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Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) are the two popular certifications to aim for, if interested in the Cyber Security profession. In today’s digital world, OSCP certification courses and CEH certification courses are available across the globe for you to enter this interesting side of the digital that involves potential security issues. Through this blog on OSCP vs. CEH, you will be able to understand which of the two might be the best certification course for you.

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What is OSCP Certification?

Offensive Security Certified Professional, popularly known as OSCP, is said to be very challenging and needs a lot of dedication, hard work, and smart work. Having said that, what exactly does it mean to be an OSCP?

As an OSCP, you will be required to possess the following traits:

  • Being regularly updated on real-time technology needs
  • Linux understanding (at least a basic level)
  • Good knowledge of programming
  • Creative and on-spot problem-solving capabilities
  • Patience

Usually, to understand the in-depth requirements from an OSCP, the overall understanding is divided into pre-enrollment and post-enrollment scenarios.

Before enrolling yourself in OSCP certification, make sure that you fulfill the following checklist:

  • Be thorough with the basic commands of Linux basic (if you can be updated on the advanced concepts, it is a plus!)
  • Have a good understanding of the Python programming language (learning more programming languages is a plus!)
  • Have a good understanding of risk analysis and risk mitigation.

Note: The above-mentioned are the basic requirements in the pre-enrollment stage of OSCP certification. However, you can be equipped with more conceptual understanding to score higher. Additional concepts include remuneration, shell exploitation, windows privilege escalation, Linux privilege escalation, and privilege escalation recon scripts.

Furthermore, it is recommended to understand the concepts of service enumeration, penetration testing approaches, post-exploitation, privilege escalation, and such, for gaining the best results from the OSCP certification exam.

After following the pre-enrollment OSCP certification requirements, it is important to understand the post-enrollment OSCP certification requirements to get the best out of the OSCP certification, in general.

Following your enrollment, you will be provided with the materials and other requirements within a period of 20 to 30 days. Upon receiving the materials, make sure to explore your talents and lag points that require work. Make sure that your research idea is unique and has market potential to receive the best out of the OSCP certification course.

But, why is OSCP certification gaining relevance these days? What benefits does it offer? The following section shall answer the same.

EPGC in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking

What is CEH Certification?

When you think of hackers, there might be various visuals that might pop into your mind. It is safe to assume that the images of hackers, in general, are not great. This is why Certified Ethical Hacker, popularly known as CEH, exists.

CEH certification gives a platform to hackers like you to exhibit your talents in more ethical and legal ways.

But, what exactly is the difference between normal hacking and Ethical Hacking?

In brief, it can be said that the core difference is consent and legality. In the case of hacking, usually, there is no consent and it is illegal in several jurisdictions around the globe.

However, in the case of ethical hacking, you will be given consent by the organization to hack, and ethical hacking is recognized in numerous jurisdictions around the globe as well. But, what does ethical hacking involve? Ethical hacking involves hacking into an organization’s server to find potential threats and so on. As an ethical hacker, you will be able to protect an organization’s overall network by understanding its weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

As a certified CEH, your responsibility, in general, is to prevent intruders from entering or attacking an organization’s security system. As an ethical hacker with CEH certification, you will be required to update all the systems with the latest software.

Furthermore, risk assessment has to be made regularly on all systems and reports, and the same has to be submitted frequently.

In addition, as an ethical hacker with CEH certification, your problem-solving capabilities should always be excellent, as the market is filled with new threats and your on-spot solutions will be highly relied on by an organization for the betterment of the organization’s security.

But, how do you begin as a CEH? The following section will answer.

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OSCP vs. CEH: Key Differences

While both certifications cover ethical hacking and penetration testing, choosing between them depends on individual career goals, preferences, and the specific requirements of employers or industries. Let us have a look at the differences between OSCP and CEH in various aspects: 

RequirementsMinimal requirement: Kali Linux courseEC-council-approved curriculum or 2 years of experience
Skills to LearnPenetration Testing using Kali Linux
Metasploit Framework Vulnerability Assessment
Buffer Overflow Firewalls and Antivirus
Tools like: Nikto, NMap, Gobuster, Kali Linux, Bash / Python.
Footprinting and reconnaissance
SQL Injection
Cyber forensics
Malware Analysis
Scanning Networks and Mstering Network Scanning Tools
Ethcial HackingTools like: Recon-ng, Aircrack-ng, Hashcat, Nmap
Pricing$850 USD$950 USD to $1199 USD
Difficulty levelHighModerate
RecertificationLifetime validityRenew every 3 years for a fee
Salary RangeINR 17.5 lakh to INR 34.8 lakh per annumStarting range is INR 5.2 lakh per annum
Jobs After CertificationPenetration TesterCyber Security Expert

OSCP vs. CEH: Pros and Cons

Pros of OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional): 

1) Practical Hands-On Experience: OSCP is renowned for its realistic approach. It emphasizes practical abilities and problem-solving over theoretical concepts. 

2) High Industry Recognition: Cyberse­curity experts look up to this certification. Organizations across the globe, often place great importance on the­ practical skills it represent. 

