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What is Amazon EKS?

What is Amazon EKS?

Running containerized applications in the cloud through Kubernetes on AWS has become increasingly popular. With AWS’s variety of services and tools, deploying, managing, and scaling Kubernetes applications becomes a straightforward process. This pairing not only provides a versatile foundation for container workloads but also effortlessly blends with AWS’s wide range of services, guaranteeing a hassle-free and effective deployment experience.

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What is Kubernetes on AWS?

Kubernetes, often known as K8s, is an open-source platform for orchestrating containers and streamlining the deployment, scalability, and administration of applications packaged in containers. Meanwhile, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands out as a prominent cloud service provider, providing a comprehensive array of infrastructure and platform services customized to host applications in the cloud environment.

When Kubernetes is used on AWS, it can make use of the power and flexibility of the AWS ecosystem to enhance container management capabilities further. This collaboration enables organizations to efficiently deploy and manage containerized workloads on a reliable and scalable cloud infrastructure, simplifying the process of building and running applications at scale.

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Features of Kubernetes on AWS

Kubernetes on AWS combines the flexibility and power of Kubernetes with the robust infrastructure and services of AWS, making it a popular choice for organizations looking to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in the cloud.

Following are some of the features of Kubernetes on AWS:

  • Elastic Scalability- AWS provides auto-scaling capabilities that seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes, allowing clusters to adjust the number of nodes based on workload demand automatically.
  • Managed Kubernetes Service- AWS offers Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), a fully managed Kubernetes service. This reduces the operational overhead of managing Kubernetes control plane components.
  • High Availability- AWS ensures high availability by distributing Kubernetes master components across multiple Availability Zones, minimizing the risk of downtime.
  • Integration with AWS Services- Kubernetes on AWS easily integrates with various AWS services like Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda, simplifying application development and enhancing functionality.
  • Security- AWS provides robust security features, including Identity and Access Management (IAM), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and AWS Security Groups, to secure Kubernetes clusters and workloads.
  • Container Registry- AWS offers Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for storing and managing container images securely, integrating seamlessly with Kubernetes deployments.
  • Storage Options- Kubernetes on AWS offers versatile storage solutions like Amazon EBS and Amazon EFS, ensuring persistent storage for containerized applications and facilitating data management and scalability in the cloud environment.

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Ways to Run Kubernetes on AWS

There are several ways to run Kubernetes on AWS, depending on your requirements and preferences. Here are three common ways to run Kubernetes on AWS:

  1. Manual Kubernetes Installation on Amazon EC2 Machines-
    This approach involves manually setting up and configuring Kubernetes on Amazon EC2 instances. While it offers more flexibility and control over your Kubernetes cluster, it also requires more effort and expertise in managing the infrastructure.

Here are the steps typically involved in this process of running Kubernetes AWS:

  • Provision EC2 Instances- Create Amazon EC2 instances to serve as your Kubernetes nodes. You must select an appropriate instance type and configure security groups and networking.
  • Install Kubernetes Components- Manually install Kubernetes components, including the control plane components such as etcd, kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler and worker node components like kubelet and kube-proxy on the EC2 instances.
  • Networking Configuration- Set up networking components, like a CNI (Container Networking Interface) plugin, to enable pod-to-pod communication within the cluster.
  • Cluster Configuration- Configure your cluster, including creating a kubeconfig file for cluster access, defining worker node labels, and setting up RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).
  • Cluster Add-ons- Install additional tools and add-ons as needed, such as a container runtime (e.g., Docker), monitoring (e.g., Prometheus), and logging (e.g., Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana).
  • Load Balancing- Set up an AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) or other load balancing solution to distribute traffic to your Kubernetes nodes.
  • Scaling and Maintenance- Implement scaling mechanisms, backup strategies, and regular maintenance tasks to ensure the reliability and performance of your Kubernetes cluster.

Note- This method provides maximum control but requires more operational overhead and expertise in managing Kubernetes infrastructure.

  1. Running Kubernetes with Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS):
    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service provided by AWS. It simplifies the process of running and managing Kubernetes clusters on AWS infrastructure. 

Here are the steps on how you can run Kubernetes with the Elastic Kubernetes Service:

  • Cluster Creation- Create a Kubernetes cluster with a few clicks or by using AWS CloudFormation templates. EKS takes care of provisioning and managing the control plane for you.
  • Node Groups- Create node groups, which are managed EC2 instances, to run your workloads. EKS can automatically scale node groups based on demand.
  • Integration- EKS integrates seamlessly with AWS IAM for access control, Amazon VPC for networking, and AWS CloudTrail for auditing.
  • Upgrades- EKS handles Kubernetes version upgrades and patches for the control plane, simplifying maintenance.
  • Addon Support- EKS supports popular Kubernetes add-ons and tools like Helm, Istio, and Prometheus.

