Blockchain Tutorial

Blockchain Tutorial for Blockchain Developers

According to new research by CoinDesk, the development of blockchain technology will continue to grow exponentially in the following years. The demand to learn blockchain as a technology would also increase even more among freshmen and blockchain enthusiasts.

In addition, Blockchain will find its way and venture into advanced applications of almost every vertical and its horizontals. Owing to these developments in the Blockchain landscape, there will be a plethora of job openings after you become a Blockchain Developer. As a matter of fact, the median annual salary of a Blockchain Developer is around US$106,680.

Check out this Blockchain video by Intellipaat:

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‘Blockchain technology isn’t just a more efficient way to settle securities. It will fundamentally change market structures and maybe even the architecture of the Internet itself.’

This statement by Abigail Johnson, CEO of Fidelity Investments, speaks volumes about the potential of Blockchain as a disruptive technology.

You might have come across the term ‘Blockchain technology’ before, in reference to cryptocurrency. The term might seem abstract with little real meaning on the surface; nonetheless, without Blockchain, digital currencies would not exist. If you are new to cryptocurrencies, and Blockchain technology, read this guide on the Blockchain basics and set yourself in the direction of a blissful and lucrative career.

As an attempt to familiarize you with every nook and corner of the Blockchain space, we at Intellipaat have prepared this Blockchain tutorial. This tutorial will give you an introduction to Blockchain and subsequently pave the way for you to take up a high-paying Blockchain Developer job role. As you navigate through the modules of this Blockchain tutorial, you will get to learn about Blockchain basics, Blockchain architecture, Blockchain Developer, leading Blockchain companies, working principles of Blockchain, Blockchain applications, types of Blockchain, and certain of its real-time use cases.

Also, we will shed light on certain concepts and the applicability of Blockchain technology. By the time you reach the end of this Blockchain tutorial, not only will you comprehensively understand how Blockchain networks work in real-time but also garner comprehensive insights about how you can pace your career with the evolution of Blockchain technology.
We can guarantee that if you pay your undivided attention while skimming through this Blockchain tutorial, you will learn all that is needed to master Blockchain within a few weeks.

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Why Blockchain?

As we have seen, there is absolutely no central control, no national boundary, and no specific owner in Blockchain. Its security is powered by sophisticated cryptographic processes performed by p2p users, through a process known as Bitcoin mining.

Here are some of the reasons why we need to embrace Blockchain technology. Many applications in our daily life are going to be part of the future of Blockchain technology.



It is impossible for anyone to tamper with transactions or ledger records present in Blockchain.

Worldwide Adaptation

Blockchain has been adopted worldwide and has the backing of many investors from both the banking and non-banking sectors.

Blockchain masters program

Automated Operations

In Blockchain networks, operations are fully automated through software implications. Private companies are not needed to oversee the operations.

Open-source Technology

Blockchain happens to be an open-source technology. All operations within a Blockchain network are carried out by the open-source community.

Distributed Architecture

Blockchain works in a distributed mode in which records are stored in all nodes in the network. If one node goes down, it doesn’t impact the other nodes or records.


The Blockchain network can be programmed using basic programming concepts. This flexibility makes Blockchain networks easy to operate.

Learn What Blockchain Can Do

Blockchain is a digital ledger that keeps a record of all transactions taking place in a peer-to-peer network. All information transferred via Blockchain is encrypted and every occurrence is recorded, meaning that the information cannot be altered. As a decentralized network, Blockchain networks do not require any central or certifying authority. For this reason, these networks can be relied upon for much more than the transfer of currency; in fact, contracts, records, and other kinds of data can be shared across the Blockchain network. Encrypted information can be shared across multiple providers without risking a privacy breach.

Blockchain has gained immense popularity, because of these attributes:

  • Blockchain networks are distributed ledgers on the Internet
  • Each action is visible to everyone; only adding lines is possible and that too after consensus
  • ‘Peer to peer’: No third party is required in order to carry out transactions
  • Secured by unbreakable cryptographic hashing in blockchain


Individuals including software professionals and graduates who want to build a career around the Blockchain network or those who want to learn the precepts of Blockchain as a whole are most welcome to this Intellipaat Blockchain tutorial.

Prerequisites for Blockchain Tutorial

  • Familiarity with scripting languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Enthusiasm to grow with the fast-paced evolution of Blockchain

Discover blockchain’s full potential with our comprehensive collection of cheat sheets, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques in one convenient guide!

  1. Solidity Cheat Sheet
  2. Ethereum Cheat Sheet
Frequently Asked Questions
What programming language is used for Blockchain?
How Blockchain works step by step?

Whenever a blockchain is introduced to a new blockchain transaction or any new block is to be added to the blockchain, in general, numerous nodes within the same blockchain implementation are required to execute algorithms to evaluate, verify and process the history of the blockchain block. If most of the nodes authenticate the history and signature of the block, the new block of blockchain transaction is accepted into the ledger and the new block containing data is added to the blockchain.

How do I get started with Blockchain?

To get started with blockchain, you can understand Merkle and hash trees. This tutorial covers the basics of blockchain in a comprehensive manner. We also have a YouTube video on Blockchain tutorial that can help you enhance your understanding of the subject.

If you want to learn blockchain from experts, you can enroll with us for our Blockchain Training!

What is Blockchain beginner?

This tutorial is a beginner’s guide for all those who want to pursue a career in the field of blockchain.

What is Blockchain in simple words?

In simple terms, the Blockchain ledger is digital, distributed and decentralized. As the name suggests, blockchain is nothing but a linear chain of blocks that holds information of transactions taking place over the web. Every block contains data in the form of coding that is organized in a chronological manner.

Can blockchain be hacked?

Blockchain networks are undoubtedly the most secure form of technology we have presently, but it won’t be far from now when some hacker will eventually find his/her way through our so-called secured blockchain. A lot of research is being done to curb the broken ends that exist in the blockchain world today.

Does blockchain require coding?

Coding is a necessity for blockchain developers. One cannot develop secure blockchain applications without knowing how to code.

Our Blockchain Courses Duration and Fees

Program Name
Start Date
Cohort starts on 13th Apr 2025
Cohort starts on 6th Apr 2025
Cohort starts on 20th Apr 2025

About the Author

Technical Lead - Blockchain and Cyber Security Professional

Arpit is a Technical Lead in blockchain and cyber security. He has 5+ years of experience helping companies secure their applications via ethical hacking practices and has helped many fintech companies set up their blockchain implementations. In his free time, he provides training on cybersecurity and related domains.