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Digital Marketing Examples to Prepare a Successful Campaign Strategy

Digital Marketing Examples to Prepare a Successful Campaign Strategy

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What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing has become a huge trend around the world. Large brands have been investing majorly in digital marketing campaigns. Marketing of products and services using digital technologies, such as social media, the internet, mobile phones, etc., is known as digital marketing. A large part of digital marketing depends on studying how people relate to each other over the internet, creating online content, and handling digital channels.

Digital marketing brings together the internet and technology to help companies analyze, and collect data related to customer behavior and engagement. This enables companies to bring out more customized content for a defined target audience to increase engagement, and eventually, sales.

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Digital Marketing Examples

Digital Marketing Assets are the tools that are used online. Let us take a look at some examples of digital marketing assets:

Social Media Profiles

Digital Marketing Examples


Digital Marketing Examples Websites

Video and Image Content

Video and Image Content

Blog Posts and E-books

Blog Posts and E-books Digital Marketing Examples

Reviews and Customer Testimonials

Reviews and Customer Testimonials

Branded Logos, Images, and Icons

Digital Marketing Examples

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Digital Marketing Examples According To Types

Let us take a look at some types of Digital Marketing skills along with some Digital Marketing Examples:


It is a collection of techniques and digital marketing strategies to increase your visibility to online users. SEO focuses on improving the technical aspects as well as the quality of the content. Technical aspects include site code, page loading speed, and mobile responsiveness. SEO also emphasizes incorporating the right keyword(s) in the content. You can use various SEO tools to optimize and rank your content. This will increase the traffic to your site.

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The SEO process, which is not as simple as it seems, for any company, can be summarized into five stepsR.O.C.K.E.T.


Complete research on the company, the website, the competitors, and the industry has to be done at this step.


This is the stage of making changes to the website, from fixing bugs and solving the websites technical issues to helping the website reach the number one position in search engines.


Creative and quality content that engages and influences your customers can generate leads. Such content is created at this step.

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This is the backbone of the SEO process. Proper industry-based research on keywords and proper implementation of various strategies can bring in traffic.

Earn Support

Always connect social media accounts to your website. It will add to a higher position in search engines.


Secure the best possible results with continuous testing of the website. It is better to rely on SEO experts to plan, execute, and implement SEO strategies.

Preparing for an SEO Interview! Check out our SEO Interview Questions.


PPC stands for pay-per-click. It is a technique in which a commercial is published on a search engine and the advertiser pays the publisher or the search engine only when the commercial is clicked on by a user.

The amount that has to be paid to the search engine = Number of clicks * Bid value. Let us take a look at an example strategy.

Suppose there are Company A and Company B. Company A bids for 10 and Company B bids for 20. The advertisements of both companies, Advertisement A and Advertisement B, are published based on Ad Rank. Advertisement A got 50 clicks and Advertisement B got 10 clicks, now Company A has to pay the search engine 50*10, i.e., 500 and Company B has to pay the search engine 20*10, i.e., 200. So, the objective here is to reduce the bid value and increase the clicks. The Ad Rank is calculated by the following equation:

Equation for calculating ad rank in Digital Marketing

But how does Google reduce thousands of brands to a select few? The answer is Ad Rank. Ad Rank is calculated by using the above equation. Quality Score is Googles way of rating the user experience given by advertisements and landing pages.

The better your rank is, the better will be the position of your advertisement. This technique quickly generates leads and revenue for the business. PPC also ensures the presence of your website in search results.

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The significance of PPC becomes relevant because it displays advertisements at the top so that they can be seen first by the viewers. People generally retain the first piece of information; PPC tries to ensure that your brand name is retained in peoples memory.

Example of PPC ad in Google

These brands have worked on their PPC marketing very well in order to ensure their presence in the search engine results for the given keyword.

Example of PPC ad in google

You can also see that clicking these advertisements will direct the user to the brands respective pages, which will further complement the intention of the searcher successfully, creating a potential customer out of a visitor.

Are you wondering how much the salary of people working in PPC analysis is? Explore more about the salaries of PPC analysts here.

Check out the Top 10 Google Ranking Factors. That Will Improve Your SEO!

Social Media Marketing

More than half of the worlds population today uses social media. So, naturally, it is a great platform to communicate with a large part of the population. Never underestimate the power of Social Media Marketing in lead generation and increasing traffic. Public profiles can be created on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Paid commercials can effectively target potential customers.

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Example of social media marketing
Example of social media marketing

When was the last time you came across a sponsored advertisement on social media? Do the above examples seem familiar to you? Being able to reach the emotional side of your target audience is the greatest strength of social media.