Note- EKS offers a managed and hassle-free Kubernetes experience, making it a great choice for organizations focusing on their applications rather than Kubernetes infrastructure management.

  1. Using Qovery for Kubernetes Deployment on AWS:
    Qovery is a platform that simplifies application deployment on AWS and other cloud providers, including Kubernetes. 

Below are the steps on how you can use Qovery for Kubernetes deployment on AWS:

  • Application Definition- Define your application and its components, including Docker containers, in a Qovery configuration file.
  • Connect to AWS- Connect your Qovery account to your AWS account and configure the necessary AWS resources, like RDS databases or S3 buckets.
  • Deployment- Use Qovery to deploy your application to Kubernetes clusters managed by AWS. Qovery handles the deployment, scaling, and management of your application on AWS infrastructure.
  • Monitoring and Scaling- Qovery provides monitoring and scaling capabilities to ensure your application runs smoothly on Kubernetes.

Note- Qovery abstracts much of the complexity of Kubernetes deployment on AWS, making it accessible to developers who may not have deep Kubernetes expertise.

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Compare the Installation Processes of Kubernetes on AWS

Here is a comparison of the installation processes for Kubernetes on AWS using the three different ways that we discussed above:

AspectsManual EC2 InstallationEKSQovery
Ease of SetupModerate to ComplexSimpleSimple
Infrastructure ManagementManualManaged by AWSManaged by Qovery
Control and CustomizationHigh (full control)Moderate (some abstractions)Low (more abstracted)
Application Deployment ProcessManual DeploymentContainer DeploymentSimplified Application Config
UpdatesYou are responsible for manually updating the Kubernetes binaries, control plane, and add-ons.EKS automatically updates the Kubernetes control plane and add-ons. You can manually update the Kubernetes binaries on the worker nodes.Qovery automatically updates the Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes.
Cluster ScalingManually by adding or removing EC2 instancesAutomatically by configuring EKS Auto ScalingAutomatically by configuring Qovery Auto Scaling

Benefits of Running Kubernetes on AWS

Running Kubernetes on AWS offers numerous advantages that make it an effective choice for organizations deploying containerized applications.

Here are some key reasons why running Kubernetes on AWS is beneficial:

  • Scalability- AWS provides a vast array of scalable compute resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), which allow you to scale your Kubernetes applications easily. Whether you need to handle increased traffic or expand your infrastructure, AWS offers the flexibility to grow and shrink your cluster as required.
  • Reliability- AWS is renowned for its high availability and reliability. Running Kubernetes on AWS means utilizing the robust infrastructure and data centers AWS has built worldwide. AWS also offers features like auto-scaling and load balancing, which enhance the reliability of your Kubernetes applications.
  • Cost-effectiveness- AWS offers various pricing options, including on-demand, reserved instances, and spot instances. This flexibility lets you optimize costs according to your application’s requirements and budget. You only pay for the resources you use, which can lead to cost savings compared to traditional infrastructure.
  • Community Support- Kubernetes is an open-source project with a vibrant and active community. Running Kubernetes on AWS means you can tap into this vast ecosystem of resources, including documentation, forums, and community-contributed tools and plugins. 

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Is Kubernetes Free on AWS?

No, Kubernetes is not free on AWS. Kubernetes is an open-source platform that allows you to run containerized applications without any changes to your operational tools. But managing it on your own can be intricate and potentially costly, given the resources required. 

While AWS presents a managed Kubernetes solution called Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), it simplifies the Kubernetes deployment on AWS by managing the control plane for you. But EKS doesn’t fall under the AWS Free Tier. For every EKS cluster setup, there’s a charge of $0.10 per hour, plus the associated costs for EC2 or Fargate nodes.

Although Kubernetes isn’t free on AWS, if you’re a newcomer to the platform, other cloud providers like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) might offer Kubernetes services within their free tiers.

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Kubernetes on AWS offers a robust platform for deploying containerized applications enriched by AWS-specific features. Multiple methods exist to run Kubernetes on AWS, each with its installation nuances. Leveraging AWS’s infrastructure, users enjoy enhanced scalability, reliability, and integration benefits. However, while Kubernetes is open-source, AWS’s managed solution, Amazon EKS, isn’t free but offers various pricing choices. With its smooth integration and robust community support, Kubernetes on AWS is a promising choice for businesses seeking a potent container management solution in the cloud.

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About the Author

Technical Lead - AWS Solutions Architect

Shivanshu is a Technical Lead and AWS Solutions Architect passionate about utilizing Cloud technology to empower businesses. Proficient in AWS, Terraform, and GCP, he crafts innovative solutions to propel companies forward. As an enthusiastic writer, he shares his expertise to inspire others in this field.
