languages, it becomes more user-friendly and accessible. It’s much simpler for applicants to use a website in their own language, so it’s a good idea to consider the main nationalities and languages of your users. Make sure to include these language choices on your website.

Job Alerts

Job seekers have the option to subscribe to job alerts, which means they will get notifications about new jobs that match what they’re looking for. This is an excellent method to stay well-informed about the most recent job opportunities that become available. It’s like having a handy tool to keep you updated on all the latest job openings that suit your preferences and qualifications.

Resume Builder

A resume builder is a helpful tool designed for people who are looking for jobs. It assists them in making their own resumes in a way that suits them. This is especially useful for those who might not be very certain about how to put together a resume or for those who want to make sure that their resume has all the newest information. In essence, a resume builder is there to make the process of creating a resume easier and more personalized for each job seeker.

Social Media Integration 

Social media integration means that job websites can work with social platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter. This feature lets people looking for jobs connect with both employers and other folks who are also searching for jobs through social media. It’s like having a bridge between job websites and social networks, making it easier for job seekers to interact with potential employers and other people in the job-hunting community. This way, you can expand your connections and make the most out of both job websites and social media to find great job opportunities.

Live Chat Support

Live chat support is a helpful platform that lets people looking for jobs talk to customer support staff in real-time using messages. It’s a really easy and quick way to get assistance if you’re facing any issues or have questions. Instead of waiting for emails or making phone calls, you can just type your questions and get answers right away through live chat. This way, you can sort out any problems you’re having while using the job website without any hassles.

User Friendly Interface

At the top of the list of important things for a job, a website has a user-friendly interface. When you’re making a job website for your hiring team, remember that not everyone is super skilled with technology. So, make sure the design of your website is straightforward and easy to move around in. By making this a priority, you’ll be helping your hiring managers handle information smoothly, which will make them better at what they do.

8 Best Job Portal Examples

For those seeking jobs in India or wanting to hire for their company, here are the best online job portals to be aware of.

Best Job portal examples
  • Naukri.com is a popular website where people can look for jobs and companies can find employees. It started in 1997 and has become one of India’s main job websites. It helps job seekers find jobs and also lets companies share information about themselves. Overall, Naukri.com has made it easier for people to find jobs and for companies to hire new workers.
    Website link: Click here
  • Indeed.com is a well-known website that helps people search for jobs. It’s a platform where job seekers can find various job listings from different companies and industries. Established as a job search engine, Indeed simplifies the process of job hunting by gathering job openings from all over and providing them in one place. It has become a valuable resource for those looking for employment opportunities.
    Website Link: Click Here
  • Glassdoor is a website where people share what it’s like to work for different companies. You can read about company reviews, salaries, and even interview experiences. It helps job seekers know more about where they might want to work and what they can expect there. 
    Website Link: Click Here
  • TimesJobs.com is a website where you can search for jobs and career opportunities. It’s a platform where job seekers can find various job listings from different industries and companies. It’s designed to help people find the right job for their skills and interests, making the job search process easier. TimesJobs.com is a useful tool for those looking to explore job options and take steps toward their career goals.
    Website Link: Click Here
  • Shine.com is an online platform that assists people in finding jobs and career opportunities. It offers a variety of job listings from different companies and industries, helping job seekers discover suitable positions. Shine.com is designed to simplify the job search process and connect individuals with potential employers. It serves as a helpful resource for those seeking new job prospects and aiming to advance their careers.
    Website Link: Click Here
  • JobsForHer is a website that helps women find jobs after taking a break. It connects them with companies that value diversity and provide job listings and support. It’s a great way for women to restart their careers and find new job opportunities.
    Website Link: Click Here
  • Hirect is a website that companies use to hire new people. It makes the hiring process easier by helping with job postings and managing applications from job seekers. It’s like a helper for finding the right people to join a company.
    Website: Click Here
  • Freshersworld.com is a website for new graduates to find their first jobs. It has job listings and internships for people who are just starting their careers. It helps beginners find the right opportunities to begin working.
    Website Link: Click Here