Read our blog on how to create a social media content strategy!


A website is the leading light of any business. So, it is very important for a website to have a user-friendly interface for the business to be successful. A website should be captivating and easy on the eye.

Even though it is said to not judge a book by its cover, most customers will judge and have the first impression of your company by taking a peek at the companys website. So, it is important to have an attractive and engaging website that convinces visitors to make purchasing decisions.

Example of website

Everyone prefers easy-to-use informative and attractive websites, like the one given above, that add to the aesthetic pleasure of the viewers. These types of websites can create an impact on anyone instantly. Neatly organized pieces of information in an appealing website can win hearts quickly.

Curious to know the Top 60 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for 2023?

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the doorway to the heart of every customer. Keeping the leads busy on the website with quality content will always get you a higher rank. Quality content conveys information about the product in the most engaging way and lets visitors step up to the next phase of conversion to being customers.

Thoughtful content can be in the form of e-books, videos, audio blogs or podcasts, images, or even social media posts. The uniqueness and creativity of your content will decide the popularity of your brand. User-generated content is always the best for creating brand loyalty.

The following is an example of a famous Digital Marketing Strategy. Now let’s see a Coca-Cola Digital Marketing Campaign Example. Coca-Cola ran a campaign, where the bottles of the soft drink could be personalized by adding peoples names to them, which was very well received.

Content Marketing Strategy example

Here, what was marketed by Coca-Cola was not the soft drink but the element of personalization. It was a wonderful psychological tactic that promoted the product and simultaneously added to the customers happiness.

Use this step-by-step guide to develop a Content Marketing Strategy to connect with potential customers.

E-Mail Marketing

Email marketing seems silly at first because people think it is mostly ignored, but the numbers tell a different story.

66 percent of the consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message. Women click on emails 10 percent more often than men. For every one dollar spent on email marketing, there is an average return on investment of $44. So, it is always worthwhile to have a calculated budget for email marketing.

Emails are an important tool to stay in the minds of the customers, and it is also a professional mode of communication with them. So, if you do not have time for sending out emails, at least have them automated. Emails are also a great way to offer a personalized experience to the customers. Companies that top the email marketing game always offer discounts through emails. Bright-colored short and simple emails with precise information always do the trick.

Have a look at how to create successful email marketing strategies.

Influencer Marketing

The Influencer marketing industry was approximately worth $13.8 billion in 2021, and it has now overtaken print advertising. Paid promotions with influencers or public figures tend to have a greater impact than most paid advertisements. With influencer marketing, you can get direct access to an individuals following or audience. Influencer marketing is really valuable as it creates relationships with customers that are direct and organic.

Read our blog to know how to start a career in Digital Marketing!

Online PR

Public relations have changed dramatically in recent years. There was a time when companies had to rely on big media outlets to give them some exposure. But today, digital marketing provides companies with numerous opportunities to be seen by journalists.

One of your customers, for example, could use your product or service and then write about it on their social media account(s). This provides free marketing to your company. There is a potential that this might be picked up by a big media outlet and that would increase your companys exposure and sales.

Read: SEO vs SEM

E-commerce Marketing

Predictably, a lot of e-commerce platforms use e-commerce marketing to drive traffic to their platforms. It helps in engaging customers and increasing sales.
A strategy used by Amazon is a great example of e-commerce marketing. Whenever you buy something from Amazon, they send you a thank-you email. They keep sending regular emails with similar items that might be of interest to you. All of this is done to drive traffic to the platform.

E-commerce Marketing

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Inbound Marketing

Have you noticed that a lot of these marketing strategies seem to overlap? It is true for inbound marketing as well. Inbound marketing revolves around attracting potential customers to come and interact with you.

Outbound marketing is when you run advertisements and make cold calls. Inbound marketing is based on permissions and does not intrude on your audience.

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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing involves profit being shared between the company and the affiliate who is promoting the companys product. The affiliate shares the product with their audience. If anyone from that audience buys the product, a part of the revenue generated goes to the affiliate.

Basically, you do not have to pay anything to the affiliate. They only get paid if someone buys the product from their link. While influencers demand upfront payment, affiliates do not need to be paid by the company at all and they help you broaden your reach.

Also, check out our blog on Digital Marketing Funnel!

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing includes a few of the marketing strategies that have already been discussed. Mobile marketing includes emails, text messages, push notifications, social media, and mobile apps. It is predicted that by 2024, there will be over 292 mobile phone users. Mobile phones are so common that it benefits companies to optimize their marketing strategies for mobiles.

