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Difference between IGBT and MOSFET: Powering Up Electric Vehicles

Difference between IGBT and MOSFET: Powering Up Electric Vehicles

In the fast-evolving world of electric vehicles, understanding the differences between IGBTs and MOSFETs is similar to knowing your car’s engine inside out. The functionality and effectiveness of EVs depend heavily on these electronic components. In this blog, we’ll break down complicated concepts and show how IGBTs and MOSFETs are influencing the world of electric vehicles.

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What is IGBT in Electric Vehicle?

What is IGBT in Electric Vehicle

IGBTs, also known as Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors, are crucial components in the exciting world of electric vehicles (EVs). It is a semiconductor component that is essential to electric mobility and represents more than simply a technical phrase.

IGBT serves as a link between the conventional bipolar transistor and the modern MOSFET (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) in the context of electric vehicles (EVs). Its unique structure combines the best of both worlds, making it well-suited for high-voltage and high-current applications, which are crucial in the automotive industry.

The power semiconductors in EVs are powered by IGBTs. A unique feature of them is their quick transition between the “on” and “off” states. This quick switching capacity is essential for effectively converting and managing electrical energy, which is a crucial need for electric cars.

IGBTs silently work to ensure smooth power management, whether you’re speeding down the highway, recovering energy while braking, or charging your EV at a charging station.

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What is MOSFET in Electric Vehicle?

What is MOSFET in Electric Vehicle

A crucial role in the field of electronics is played by MOSFETs, also known as Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors. Combining the advantages of the MOSFET and the bipolar transistor, it functions as a compact but powerful switch.

A gate, source, and drain are the three main components of a MOSFET. A control panel-like device, the gate, decides whether electrical current can move from the source to the drain. The key to this device’s magic is voltage, and by changing the voltage connected to the gate, you may either allow or restrict current flow.

In the area of EVs, MOSFETs stand out due to their high energy efficiency. An insulating oxide layer isolates the transistor’s gate from the rest of the device when no voltage is supplied. MOSFETs are essential in the search for effective and environmentally friendly electric transportation because of this design feature, which ensures that avoidable energy losses are reduced.

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Difference Between IGBT and MOSFET

Difference Between IGBT and MOSFET

Understanding the major differences between IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) is essential for anyone exploring the world of electric vehicles as the electric vehicle (EV) revolution gains speed.

AspectIGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)
TypeHybrid semiconductor device combining MOSFET and bipolar transistor characteristicsSemiconductor device based on field-effect transistor (FET)
StructureConsists of a MOSFET input section and a bipolar transistor output section, tailored for efficient power handling in EVsComprises gate, source, and drain terminals, and is also optimized for various electronic applications in EVs as well as other industries 
Voltage ControlControlled by the voltage applied to the gate relative to the emitter (positive voltage for turning on), enabling precise control in EV propulsion systemsControlled by voltage applied to the gate relative to the source (positive voltage for N-channel, negative voltage for P-channel to turn on), offering versatility in EV applications
Current Handling CapabilityIGBTs are suitable for high-voltage and high-current applications, making them the go-to choice for electric vehicle drives and power invertersSuitable for low to moderate voltage and current applications within the EV’s control and management systems
Switching SpeedAlthough generally slower compared to MOSFETs, IGBTs are well-suited for the specific needs of EV power electronics Faster switching speeds in MOSFETs are ideal for high-frequency applications, such as voltage regulation in EVss
EfficiencyModerate efficiency with a voltage drop in the bipolar section; suitable for high-power EV applicationsHigh efficiency with minimal conduction losses, makes MOSFETs an energy-efficient choice for various EV control circuits
CostIGBTs are typically more cost-effective in high-power EV applications, contributing to affordability in electric vehicle technologyMOSFET costs may vary depending on specifications and applications within the EV’s control and management systems
Thermal ManagementDemands efficient cooling and heat sinks in high-power EV applications to ensure optimal performance and reliabilityRequires less extensive cooling systems due to lower heat generation, contributing to enhanced reliability in EV control circuits

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Workings of IGBT and MOSFET

Understanding the complex workings of IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) is crucial in the powered world of electric vehicles (EVs). Let’s study the semiconductor components at the core of electric vehicle technology to see how they will drive future eco-friendly transportation.