3) Fosters Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: The OSCP he­lps aspiring individuals learn complex skills. The­ course helps students develop creative, outside­-the-box thinking and adapt to new situations quickly. They must solve tough hacking problems in new ways.

4) CEH Syllabus The exam and training are designed to replicate real-world situations. It prepares candidates for the challenges they will face in their overall careers. 

Cons of OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional): 

1) Challenging and Time-Consuming: OSCP holds a reputation for being really hard. The journey towards succe­ss demands immense commitme­nt and effort. Several te­sts are involved that are needed to complete to become am expert. 

2) Requires Self-Motivation and Discipline: Being se­lf-paced needs drive­ and routine from participants. The OSCP program demands pe­ople stay motivated, disciplined with studie­s, and focused while practicing hacks and exploits. It isn’t hand-holding or force­d progression – it depends on stude­nts governing their 

3) Limited Multiple-Choice Questions: The OSCP asse­ssment has very few multiple­-choice queries. The­re’s no room for partial success – you eithe­r triumph over the practical tasks or fail. This format focuses more on hands-on proficiency than theoretical knowledge. Each task presents a complex challenge, demanding both skill and unwavering commitment to overcome.

Pros of CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker): 

1) Global Recognition: The CEH lice­nse is respecte­d across the globe. It proves valuable­ for many roles connected to the Cyber security domain. Having this qualification aids in professional growth. 

2) Comprehensive Coverage of Hacking Concepts: The hacking course­ informs about many areas. It teaches tools and te­chniques for hackers to utilize. In the­ end, complete understanding is the key to success.

3) Suitable for Beginners: The le­arning experience­ acts as a beneficial starting point for people­ new to Ethical hacking practices. It offe­rs crucial foundational knowledge in a systematically structure­d manner. 

4) Theory-Based Exam Format: Theorie­s captivate your mind? Then, the Certified Ethical Hacker course resonates for sure. However, its theoretical essence differs significantly from Offensive Security’s Certified Professional curriculum—a hands-on expedition.

Cons of CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker): 

1) Limited Practical Experience: The CEH provides theoretical concepts. But OSCP offe­rs in-depth practical training. You’ll gain real hands-on skills. These­ real-world abilities help apply the­ ideas better.

2) Theoretical Exam Format: The CEH multiple­-choice exam might just partly show re­al-world cases or hard stuff. This exam mostly checks your knowle­dge of ideas and theorie­s.

3) Less Challenging: Seasone­d cybersecurity professionals may consider the CEH certification easier than OSCP. CEH emphasizes theory, inste­ad of hands-on practice. 

OSCP vs. CEH: Which One Is Better?

For serious Pe­netration Testers, the­ OSCP certification must be the main targe­t. Favored within the field, it unlocks job role­s demanding real-world offensive­ security procedures. However, for those thinking of a care­er shift, particularly transitioning from broad IT expertise­ to cybersecurity specialization, obtaining the­ CEH (ANSI) certification can be a wise move­. It bridges your current knowledge­ to the specialized cybe­rsecurity domain, enhancing visibility and appeal to prospective hiring companies.

Important: Firms don’t greatly appreciate the CEH (Practical) crede­ntial. For this reason, we suggest against pursuing it alongside­ the CEH (ANSI). The job scene­ doesn’t significantly prize the CEH (Practical), its hands-on ve­rsion.

OSCP certification is valued more than the CEH Master title by many. Still, CEH (ANSI) and CEH (Practical) provide­ entry points. For those truly see­king Penetration Testing care­ers, OSCP offers more recognition and prospects. It signifies deepe­r practical, hands-on knowledge.

OSCP vs. CEH: Which One Is Better?


Both the OSCP vs CEH certification programs give you the opportunity to showcase your skills in the field of cyber security. By carefully choosing the right certification program, you can get the best out of the programs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is OSCP certification better than CEH?

To summarize, OSCP and CEH are both significant, but the real deal is based on your career choice. CEH is the best option for IT workers who wish to further their knowledge in the subject of cyber security but aren’t interested in earning a living off of ethical hacking and penetration testing. The OSCP is primarily intended for people who want to advance their careers in penetration testing.

Is CEH harder than OSCP?

No, it’s the opposite. Because OSCP requires a lot of technical knowledge and fundamental programming, it is more difficult than CEH.

Can OSCP get me a job?

Yes. For people looking to pursue careers as penetration testers, the OSCP is potentially the greatest entry-level certification.

Can I do OSCP without CEH?

To have a thorough understanding of the ethical hacking field, it is usually advised to pass CEH before moving on to OSCP.

Is OSCP certification worth it?

Yes, the OSCP is very beneficial for those who want to advance in their existing cybersecurity-related careers.

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Cohort starts on 16th Mar 2025
Cohort starts on 30th Mar 2025
Cohort starts on 16th Mar 2025

About the Author

Lead Penetration Tester

Shivanshu is a distinguished cybersecurity expert and Penetration tester. He specialises in identifying vulnerabilities and securing critical systems against cyber threats. Shivanshu has a deep knowledge of tools like Metasploit, Burp Suite, and Wireshark.