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing helps companies by generating interest in their brands with content that spreads quickly from one person to another. The strategy behind viral marketing is to make such appealing content that audiences will want to share the same.

Social media is the breeding ground for viral marketing due to its obvious impact and influence on society. You can take the example of Instagram Reels, where content creators make short videos and they are shared by users in large numbers because they find them interesting, fun, or compelling.

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Pillars of Digital Marketing

There are three pillars of digital marketing:

  • User Journey
  • Digital Channels
  • Creatives and Content
Pillars of Digital Marketing

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User Journey

The user journey is the first pillar of digital marketing. It involves a users encounter with your brand and their subsequent interaction with your brand across all the different channels. These interactions shape the users perception of your brand.

The user journey starts with the user first being aware of your brand. This is followed by the consideration phase where the user is evaluating their decision while also considering other brands. The third phase is when the user is ready to make the purchase.

The final phase of the user journey is when the customer recommends the brand to others.

The user would interact with your brand on various media channels through creatives and content. The goal is to turn a potential customer into a customer.

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Digital Channels

Digital channels are the second pillar of digital marketing. Digital channels are the mediums that a company uses to communicate with its consumers.

In digital marketing, digital channels are where your consumers get to know about your brand and everything offered by it. This generates consumer traffic.

There are various digital channels such as email, social media, organic search, paid search, etc.

Creatives and Content

Creatives and content are the third pillars of digital marketing. It includes all the content that you put out on the digital channels. Your consumers interact with the creatives and the content.

Creatives can come in the form of ad banners, text ads, video ads, etc., while content can come in the form of blogs, explainer videos, infographics, etc.

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Components of a Digital Marketing Strategy

A Digital Marketing Strategy is a plan that you make to achieve your marketing objectives. Let us take a look at some of the main components of a good digital marketing strategy:

Defining the Brand

You have to use the brand guidelines to help define your brand keeping in mind the USPs of your product.

Developing Customer Personas

You need to use analytics to develop different personas for your customers. You need to understand all the information that helps in driving people to choose your product.

Developing S.M.A.R.T. Goals and KPIs

Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.) goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) help you to be focused on the objectives. You can set goals such as generating 30 percent more leads from the contact in the next six months.

Identifying Target Markets

You need to use market research tools to identify your potential target markets.

Performing Competitive Analysis

You need to use various web and social analytics tools to analyze your competitors and conduct a SWOT analysis.

Managing and Allocating Resources Appropriately to Achieve Desired Objectives

You need to manage your resources, including employees and budget, appropriately to achieve desired results.

Reviewing and Optimizing Campaign Performance

You need to use digital marketing analytics tools to measure, track, and report your performance.

Why is Digital Marketing the Need of the Future?

Digital marketing is definitely the need of the future as it boasts a lot of features that are missing in traditional marketing methods. Let us take a look at some of the features of digital marketing:

Trackable and Measurable

It is very easy to measure how effective your digital marketing strategies are by using various tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and Google Data Studio.

Data can be collected over time with digital analytics. This helps companies understand their customers betterwhat engages them and what does not.

Read: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Efficiency in Optimization

With the onset of digital marketing, its now possible to buy ad spaces on websites and mobile apps. This gives companies live reviews within hours. It helps digital marketers optimize the ads and the content that is being put out to increase customer engagement.

Broad and Targeted Reach

A lot of the digital marketing channels let you target your ads to a specific audience segmented by demographics, interests, etc. You can also re-target your ads to specific audiences who seem interested in a similar product or service.

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The analysis of these Digital Marketing examples shows the inevitability of these techniques in any business. This blog is a comprehensive introduction to Digital Marketing its types and examples. These are just a few Digital Marketing examples.

Just like any other technology, digital marketing is evolving and growing rapidly. So, any company wanting to expand should not ignore the advantages of digital marketing; it is a field that has immense possibilities and is only going to grow in the coming future. Due to this significant increase, the demand for PPC, SEM, and SEO careers is also gaining popularity.

Course Schedule

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Digital Marketing Course 26 Oct 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Digital Marketing Course 02 Nov 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Digital Marketing Course 09 Nov 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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About the Author

Content Team Lead- Digital Marketing

As a professional Content Team Lead in Digital Marketing, Shailesh Bhagat brings over 8 years of dynamic experience in the Edtech sector. With 5 years of team leadership and 2 years of specialized SEO expertise, he excels at executing comprehensive Digital Marketing strategies. A proven track record showcases Shailesh’s adeptness at managing diverse content teams.