How does an IGBT Work in Electric Vehicle?

How Does an IGBT Work in Electric Vehicle

IGBTs’ (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors’) performance is crucial for the operation of electric vehicles (EVs), which are considered to be more environmentally friendly forms of transportation. Let’s explore IGBTs’ functionality step by step to get a better understanding of how they function in the context of electric vehicles.

  • Gate Control in EV Propulsion: The gate, which acts as the control center for power management, is at the center of an IGBT in an EV. We may produce an electric field that either permits or prohibits the flow of current between the collector and emitter by supplying a regulated voltage to the gate.
  • Core Bipolar Transistor: The IGBT contains a bipolar transistor core that was created specifically to handle high current and voltage levels. This core performs the function of a reliable switch, taking on the duty of controlling power flow inside the electric vehicle.
  • Precision Control with MOSFET Driver: The IGBT can be precisely controlled by the gate driver, which is a MOSFET-based component encircling the bipolar transistor core. The IGBT can be switched ‘on,’ allowing current to flow from the collector to the emitter, or ‘off,’ stopping current flow, by adjusting the gate voltage.
  • Enhanced Safety through Isolation: The IGBT’s name’s ‘Insulated’ component draws attention to the electrical segregation between its gate control and power-carrying components. By preventing gate voltage from interfering with the main current channel, this isolation helps keep electric car systems safe and in control.

Learn more about What is an Electric Vehicle in our detailed blog.

How does an MOSFET Work in Electric Vehicle?

How does an MOSFET Work in Electric Vehicle

Understanding the inner workings of a MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) in the context of electric vehicles (EVs) is like gaining access to the hidden mechanisms of EV technology. Let’s simplify it:

  • Gate Voltage Control: The gate, source, and drain are the MOSFET’s three primary components. Consider the gate to be the conductor that controls the movement of electrical current. The voltage applied to the gate can be changed to precisely control how much current flows between the source and drain. More current can flow through a gate with a higher gate voltage than it can with a lower gate voltage.
  • Energy-Efficient Barrier: An essential component of MOSFETs—an oxide layer separating the transistor’s gate from the rest of it—gives them their high energy efficiency. When no voltage is provided, this layer acts as a barrier to isolate the gate. In electric car applications, this isolation reduces wasteful energy losses and improves MOSFET efficiency.

Two Variants of MOSFETs 

MOSFETs come in various types to cater to different requirements, such as N-channel MOSFETs and P-channel MOSFETs.

N-Channel MOSFET (NMOS):

N-Channel MOSFET
  • Symbol: An N-channel MOSFET is commonly represented by the following symbol: NMOS Symbol
  • Operation: In an N-channel MOSFET, creating a channel by applying a positive voltage to the gate in relation to the source enables current to flow from the drain to the source by attracting electrons from the source into the channel.
  • Switching: A positive voltage, commonly 5V or 12V, is provided to the gate of an N-channel MOSFET to turn it on. Applying 0V (ground) or a negative voltage to the gate will turn it off.
  • Common Use: In low-side switching scenarios, where the source is connected to the source terminal and the load to the drain terminal, N-channel MOSFETs are frequently used.

P-Channel MOSFET (PMOS):

P-Channel MOSFET
  • Symbol: A P-channel MOSFET is typically represented by the following symbol, which is PMOS symbol.
  • Operation: A P-channel MOSFET can be made to have a channel by applying a negative voltage to the gate with respect to the source. This negative voltage forces electrons out of the channel, allowing current to flow from the source to the drain.
  • Switching: A P-channel MOSFET is turned on by applying a negative voltage to the gate, and it is turned off by applying a positive voltage to the gate, typically the same value as the power supply.
  • Common Applications: In high-side switching applications, where the source terminal is connected to the power supply voltage and the drain is connected to the load, P-channel MOSFETs are widely used.