Benefits of Using Job Portals for Employers

Here, we’ve outlined some advantages for recruiters aiming to promote job openings for their respective companies:

  • Target Search: On job portals, employers can describe exactly what kind of person they are looking for to fill a job. This helps them find people who have the right skills, experience, and qualifications for the job. This focused way of looking for candidates makes it more likely to find the right person for the job quickly.
  • Easy Resume Filtration: Using job portals, you can easily find the right people for the job by using filters. These filters help you find resumes of people who have the exact skills and experiences you need. You don’t have to go through lots of resumes one by one. The filters remove resumes that don’t match what you’re looking for, so you can quickly find the best person for the job.
  • Easy to Choose Candidates: When you’re trying to find the right people for your company, using a job portal can help you do that easily. It helps you pick the best person for the job. This way, you’ll have a list of applicants who have the skills, accomplishments, and experience you’re looking for.
  • Promoting the Company’s name: Using job portals can help you make your company look better. When someone looking for a job, checks out opportunities, they will first look at your company’s information. They’ll want to know about your work culture, environment, and chances for career growth. Using a job portal can create a good impression of your company.

Benefits of Using Job Portals for Job Seekers

We’ve put together a list of benefits that job seekers can take full advantage of while using job portals:

  • Increasing Job Opportunities: Job portals provide many different job options from the best companies. This means you have a better chance of finding the job you want, no matter where or how you’re looking.
  • It’s Convenient: Using these portals, you can apply for a job easily. Instead of going to the company’s location, you can send your resume online. Once you’ve applied, you can just wait for the company to respond.
  • Get Regular Notifications: A good job portal sends you regular notifications about new job openings. This helps you not miss any opportunities for your desired job and gets your career going. It also lets you find more job options to make better choices.
  • Time-Saving: Online job portals allow job seekers to filter and search for specific job roles, industries, locations, and other criteria. This helps save time by focusing on the most relevant opportunities.

Future of Job Portals

Job portals are getting bigger, and by 2027, they could be worth US$18.2 billion globally. Technology like AI is making it easier to find the right jobs, and personal recommendations are helping people find jobs that match their skills. Social media is also becoming important for job hunting, with many employers using it to find candidates. 

In the future, things like virtual reality could help us try out jobs before we actually start. This is all based on stats that show most employers use online job sites, people spend around 10 hours a week looking for jobs online, and a lot of us use social media to find jobs. The virtual reality and augmented reality markets are also expected to be worth US$800 billion by 2024, which could change the dynamics of how we search for possible job opportunities.


In conclusion, job portals act as online middlemen, connecting job seekers and employers seamlessly. They simplify job hunting and candidate search for companies. However, it’s wise to mix traditional networking with these platforms. Moving forward, job portals will continue to evolve, but finding a balance between technology and personal connections is key.

A Quick Guide to FAQs

How do I apply for a job on a job portal?

To apply for a job on a job portal, you will need to create a profile and submit your resume. You may also be asked to answer some questions or take a skills test.

How do I search for jobs on a job portal?

To search for jobs on a job portal, you can use the search bar to enter keywords related to the job you are looking for. You can also use the filters to narrow down your search by industry, location, salary, and other criteria.

How do I get noticed by employers on a job portal?

To get noticed by employers on a job portal, make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date. Highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the jobs you are applying for. And be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for.

Do I need to pay to use job portals?

Many job portals offer basic services for free, such as searching and applying for jobs. However, some portals may offer premium services, like resume visibility or advanced search features, for a fee.

Are job portals secure?

Reputable job portals take security seriously and implement measures to protect user data. However, it’s important to be cautious and avoid sharing sensitive personal information with unknown entities.

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About the Author

Senior UI Developer

Atif Khan, a seasoned Senior UI Developer with 7+ years of experience, excels in crafting captivating digital experiences. He is proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and he transforms complex requirements into user-friendly interfaces while staying updated with industry trends to deliver innovative solutions.