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Other Applications of IGBT and MOSFET in Electric Vehicles

IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) are essential components of electric vehicles, but they also have a wide range of applications outside of the automotive industry. Let’s explore the numerous applications of these semiconductor technologies to learn how they influence various aspects of our modern environment.

Other Applications of IGBT

Due to their unique characteristics, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) are widely used in a variety of industries. Let’s look at some of the major uses where IGBTs are essential:

  1. Motor Drives: IGBTs are the workhorses behind variable-speed motor drives in industrial settings. They are crucial components of devices like conveyor belts, elevators, and industrial robots because they enable precise control of motor speed and torque.
  2. Power Inverters: For systems using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, inverters are essential components. IGBTs make it possible to transform DC (direct current) power from solar panels or batteries into AC (alternating current) power for use in residences and businesses.
  3. Induction Heating: IGBTs are utilized in induction heating systems for forging, brazing, and hardening metal. They produce AC currents with a high frequency that cause heat to be generated in conductive materials, resulting in efficient and precise heating processes.
  4. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS): IGBTs improve UPS system performance by quickly switching between electrical supply and battery backup during power outages, ensuring that important devices continue to receive power.
  5. Electric Vehicles (EVs): The power electronics of electric vehicles are centered on IGBTs. They regulate the electricity flow between the electric motor and the battery, allowing for smooth acceleration and regenerative braking.
  6. Medical Equipment:  IGBTs are employed in medical equipment like X-ray generators and MRI machines because they require accurate electrical power regulation for patient safety.
  7. Audio Amplifiers: IGBTs are frequently used in high-end audio amplifiers due to their capacity to handle large power levels without distortion and produce loud, clear sound.

Other Applications of MOSFET

Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect Transistors, or MOSFETs, are adaptable semiconductor components that are used in a variety of electronic applications. Let’s look at some of the main applications for MOSFETs:

  1. Switching Circuits: MOSFETs function like electronic switches, precisely turning electrical circuits on and off. They are crucial for the binary world of “0s” and “1s” that powers our electronics, including digital logic gates, microcontrollers, and computers.
  2. Amplification: In audio amplifiers and signal processing circuits, MOSFETs can boost weak electronic signals into more powerful ones, improving sound quality and signal integrity.
  3. Voltage Regulation: MOSFETs are used in voltage regulators to provide stable, well-regulated power to electronic equipment. This is essential for safeguarding delicate components and ensuring consistent performance.
  4. Power Supplies: They are essential in switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), effectively converting and managing electrical energy. Everything from high-end desktop computers to phone chargers depends on this.
  5. LED Lighting: LED (light-emitting diode) lighting systems are driven by MOSFETs, which offer fine control over brightness and color in everything from small light bulbs to gigantic displays.
  6. Battery Protection: MOSFETs help keep batteries safe and increase their lifespan by preventing overcharging and over-discharging in portable gadgets and electric vehicles.
  7. Wireless Communication: They are essential for RF (radio frequency) transmitters and amplifiers, which enable wireless communication in gadgets like Wi-Fi routers and smartphones.

Interested to know about an electric vehicles, check out our blog on Future of Electric vehicles in India!


Understanding the distinctions between IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) and MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) can be crucial in the world of electric vehicles (EVs). Think of it like choosing the right tool for a job. With this straightforward knowledge, you are now better prepared to explore the world of EV electronics. You are equipped with the information to choose the best semiconductor for the task, whether you are driving down the road in your electric car or inventing the next great advancement in EV technology. Here’s to a dazzling and exciting future for electric vehicles!

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